Primary school

St Mary's RC Primary School

Opening hours

Monday - 9am to 3pm
Tuesday - 9am to 3pm
Wednesday - 9am to 3pm
Thursday - 9am to 3pm
Friday - 9am to 3pm

Catchment area

Not applicable


St Mary's Primary has been on its present site since 1936. It is a traditional style school built around a quadrangle.

There’s a large hall with a stage area for assembly, gym lessons and religious services. There’s also a library/computer suite, dining area, meeting room, ELF room and multi-purpose room.

St Mary’s Primary School is a denominational Roman Catholic school. Children who are baptised as Roman Catholic must provide evidence of baptism at point of enrolling into the school.

Non-denominational children may also attend St Mary’s Primary School by way of Placing Request. Children should be enrolled at their catchment school before a Placing Request is submitted.

Park Drive Nursery School is located at the school. View Park Drive Nursery. Bannockburn Nursery is located a short distance from the school. View Bannockburn Nursery.

Download the Handbook.


Park Drive
