Bus Service C60: Callander and Killin via Kilmahog, Strathyre and Lochearnhead

C60 Bus Photo

Bus service C60 timetable will be changing from Friday 28 March 2025.

Route and Timetable 

The C60 operates between Callander and Killin via Kilmahog, Strathyre and Lochearnhead. 

It operates Monday to Saturday, with four return trips per day. It doesn't operate on a Sunday, 1 and 2 January and 25 and 26 December.

The S60 Saturday bus service will continue unchanged.


Single and return fares are available. National Entitlement Cards (under 22, over 60 and disabled) will all be accepted. For full details you can download the fares below.

You can pay by cash and contactless debit and credit cards.  We also accept ApplePay. We accept all major cards except American Express.