Roadside parking in Stirling
From Monday to Saturday between 8.45am and 5.30pm, parking times may be limited or chargeable in Stirling city centre and Dunblane town centre.
If you live within these controlled zones, you can apply for a parking permit.
Resident's parking permits
A resident's parking permit costs £95 a year. It lets you park in ‘residents only’ and ‘pay and display’ parking bays for an unlimited time at no extra charge.
The permit doesn’t guarantee a parking space, or allow you to park in any other areas, including loading bays, bus stops, taxi ranks, disabled spaces, doctor spaces or on yellow lines.
Apply for a resident's parking permit
The form tells you what other documents we need to support your application.
Email your completed form to When we get it, we’ll contact you to arrange payment.
Alternatively, you can post your form along with your cheque and supporting documents to Customer First, 1-5 Port Street, Stirling, FK8 2EJ. Or you can pop in to our Customer First office in Stirling city centre.