The first formal stage in creating the new LDP was completed following the approval of the Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement at the last meeting of Council in June.
This document sets out the timetable for preparing the Plan and how and when consultations will take place with communities over the coming years.
The next stage is the preparation of an Evidence Report, which will provide the foundations of the new LDP by gathering data and information on issues such as housing, infrastructure and health needs.
A key part of this process is asking the people across the Stirling area for their views, with surveys for children and young people, and businesses and organisations also included.
This public feedback from the online surveys will also inform a new Local Transport Strategy (LTS), a blueprint for how the Council will improve all aspects of transport and access across Stirling.
Impact on all of us
Stirling Council Leader, Cllr Chris Kane said: “Stirling’s new Local Development Plan will impact on us all so it’s really important everyone has their say to ensure the Plan meets the needs of the people who live and work here.
“From building new homes, roads, schools, parks and other community facilities, to protecting our natural environment and supporting business space and sustainable economic growth, the LDP will guide decisions on all future developments in the area.
“Please fill out the quick survey and share your views so we can ensure Stirling’s new LDP meets the needs of our communities in the future, including transport needs.”
What is a local development plan?
A local development plan is an official planning document that sets out policies and proposals for development and the management and use of land and helps to ensure it is used in the long-term interests of the public.
It helps the Council guide developments to the most appropriate locations, and makes sure our built and natural environment is protected and sets out how we will provide new or improved community facilities, including roads, schools and parks
All Scottish local authorities must have a local development plan. Stirling Council adopted its current one in October 2018.
The new LDP will support and guide change and development within the Stirling Council area (with the exception of the area covered by Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Planning Authority).
The Evidence Report for the new LDP must be approved by Council before it’s published and submitted to Scottish Minister for assessment. The Council intends to adopt its new LDP in December 2027.
To take part in the surveys, please visit the Engage Stirling website. More information on the preparation of the next LDP can be found here.