Children from the school put on an afternoon and evening performance on 23 March to a packed audience who turned out to hear their community story.
The fast-moving show highlighted moments from the village’s fascinating past, including the Roman era, the historical feud between the Leckies of Gargunnock and the Grahams of Menteith, and composer Frederic Chopin’s visit to Gargunnock House.
The show was the culmination of all pupils learning about ‘The Great Gargunnock Story’ as a creative way to explore the history of the village.
Headteacher of Gargunnock Primary School, Gillian Orr said: "The children really enjoyed performing to a large audience and we were delighted that many members from the community without children at the school took the time to come along to support us!"
Children and Young People Convener, Cllr Danny Gibson said: “The shows put on by the pupils at Gargunnock Primary School were a fitting tribute to the history of the local community.
“The pupils clearly threw themselves into the shows with relish in a fun and positive way of learning about the history of the area they live in. Everybody who had a part to play in bringing this production to life excelled themselves.”
Sound for the show was provided by Sam Yoffe.