How we support fair trade

What is fair trade?

Fair trade is an international movement about:

  • improving trading practices
  • guaranteeing a better deal for disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries

Creating these kinds of improved trading practices involves:

  • entering into long-term trading relationships
  • agreeing on stable prices for producers
  • giving developing businesses support so their workers can gain skills

What's the difference between fair trade and Fairtrade?

'Fair trade', written as two separate words, means the general movement to improve practices and give disadvantaged people a better deal.

'Fairtrade', written as a single word, is a specific trademark that's linked to a way of certifying products. This trademark is:

  • owned by an association of labelling groups
  • licensed, in the UK, by a non-profit organisation called the Fairtrade Foundation

The purpose of the Fairtrade mark and certification is to:

  • promote fair trading
  • assure customers that specific standards were met during production

What we're doing

Stirling Council first passed a motion in support of Fairtrade in March 2004. This action, combined with the work of the Fair Trade Stirling group, led to us receiving Fairtrade City status later that year.

In October 2012, the Council passed a further motion about expanding its support for Fair Trade Stirling. As a result of this, the whole Council area was awarded Fairtrade Zone status in 2013.

Within Council buildings, all beverages available in our staff canteens and the Councillors' Lounge are Fairtrade.

Find out more

Fair Trade Stirling

Fair Trade Stirling is a voluntary organisation. It works with various bodies, including Stirling Council, to promote Fairtrade and fairly traded goods.

Visit the Fair Trade Stirling website

Scottish Fair Trade Forum

The Scottish Fair Trade Forum works to:

  • support Scotland to remain a Fair Trade Nation
  • embed the principles of fair trade in all aspects of Scottish society

Fairtrade Foundation

The Fairtrade Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation that works to:

  • grow demand for Fairtrade products
  • help producers to sell to traders and retailers

Visit the Fairtrade Foundation website