Robin Kleinman
Conservative, Dunblane and Bridge of Allan
Over a lifetime of employment I have had three main careers. Firstly a career in Royal Mail management followed by a career in operational and strategic HR management and finally an academic career researching and teaching HR and business management for various academic institutions.
I am a Chartered Fellow (FCIPD) of the CIPD with Post Graduate Degree qualifications in HR Management, Employment Law (LLM), Teaching Further Education (TQFE) and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).
I have lived and worked in various parts of the UK and abroad, my wife and I have now been settled in Bridge of Allan for the last ten years.
After many years of work experience in business in all three sectors (private, public and non-profit) I decided some months ago that it was time for a fresh (and final) challenge. Always having an interest in local issues impacting on my local community the opportunity to move into local politics came along at the appropriate time in my life.
Hence, I now look forward to carrying out my new role as Councillor for Ward 3, Dunblane & Bridge of Allan.
Councillor Kleiman is a Bailie.
Registered interests
Lecturer/Tutor for North East Scotland College, Aberdeen
Related Undertakings
Director of Active Stirling
Member to the Local Review Body Panel
Member to the Education Appeals Panel
Contracts with the Authority
Election Expenses
To follow
Houses, Land and Buildings
Owner of a residential property within the Stirling Council area.
Interest in Shares and Securities
Gifts and Hospitality
8 June 2023 - Scottish Parliament, Hospitality Lunch provided for Councillor Kleinman and plus one - value £40
Non-Financial Interests
Friends of Bridge of Allan: Committee Member
The Newfoundland Club: Member
Stirling & Clackmannanshire Conservative Unionist Party: Member
Education Appeals Panel
Trustee of the Allan Centre, Bridge of Allan
External Organisations
Telephone: 01786 233129
Email address: kleinmanr@stirling.gov.uk
Old Viewforth
Pitt Terrace