Current vacancies

Current Vacancies within the Council - keep checking back as the vacancies are updated regularly.

We list all of our jobs on myjobscotland. When looking at Stirling Council vacancies on My Job Scotland, you will notice a “click here to apply link” on each vacancy which will take you to Oracle, our new recruitment site. Once on Oracle you will be able to set up an account and apply directly from there.


Our vision is for employment and training to be available and accessible to everyone in the Stirling area. We offer advice and information to help you train or get a job. You may find our translating and interpreting services useful too. Stirling Council is an equal opportunities employer. 

Career advice

We offer excellent employment and training initiatives, to help Stirling's economy grow and continue to provide job opportunities for everyone.

You can find careers advice at our Job Centres or through opportunities such as Employability.