Stirling Council uses a variety of social media outlets, which we invite and encourage the public to like and follow us on.
Stirling Council uses a variety of social media outlets, which we invite and encourage the public to like and follow us on.
The Council itself, as opposed to its political administration, must be politically neutral in its communications. Therefore, please do not use any of our pages to promote party political messages or other content.
This is a particularly sensitive issue in the run-up to an election - local, Scottish, general or European - and we need to be mindful of how content may be perceived (regardless of what was intended). The Council will remove any comments that, in its view, may compromise its obligation to maintain political neutrality.
We reserve the right to remove any comments, contributions or block users that break the rules or guidelines of our social media channels below.
We ask you not to post messages that are deemed to be any of the following:
We ask that you do not swear. We ask that comments be civil, tasteful and relevant.
We ask that you do not post content copied from elsewhere, for which you do not own the copyright.
We ask that you do not post the same or similar messages more than once (also known as "spamming").
We ask that you do not publicise your, or anyone else's, personal information, such as contact details - address, telephone numbers etc.
We ask that you do not advertise your own or other products or services.
We ask that you do not pretend to be someone else.