Freedom of Information (FOI) requests

Openness and transparency in the public sector

Freedom of Information (FOI) gives citizens access to information about the organisations they deal with every day. FOI delivers openness and transparency in the public sector and applies to all Scottish public authorities, including Stirling Council.

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives any person or organisation the right of access to all types of recorded information of any age held by public authorities.

There are some conditions and exemptions, but generally, anyone who asks Stirling Council for information will be entitled to receive it.

FOI and personal data

FOI does not replace existing access to information legislation. In particular, your right to see what personal data a public authority holds about you is still governed by the Data Protection Act 2018.

Nor does it allow you access to information that would breach any other legislation. For example, you may not get access to personal data about other people.

This process is regulated by an independent Scottish Information Commissioner to promote and enforce freedom of information in Scotland.

Making a request for information

You can submit an FOI request by email or by post. Include your full name in your email or letter.



Records and Information Governance Team
Stirling Council

You can ask the council to review it's decision by replying to the response you receive, or email us at If you’re still not satisfied, you can appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner. Their contact details are:

The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9ND

Tel: 01334 464610