Find out how Stirling Council uses personal data by checking the Council’s website at the following address:
Our website contains a Register of Data Processing which lists all the different ways
in which the Council uses personal data.
This Privacy Notice provides more information about just one of those processes.
The Council has a Data Protection Officer to make sure it is complying with data protection laws.
They can be contacted at:
Data Protection Officer
Stirling Council
Old Viewforth
14-20 Pitt Terrace
Telephone: 01786 404040
We receive information to allow us to process an application for a Crisis Grant or Community Care Grant for people in crisis or moving/sustaining a tenancy.
The fund helps people in Crisis or can provide goods to allow customers to remain/ move into their tenancy.
The applicant’s name, address, date of birth, children, disability, immigration status, employment status, bank information other financial information.
Health (physical or mental).
Racial or ethnic origin.
Data relating to criminal convictions and offences.
GDPR Article (6)(e) - processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
Third Party organisations such as Citizens Advice, Advice Agencies, Housing Associations, internal Housing Departments, Landlords.
Information may be requested from Social Security Scotland in order to support an individual’s disability benefit entitlement. We may also receive information directly from the DWP or HMRC.
From different parts of the Council – collected for the purpose of processing an award.
Information from other agencies is received through many different channels, this can be e-mails, letters or posted through Royal Mail. They also complete the online application on behalf of customers.
Kept in paper and electronic format.
Applications are kept for 6 years from the end of the financial year, then destroyed.
You have the following rights under data protection laws. If you have a request under any of these rights, you can make a subject access request.
If you want to complain about or comment on how we have processed your personal information, you should email
If you are still unhappy with how the council handled your complaint, you can contact the UK Information Commissioner's Office at:
The Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Phone: 0303 123 1113
You can find further information on the Information Commissioners Office website.