Find out how Stirling Council uses personal data by checking the Council’s website at the following address:
Our website contains a Register of Data Processing which lists all the different ways
in which the Council uses personal data.
This Privacy Notice provides more information about just one of those processes.
The Council has a Data Protection Officer to make sure it is complying with data protection laws.
They can be contacted at:
Data Protection Officer
Stirling Council
Old Viewforth
14-20 Pitt Terrace
Telephone: 01786 404040
Stirling Council needs to collect, store, use, share and dispose of personal data in order to deliver services as a local authority.
Stirling Council collects information about children and families to provide an Educational Psychology Service.
The Council is legally required to provide an Educational Psychology Service under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, with the service providing statutory functions.
This Privacy Notice tells you why the Educational Psychology Service needs to collect data and what we do with it.
We obtain personal data when our service is contacted in order to provide advice & consultation, assessment, training, research or intervention.
We will ensure that a parent/carer’s verbal consent has been gained when our service is contacted. For a child of 12 years or over, verbal consent should also be gained, if the child has the capacity to provide this.
Schools and early years’ provisions are the main group who request assistance from our service however we do have requests from other partners and also from parents/carers.
Personal data might include contact details, records of consultations, assessments, interventions, observations, reports and correspondence.
Data gathered for research purposes will be anonymised i.e. we will remove any details that could identify a child or person for statistical or other purposes. Research that is published will contain anonymised information.
When we process personal data, we must comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
The processing of data is necessary for us to provide an Educational Psychology Service. We carry out this task in relation to the public interest, taking into account both the legitimate and vital interest of individuals.
You don't have to give personal data however without the correct information we will not be able to provide an Educational Psychology Service which you are entitled to.
Personal data is gathered via data subjects, as part of service delivery and from related sources close to the data subject (e.g. parent/carers, families, schools or early years establishments, partners such as NHS) and from Education, Children & Families and other service areas within the Council.
Personal data is stored electronically on databases and on the council network. Case file information is held currently in paper format in secure, lockable filing cabinets.
When a parent/carer, a school or early year’s representative or other service seeks advice from our service about a child or general concern, we will store a written summary for 1 year. The data will then be destroyed.
Information and data that is part of a research project will be securely held no longer than 5 years.
When our service completes work in relation to a child or young person, the data is stored in a case file, which is held by Stirling Council for 5 years after your child leaves school.
For children & young people who are currently or have been Looked After & Accommodated by the local authority, data will be kept indefinitely in line with the requirements and recommendations of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry.
You have the following rights under data protection laws. If you have a request under any of these rights, you can make a subject access request.
If you want to complain about or comment on how we have processed your personal information, you should email
If you are still unhappy with how the council handled your complaint, you can contact the UK Information Commissioner's Office at:
The Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Phone: 0303 123 1113
You can find further information on the Information Commissioners Office website.