Trossachs Community Council
Approved Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 7:30pm
on Thursday 13th June 2024 in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall
Present: Richard Morris (Chair), James Hill (Vice-Chair), Sue Morris
(Secretary/Planning), Roger Drapper (Treasurer), Liz Maxwell, Christine
In Attendance: Councillor Gene Maxwell (SNP), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)
Apologies: PC Donald King, PC Lorna Deans
Residents: 1 member of the public was present.
- Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
- Approval of Minutes and Action Tracker
2.1 Approval of Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2024 were approved
having been proposed by Sue Morris (SM) and seconded by Liz Maxwell (LM).
2.2 Action Tracker
Action 2.2 Completed
Action 3.4 Ongoing. James Hill (JH) has been busy with the Local Place Plan.
He will re-engage shortly to set up a meeting.
Action 5.8 The National Park (NP) has not responded to enquiries from SM.
Item to be removed from Action Tracker and added to Planning
Action 5.9 Completed
Action 6.2 Ongoing
Action 6.8 Completed
Action 6.19 Ongoing. To be reviewed at next meeting.
Action 7.1 Completed. On agenda for discussion today.
Action 7.2 Ongoing. No information has been supplied. JH has a meeting with
the NPA tomorrow and will request a copy of the service schedule.
Action 7.3 Completed
Action 7.4 Ongoing. To be reviewed in September.
Action 7.5 Completed
Action 7.6 Completed. Councillor Martin Earl confirmed that a property
occupied for 25 days or more per 12-month period qualifies as a
second home.
Action 7.7 Completed. Work confirmed for September 2024.
Action 7.8 Closed as Stirling Council (SC) has taken this over.
Action 7.9 Completed
Action 7.10 Completed
Action 7.11 Completed. Developers are querying this with SC.
Action 7.12 Completed
Action 7.13 Completed
Action 7.14 Completed
Action 7.15 Ongoing. Change date to end 2024.
- Police Report
A police report for the period from 5th May 2024 to 13th June 2024 was forwarded to TCC
members prior to the meeting. The following incidents were reported:
An incident of assault and threatening behaviour in the area of The Byre Inn on 17th
May. Following the incident two males were arrested and charged with threatening
and abusive behaviour, carrying a knife and assault. A search warrant was sought
for an address in Callander where further offences were detected. The Community
Council commended the Police for their swift attendance and effective response to
this incident
On 12th May two people were traced and charged in relation to camping outside the
authorised area at Loch Achray.
On 24th May a male became abusive and refused to provide details when
approached by National Park rangers on the shores of Loch Venachar. The male
was charged with a hate crime, obstructing National Park staff in execution of their
duties, failure to provide details and camping outside an authorised area.
On 1st June Police arrested a male who appeared to be drunk in charge of his
In addition, the Police informed TCC of the theft of a quad bike in the Blair Drummond area
and advised residents to be vigilant.
- Finance Report
As of 31st March 2024 the balance of TCC funds was £17,694. The TCC account is now
set up for internet banking.
- Stirling Council (SC) Report
5.1 Councillor Gene Maxwell (GM) gave the Council report, highlighting the following:
Extended Recess Period. Due to the upcoming elections and the Dunblane and
Bridge of Allan by-election, SC staff are under pressure and have agreed an
extension to the recess period. There will be no committee or council meetings
until September/October 2024. GM expressed his dissatisfaction with the
C60 Bus Service. SC is financing a 2-year pilot bus replacement service for the
C60 bus route. The service is running from Callander to Killin 4-times a day and
passes the Callander Medical Centre. The bus is a 16-seater with wide access
but is not accessible to wheelchair users. Members noted that the National Park
(NP) bus route from Callander to Aberfoyle starts on July 1st. In addition
Callander Hydro is investigating the financing of an electric bus. The route is yet
to be determined.
Visitor Levy. Legislation has been passed which allows SC to charge a visitor
levy on overnight stays in certain types of accommodation. GM is pushing for
SC to get this onto its agenda soon.
Pavement Parking Ban. SC is currently discussing implementation of the
government’s pavement parking ban in the Stirling area. Fines will be £50 or
5.2 Members discussed how soon houses in the area will be connected to the new fibre
optic broadband. SM agreed to get a formal update from Shaun Marley. [Action:
Sue Morris]
- National Park (NP) Report
There was no National Park (NP) report. Members provided the following updates.
6.1 Proposed Bus Stop outside Brig O’ Turk Tearoom
The National Park have requested permission from JH to place a bus stop on his
land outside the Tearoom. They regard this as a safer and more convenient
location than the current bus stop. Using the current bus stop would involve
reversing the bus, which is against company policy.
Members discussed the 2 locations and agreed that the current stop was safer than
the proposed stop. The proposed stop would necessitate passengers exiting onto
the busy road which is already of concern due to speeding. Members also
expressed concern for the safety of children wating for the bus.
JH has a meeting scheduled with Ross to discuss this. Richard Morris agreed to
attend and JH will update members at the next TCC meeting. [Action: James Hill
and Richard Morris]
6.2 Visitor Data
SM shared information she received on camping numbers at Loch Venachar, Loch
Achray and the Three Lochs Forest Drive. SM will request numbers on a monthly
basis. A review of numbers will be made a standing item at TCC meetings. [Action:
Sue Morris and Richard Morris]
- Discussion Topics
7.1 Local Place Plan (LPP) Discussion
JH provided an update on the progress of the LPP. He confirmed that the TCCs
funding bid for the 2nd stage of the creation of a LPP has been approved.
A 34-page draft LPP was produced at the end of May following community
consultation including a special consultation session with young people. SM, RM
and JH have reviewed this draft and sent suggested amendments to Kelly
Clapperton. She will incorporate these changes and the revised document will be
sent out to TCC members for their comments and suggestions. The LPP is
expected to be completed by the end of July well within the timeframe for
incorporation into the Local Development Plan.
Members thanked JH for all the work he has put into this project. The next step will
be for the TCC to decide what to do with the LPP.
7.2 Roads
Councillor Martin Earl has been in touch with the Roads Department regarding the
proposed road closures for the erection of poles. Morrison Utilities has agreed to
use a mixture of stop-go boards and 15-minute timed closures to avoid a complete
road closure.
There is no update from the Roads Working Group as they await a response from
7.3 Funding
Members discussed at some length how the TCC funds might be used to benefit
the community. Suggestions included:
The provision of small community grants of between £500 to £1,000 for
local needs, such as:
o Seed funding for new businesses
o A hardship fund
o Bursaries for school leavers or students
Working with the Trossachs Community Trust (TCT) and the Welfare
Association (WA) to employ a community agent who could undertake
activities members currently don’t have time for such as:
o capacity building
o marketing
o communications
o pursuing funding opportunities.
Funding both community grants and a community agent.
Members agreed to share their top 5 ideas and research the criteria for these.
[Action: Members]
RD agreed to contact Jean Cowie, Stirling Funding Officer to identify what the
money can be used for. [Action: Richard Drapper]
LM will ask the WA and TCT if they would be willing to help fund a community
agent and what they would want from this person. [Action: Liz Maxwell]
7.4 Planning
7.4.1 Planning Tracker
SM has added a Planning Tracker to the Action Tracker
7.4.2 Venachar Lochside
SM distributed information on the planning application for holiday
accommodation at Venachar Lochside. There were no objections from
members so it is likely to go through.
7.4.3 Letter Holiday Extension
A resident has objected to this application on the grounds of privacy,
access, impact on the natural environment and light. Members agreed to
support this objection. [Action: Sue Morris]
7.4.4 Mast at the top of the Meall
This mast is part of a national programme to eliminate phone coverage
black spots. SM has spoken to Hamish Thomson and thinks it is unlikely
the Woodland Trust will object. Members expressed the view that the mast
would make the Meall safer if there is an incident and will benefit visitors,
though it would be very visible. SM will send members an email with links
to the relevant information. All members should look at the documents and
let SM know by Wednesday 19th June if they have an objection to the
application. [Action: Sue Morris and Members]
7.4.5 Dundarroch
The NP has not responded to SM regarding people staying at Dundarroch
when there is flooding and has not enforced compliance on this issue. SM
will write an official letter to Martin Earl and the Convenor on behalf of TCC
stating their dissatisfaction with the NP’s level of support and enforcement.
SM will report back to TCC at the next meeting. TCC will escalate this if
there has been no action. [Action: Sue Morris]
7.5 Report from Trossachs Community Trust / Welfare Association
RM attended a meeting with TCT directors and the WA committee to discuss how
all 3 bodies could work together across the community. All organisations are very
positive about collaboration but no details have been agreed as yet.
TCT is still disentangling stuff, such as what to do with the school.
7.6 Communications
SM shared the following communications:
There is a local phone number to call if there are any issues regarding the
Stirling Summer Music Sessions
The mobile library is providing materials for those residents susceptible to falls
The invoice for hall hire for the children’s LPP session has been received.
On Monday SM attended a SC workshop which was a ‘health checkup’ for CCs.
Information is available if members want to review this.
Information has been received from Stirling Reuse Hub – it was suggested that
this be put into Bicycle Tree
Minutes from the most recent Trossachs Visitor Management Meeting are
available for review.
Information has been received on an e-bike campaign
The Local Access Forum is looking for new members.
7.7 Stirling Council Enquiry Process
Enquiries to SC are currently funnelled through a central email for response within
10 days. The responses are sent to CCs with no named contact person and are
then regarded as closed. If the CC is not happy with the response they have to
resubmit an enquiry to the central email. CCs are frustrated at the slow, impersonal
and circular process. TCC has agreed to work with other CCs to lobby SC to
amend the process.
- Any Other Business
8.1 Christine Blue (CB) volunteered to write an update on the TCC for The Bicycle
Tree. [Action: Christine Blue]
8.2 CB has expressed her intention to stand down from TCC but has agreed to stay on
until another member can be co-opted. Another member is needed as 6 members
is the minimum requirement for TCC to be quorate. A local resident, Anne Gilchrist
expressed interest in joining council. The Chair expressed willingness to bring Anne
up to speed on the working of the CC and encouraged her to inform the TCC as
soon as possible if she would like to join.
- Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Trossachs Community Council is scheduled to take place at 7:30pm
on Thursday 8th August 2024 in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall.
The TCC may hold an additional meeting on Thursday 11th July to discuss the LPP. This
will be decided once the LPP has been distributed to members.