February 2024 Minutes

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Trossachs Community Council

Approved Minutes of the Meeting held in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall

At 7:30pm on Thursday 8th February 2024

Present: James Hill (JH) Vice-Chair, Sue Morris (SM) Secretary/Planning, Roger

Drapper (RD) Treasurer, Liz Maxwell (LM), Christine Blue (CB).

In Attendance: Councillor Martin Earl (Scottish Conservative and Unionist), Hilary

Robertson (Trossachs Community Trust), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)

Apologies: Richard Morris (Chair), Police

Residents: There was 1 member of the public present.

  1. Welcome and Apologies

The meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chair, James Hill. The Chair welcomed attendees to

the meeting and gave the apologies.

  1. Approval of Minutes and Action Tracker

2.1 Approval of Minutes

The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 14th December 2023 were

approved having been proposed by Sue Morris and seconded by Liz Maxwell.

2.2 Action Tracker

Action 2.2 No change.

Action 2.3 Completed. RD to find card.

Action 2.6 Completed but cannot be viewed until website is up and running.

Action 3.3 Completed.

Action 3.4 On-going

Action 3.11 Closed as the property now has a licence.

Action 3.14 Closed

Action 4.4 Closed

Action 4.6 Closed

Action 5.1 RM to add discussion around how the TCC funds might be spent to

February meeting. Completed.

Action 5.2 SM to send questions on impacts of proposed budget cut to Stirling

Council (SC). Completed.


Action 5.3 JH to submit funding bid to NP. Completed.

Action 5.4 SM & LM to set up meeting of the Roads Working Group.


Action 5.6 CB to attend meeting of the Roads Working Group as facilitator.


Action 5.7 RM to attend the NP committee meeting regarding the changes to

the Ben Venue car park to put forward the views of Trossachs

Community Council (TCC). Completed.

Action 5.8 SM to follow up with NP regarding contravention of planning rules

at Dundarrach House during flooding. Ongoing.

Action 5.9 SM to follow up on retrospective planning permission for fencing.


Action 5.10 RM to add a discussion of the relationship between the hall

committee and TCC to the agenda of the next TCC meeting.


  1. Police Report

The Police Report was circulated to members prior to the meeting. There were no

questions or comments from members.

  1. Finance Report & Discussion

4.1 Finance Report

The balance as of 8th February 2024 is £17,734.13. The only outgoings were

payments to the Minute Secretary. The only payment received was the grant from

the Hydro Fund.

4.2 Discussion on Future Spending of TCC Funds

TCC members are not aware of any agreed process for the community to apply for

funding from the TCC funds or any parameters regarding how TCC money can be


Members agreed to discuss at the next meeting:

  1. What sort of things the community money can be spent on and what

parameters are needed.

  1. How to get suggestions and applications for funding from the community.
  2. How to get suggestions get actioned. Who will take responsibility for this.
  3. What other sources of funding TCC could apply for.

RM will add this as an agenda item for the next TCC meeting. [Action: Richard


In his absence, RM was nominated to look into the logistics of putting TCC money

into a high-interest savings account and how much should be allocated for this.

[Action: Richard Morris].

Members agreed to consider before the next meeting what the money could

potentially be spent on. [Action: Members]


SM agreed to speak to Callander Community Development Trust and other

neighbour organisations to find out what process they use for members of the

community to apply for community funding. [Action: Sue Morris]

  1. Stirling Council Report

Councillor Martin Earl (ME) gave the Council Report.

5.1 Council Rent Increase

ME informed members SC has agreed a 6% increase in council rents this coming

year, one of the lowest increases in Scotland.

5.2 Budget Cuts

ME informed members that the budget gap is widening, mainly due to loan interest

charges and wage rises. ME agreed that the answers SC departments had

recently supplied to CCs were inadequate and the service cuts appear to affect

rural more than urban areas. He added that while equality impact assessments are

important, they are other things to consider. He reminded members, that as

statutory services cannot be cut, there are only a small amount of services where

cuts can be made.

SM updated members on the work of the combined rural communities action group.

She reported that the combined rural CCs had submitted questions to SC on 8

areas of greatest impact to rural communities and had produced their own impact

reports. CCs agreed that it was clear from their response that SC did not have

sufficient information to assess the impact of the proposed cuts on rural


Paul Mackintosh (PM), Chair of Strathard CC, subsequently had a meeting with the

Council Leader, Councillor Kane, which ended acrimoniously. The rural CCs feel

SC departments have not done the due diligence needed to create reliable impact

statements. PM has sent a report on this meeting to the other rural CCs. SM will

forward of copy of this to members. [Action: Sue Morris]

There is a feedback meeting with the combined CCs on 20th February.

  1. National Park Report

There was no NP Report. Members noted that they had not received a report for the past 3


  1. Discussion Topics

7.1 Local Place Plan (LPP) Discussion and Decisions

JH successfully applied to the NP for £2.5K of funding for consultant services to

help create a Trossachs Local Place Plan (LPP). TCC have engaged Kelly

Clapperton (KC) as consultant. SM and JH met with KC to review the Community

Action Plan which she will use as a starting point for the LPP. KC will present her

initial LPP at a Community Engagement Meeting to be held on 2nd March 2024

where she will gather feedback and input from local residents which will be fed back

into the LPP.


Members agreed to spread the word and encourage residents to attend the

meeting. KC will draft leaflets publicising the event which members will distribute.

[Action: Members]

JH will apply to the NP for additional funding of £2.5K by 1st April 2024. If the

funding bid is unsuccessful, TCC will use their own funds to pay the shortfall.

[Action: James Hill]

7.2 Roads

The A83 at Lochearnhead will be closed overnight from 7pm to 6am due to Ash

felling. There will be an amnesty every hour to let drivers through.

7.3 Planning Update

7.3.1 Bistro Tigh Mor

The application for a bistro at Tigh Mor has been withdrawn.

7.3.2 Phone Mast The Meall

An application is being lodged to site a 20-metre phone mast on The

Meall. Members agreed that this mast would be an eye sore and there

were environmental concerns as this is an area of deep peat. Members

also queried whether this mast was necessary when there are plans to site

another mast nearby.

7.3.3 Dundarroch House

 Fencing. There is no update on this retrospective planning application.

 Flooding. TCC will continue to press the NP to enforce compliance on

this issue. [Action: Sue Morris]

 Light Pollution. SC has written to the property owner to inform her she

may be breaching the terms of her short-term let licence. The internal

and external lights have recently been switched off overnight.

7.3.4 Ben Venue Car Park

Works are scheduled to start on the changes to Ben Venue car park.

Deborah XX has requested an onsite meeting with TCC. SM, JH and CB

plan to attend. Other members will join if able. [Action: Sue Morris,

James Hill and Christine Blue]

7.3.5 Tree Felling, Achray North

Forestry have notified TCC that there will be tree felling in Achray North

later in the year. SM will request a map of the works and a copy of the

timber transport management plan. The TCC will be happy to talk to

Forestry about the works and timings to minimise disruption. [Action:

Sue Morris]


7.4 Road Working Group Report (RWG)

Christine Blue reported on the recent meeting of the Roads Working Group. It was

a constructive meeting with 6 attendees. Members discussed how road safety was

affecting the village and identified the most pressing actions they want taken in

order of priority. These were: (I did not get all the detail on these)

  1. A speed limit reduction on the A821 and a possible extension of the speed

limit at each end of the village.

  1. Improved signage at each footpath crossing.
  2. A crash barrier on the south side of the A821.
  3. Improved signage on the A821 throughout the whole village.

Priority 1: SM noted that TCC had previously submitted an enquiry to SC regarding

the speed limit reduction and they had confirmed that Brig o’ Turk doesn’t fit the

criteria for a 30mph limit. SC policy is predicated on government policy so is

unlikely to change. SM will send a copy of this response to CB who will inform the

working group. [Action: Sue Morris and Christine Blue]

Priority 2 & 4: Sue Morris will invite Angela McGibbon, SC’s Traffic Management

Officer, to visit the village and conduct an audit. Members suggested including road

markings to remind vehicles to slow down and to demarcate the beginning and end

of the village. [Action: Sue Morris]

Priority 3: ME noted that a request for a safety barrier had previously been turned

down. Members agreed that the formalisation of the path by the Woodland Trust

now made this a priority. SM will submit a request for a barrier on the grounds of

safety. [Action: Sue Morris]

Members thanked CB for her work in moving this forward. CB will contact working

group members to schedule their next meeting. [Action: Christine Blue]

7.5 Report from Trossachs Community Trust / Welfare Association.

7.5.1 Trossachs Community Trust (TCT)

Hilary Robertson (HR) provided the following update:

Broadband Service

HR summarised the current situation. Before Christmas the pit on the hill

ran out of gas with a resultant loss of broadband service. Under the

original agreement with Broadway, the maintenance contractor would

anticipate when the gas would run out and top it up. Currently, the new

owners, Voneus, wait for gas to run out and then decide whether to pay for

it to be topped up. Recently, local residents have had to underwrite

payment to the contractor to ensure the gas is topped up and the service

restored quickly. This is not a viable way to go forward.


TCT has an agreement with Broadway for the infrastructure and residents

have individual agreements with Broadway for the service. HR proposed

that TCT and TCC work together to pressure Voneus to ensure the service

is maintained without interruption. TCC members agreed to work with TCT

on this.

HR will contact Voneus to arrange a meeting to be attended by

representatives of the TCT and TCC. HR will also contact Simon Kerr at

Tigh Mor, representatives of the Steam Ship and Acray Hotel and others

who may wish to be involved. [Action: Hilary Robertson]

TCT do not have a final copy of the agreement between TCT and

Broadway so cannot confirm the contractual obligations. HR will contact

Crispin XXX to see if he has a copy of the contract. SM will contact Shaun

Marley, Broadband Officer at SC to see if he has a copy. [Action: Hilary

Robertson and Sue Morris]

There was some discussion around who owns the equipment on the hill. It

appears TCT own this and lease it to Broadway for £1. According to the

draft contract this equipment goes to Broadway at the end of 5 years. If

they go into liquidation, it passes to TCT. HR will contact Crispin to

confirm. [Action: Hilary Robertson]

Members noted that high-speed fibre broadband may become operational

this year giving residents an alternative to a contract with Voneus.

Priority Issues

Along with ensuring a reliable broadband service, the priorities of the new

board of the TCT are to sort out the finances and to move forward with the

school building. The school open day was not well attended. It was

suggested residents be asked what they want done with the building as

part of the LPP.

The question of what the TCC wants from a relationship with TCC was

moved forward for discussion at the next meeting. [Action: Richard


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7.5.2 Welfare Association

This is ticking along.

7.6 Communication

Nothing of note to report.

  1. Any Other Business

8.1 Question from the Roads Working Group (RWG)

Members of the RWG asked why they had been blind cc’d on messages from TCC.

SM confirmed that this was a data protection issue and personal email addresses

would not be revealed without prior authorisation.


8.2 Fibre Broadband

According to ME it is anticipated that the cabling for fibre broadband will be

completed at the end of April 2024 after which residents should be able to request

connection through suppliers.

8.3 Windfall Clearing , XXX Wood

Dominic Porter (DP) has informed TCC that he will be using a chainsaw to clear

windfall from the wood. He is aware he has to inform the local community in

advance due to noise pollution.

RD will email DP on behalf of TCC reminding him of the need for a felling licence if

he is cutting down trees that are still standing. He will advise DP to inform the

community of the work through the facebook site and in person by knocking on

doors. [Action: Roger Drapper]

8.4 Security Cameras, Dundarrach House

Neighbours have raised concerns about the security cameras installed at

Dundarrach House on the grounds of privacy. LM will email SM who will determine

the legality. [Action: Liz Maxwell and Sue Morris]

8.5 Litter Pick

This will be added as an agenda item to the next meeting. [Action: Richard


  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Trossachs Community Council will take place at 7:30pm on 11th

April 2024 in Brig O’ Turk Village Hall.