Feb 2021 Minutes

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Trossachs Community Council minutes
Thursday 11th February 2021 via Teams

Participating: Crispin Hoult (CH), Gene Maxwell (GM), Sue Morris (SM), Penny Tindle (PT), Robert
Bryder (RB), Michelle Flynn (MF – SC), Cllr McDonald (JM) & Tim Tindle (TT)

Apologies: Cllr Earl, Cllr Tweed, Billy Ronald (NP)









Introductions: CH chaired the meeting and welcomed all.



Approval of minutes: Proposed by CH, seconded by SM


Matters Arising:

  1. The BT payphone has been removed. CH needs to put notice up re
    emergency services by the defibrillator.

  2. SM to send a link to all re the mowing of verges and details of training.

  3. Cllr Earl was present at a meeting to discuss the South Loch Venachar
    visitor problems. Permanent signage, improved passing places and
    blocking off some lochside areas to prevent illegal parking are being
    implemented. Alcohol consumption now can be deemed an offence if

an open container is present. Risk of displacement to North Venachar.




Stirling Councillor’s update: -

  • Stirling’s budget should be available in 2 weeks, not much will change.

  • Environment and housing officers not working at weekends.

  • Gender based communication now in place, check website for
    information on training.

  • The Park was keen to restart Community Council Forums (fora) but TCC
    and others were not keen, Callander interested but these have been
    tried and fizzled out. CH is willing to try again if they do start. MF said
    she would share any relevant information of other CCs activities. CH
    said there was much less communication since last September.

  • Cllr Graham Lambie died today, JM sent condolences to the family.

  • Pride of the Community Grant. PT to contact Jean Cowie,






Specific Items:

a) Roads: a local resident has raised the issue about parking and the new
clearway around the Ben A'an and Ben Venue car parks. These are
based on current poor adherence to the signs. Whilst the TCC have
previously been against the urbanisation by double-yellow lines, it is
recognised that road safety and access is critical here. It would be
positive to ask the Community their opinion of double yellow lines.
Confirmation from SC has been received that new signage will be
erected and SC parking enforcement officers have had their contracts
and terms of work changed to ensure availability of early morning and
weekend patrols, with enforcement by April. SC Roads have also been
asked to review what additional options, actions and support may be
available if these are not effective. Concern was expressed re the issues
around thousands of people coming to such a small area and their
affect on the Community. MF said she would take it back to SC.

The Police can only ticket if parking is dangerous, otherwise they have

to actually speak to the driver. Some options were discussed to inform




to be





people the area is full, nothing decided.

The gritting and snow clearance on the Dukes Pass during the extended
period of wintry weather has been exceptional. Thanks sent to Stirling
Winter Maintenance. Thanks to Cllr Earl for arranging the grit piles up
Glen Finglas Road. Callander resurfacing overnight 28th Feb – 17th Mar.
The Ben Aan car park extension is awaiting planning permission.

  1. Finance: no update. PT to follow up.

  2. Planning Matters: nothing heard.

  3. Community Policing: Report provided, 2 people had to be rescued at
    Ben Aan as without the appropriate equipment and experience for
    being out in the bad weather.

    Inspector Andy Bushell will aim to get our police representatives on
    Teams so that they can attend our meetings. He is happy to attend or
    send a submission to any meeting, if required.

  4. Bye-Laws & Camping: The 3 Lochs drive needs to be regraded once the
    snow has melted. Could open on 1st March depending on Covid
    restrictions. SM to keep us informed.

  5. Broadband: Broadway Partners having 1st annual review next week, the
    main focus is reaching the remaining unconnected properties; the dam,
    the sluices, north Katrineside and down to Stronachlacher. A new mast
    has been erected near Ben Aan but no line of sight.

    R100 Internet roll out – we are in phase 2 which may be in Dec 2022.

  6. School update: the TCT solicitor is progressing to missives with a view
    to concluding end Feb / early March. The Trust awaits the final
    decisions on planning, which consultation is shortly ending on. In
    March the TCT hopes to install a biomass boiler as a new heating
    system for the building. Summer work parties needed for painting,
    grass cutting etc.

    Planners want the muddy laybys on Glen Finglas road improved up to
    the school, TCC rather do all the way. Need to gather materials next
    week and ask TCC for funds. Need a couple of tons of hardcore.

  7. Covid 19 update: we are again in lockdown, some areas up and others
    down. Vaccination by the staff at the Callander Medical Centre has

started and is progressing well.






Correspondence: letter from resident re car parking at Ben Aan discussed.



AOB: a) After a year of debate and discussion between the NPA, the
Community Partnership and the Countryside Trust the Community Partnership
voted at its AGM to wind up whilst the Countryside Trust and the Communities
Team at the NPA expand their remits to support communities (see enclosed
letter of 14 Jan from the Partnership for more detail). The Park has expressed a
will to increase communication with the CCs but this has yet to materialise.

This must be real consultation not just a tick box activity.

  1. GM, offer from voluntary services of salt available from an elderly residents
    grant via the Trossachs Search and Rescue. GM to chase.

  2. SC has a helpline 404040, if salt/grit etc. needed in the icy conditions.




Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 11th March via Teams