November 2024 Minutes

Throsk Community Council Meeting

7pm Tuesday 12 November 2024 Throsk Community Centre


  1. Present: Jimmy Morton (JM) Chair, Ian Corlett (IC) Vice Chair, Fiona McKenzie (FM) Yvonne Dickson (YD)

Minute Taker, 2 Residents

  1. Apologies: William Liddell (WL), Treasurer, Bernard Reynolds, (BR) Secretary, Rebecca Liddell (RL)
  2. Welcome: (JM) Welcomed everyone to the meeting.

(JM) told the community council “Our local councillor Margaret Brisley passed away and her funeral was

held in the Lady well church in Bannockburn on Nov 9th, she will be sadly missed by her friends and

colleagues. The Bannockburn and Eastern Villages Ward member, who served as a Labour councillor for 44 years

before becoming Stirling Council Leader in September, passed away on Sunday. October 27, 2024 Margaret had

served as Deputy Leader since 2022 and was also a former Provost.

YD sent a card on behalf of the Throsk Community Council

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting October 2024: Proposed (IC) Seconded (JM)
  2. Matters arising: (IC) Salt bins - there are no hills in Throsk therefore we are not eligible to get salt bins

School Bus - Still waiting on word back from CBH re primary school bus. A discussion was held around the

bus and that the issue is still not resolved.

  1. Police Report:

No police in attendance

  1. Councillors Report:

No councillor in attendance

  1. Throsk Community Enterprise

No one in attendance

  1. Correspondence - (JM) and (WL) have been into the bank 3 times to date and this has still to be changed.

(JM) Hopefully this will be sorted soon. Action - YD will provide AGM notice with headed paper for the bank.

Email (JM) tonight Tuesday 12 Nov

  1. Planning -

Ref 24/0383/FUL – (JM) Sub division unit for Dog house boxing. Unit 52 A Bandeath Industrial Estate,Throsk

Decision - approved with conditions

Ref EN/23/069/UCU Enforcement Investigation Sub division unit Unit 52 A Bandeath Industrial Estate,

Throsk for Dog House boxing Enforcement case now closed as changes now approved.

  1. Any other Competent Business:

Bandeath (RES) asked if there was any involvement with the businesses in Bandeath (JM) none to date but it

would be good to have them onboard.

Christmas Lights (RES) asked if we will get some this year as previous Councillor, Margaret Brisley, had been

actively looking into this. This may be dependent on finances and currently we have no access to our account

due to TSB mandated for the bank. ongoing

A discussion was held around the community garden in Fallin.

Trench at the end of the village (WL) Action will get in touch with Stephen Bly about a trench at the end of

the village road that is breaking up. This is ongoing

Throsk Community Enterprise - A chat was held around Community Enterprise and the roles and how they

have changed over the years.

Vermin - Vermin is still prevalent in the village rats have been spotted in gardens

Next meeting will be held 7pm Tuesday 10 December 2024 Throsk Community Centre