May 2024 Minutes

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Throsk Community Council Meeting

7pm Tuesday 14th May 2024 Throsk Community Centre

  1. Present: Jimmy Morton (JM) Chair, Ian Corlett (IC), Vice Chair, William Liddell (WL), Treasurer, Bernard Reynolds (BR) Secretary, Councilor Brian Hambly, (CBH), Resident, (Res), Yvonne Dickson (YD) Minute Taker
  2. Apologies: Police, Fiona McKenzie (FM)
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting Proposed by (BR) Seconded by (JM)
  4. Matters arising: As we now have a new treasurer the chair stated that he will go into the bank and get signatory changed. BH asked about the windows being cleaned on the bus shelters. The CC acknowledged this had happened. He also noted there is more of a police presence in the village, this is good.
  5. Police Report: No police in attendance, nothing has been sent through. Action (BR) will send an email to the police asking about the attendance at meetings.


Councilors Report: A briefing was held for participation, a chairpersons meeting was held recently. Action (BH) will get information about this and send to (JM) – 6 elected members turned out at it. Another meeting will be set up and Action (BH) will let (JM) know when and where. I requested information regarding the “Informed Communities – Quarterly Community Council Chair Meeting” as to why no one at Throsk knew about this and was informed that all CC’s had been contacted. Perhaps a clear line of communication requires identifying. Planning fees have gone up substantially – Stirling didn’t have a planning charter but this is on the horizon. There is good support from the planning department. Community will get a discount, as will charities. Edinburgh has one and they have 25% discount. BH is pushing for more. (IC) works for a charity and they are now in dire needs, its hard times. (BH) Community wealth building is a good opportunity for communities. (Res) disagreed that Community wealth is good. The hedge obstructing the path leading out of the village toward Fallin should have been cut back by now. I have a meeting with Roads officers scheduled for mid-June and will hopefully get further assurances with regard to roads in and around Throsk village and Bandeath Industrial estate.

  1. Throsk Community Enterprise: not in attendance
  2. Correspondence: N/A
  3. Planning: Nothing new
  4. Co-opt new member(s): We need fliers to go out through the doors in the village to see if there is an interest in new folks joining. Put out a flier with all the dates of the meetings and enquire if anyone is interested as there is one post to be filled. Interested parties should contact us by email on or to drop into the next meeting (11 June) this information will need to be on the flier along with the committees names as contacts Action (YD) will get in touch with Stephen Bly to arrange fliers ASAP 120 leaflets required for a door to door drop. Deadline of June 11 2024
  5. Any other Competent Business: (RES) on going parking issues in the square – a number of tenants using the parking as a business i.e. taxis and this leaves no room for residents. She asked the question, could the council send out a letter to the residents to say there is one parking space per residency? When resident bought the house she has one parking space on her title deeds (WL) There are no designated parking in the village. (JM) says the council has not adopted these roads and if a vehicle is legal and has car tax they can park without restriction.



(WL) stated this is not a CC decision and would need to be taken to your local councilor.


BH mentioned a previous issue with young people a while ago and asked if this stopped. The CC agreed it seems to be fine now.

Vermin issue – there are still a few rats in the village – some are in sheds in the back

Walkabout: There was a walkabout with the roads department, (BR) and (JM) attended this. The Walkabout was to discuss the issues in the village, see below:

Notes from Ben and roads officer - walkabout with the roads department

NRSW Lothian Broadband

To Excavation before community centre

Footway at Play Park requires cleaning 1FT

Footway into park

  • Side entry gullies
  • One before community centre
  • One at the community centre
  • Repair kerb
  • Potholes in carpark opposite no.14
  • Side entry no.34
  • Side entry gully no. 41
  • Side entry gully no. 45
  • Scottish water patches failing
  • Pots kerb drainage system LHS requiring cleaning
  • New drain outside no. 60
  • Clean
  • 40mph repeaters at the far end of Throsk
  • Spray weeds on footway at the end of Throsk


Walkabout (WL) why have they agreed side entry gullies at only 34, 41 and 45 (JM) clarified it will be side entry for the village.

(JM) Councilor’s surgeries should be held in the Centre – would the councilors be willing to attend this and possibly meet with the residents of Throsk – Action (CBH) will look into this.

Cleaning up the village – WL had a conversation with the roads officer – he now has litter bags– he also has 6 litter pickers on loan and is looking for folks to volunteer to do this. (JM) says there is an issue with insurance so perhaps hang off until they hear back. Action (BH) will approach the council to see if they will put a gang together to do the side at the road if the volunteers do the village side.

Next meeting to be held 7pm Tuesday 11 June 2024 Throsk Community Centre

Next meeting will be the AGM to be held 7pm Tuesday 14 May 2024 Throsk Community Centre