October 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Throsk Community Council Meeting

7pm Tuesday 10th October 2023 Throsk Community Centre

Present: Jimmy Morton (JM) Chair, William Liddell (WL) Vice Chair, Bernard Reynolds (BR) Secretary, Helen Yuill (HY) Treasurer, Ian Corlett (IC), Fiona Makenzie (FM), Cllr Margaret Brisley(MB) Local Councilor, Robert Fleming Roads (RF) Guest, Yvonne Dickson (YD) Minute Taker.

Apologies: No apologies

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Proposed by HY seconded by WL

Matters arising: (IC) talked about Japanese Knotswood, (MB) Action if she could get someone to look at this It is located between no. 13 and 15 Kersie Road in the back garden, just needs to be clarified what it is and dealt with if necessary. New chalets (MB) asked if it went to the planning panel or just a planning officer. (MB) There was planning permission passed, CC wasn’t aware of this. It wasn’t the chalets that got permission but it was the license (WL) asked how it is you can see the review board

Guest Robert Flemming from Roads: He will take notes and some may fall under his bracket otherwise he will take things back.

There are currently 3 issues:

• Footpaths: Lorries and busses may be going in the gullies and this can be fixed.

• Vibration: The vibration and drainage may be linked.

• Drainage: Action Operational services can come and look at the drainage and ensure they are running well.

These drains cannot be put on the kerb. Lorries and busses may be going in the gullies and this can be fixed. The problem is the gully lids sink. (RF) showed an example of a picture from Aberfoyle. (HY) says the roads are narrow and when two large vehicles pass this causes a problem. (WL) between the lanes the dips fill up and anyone walking by will get soaked. (HY) Walking her dog is a problem when a lorry passes they get soaked. It is too close to the kerb and is frightening. (RF) Action There is a need to get the hedges trimmed. (WL) there is a hedge out there that belongs to the council and is currently not maintained. It has always been maintained by the council so we assume it belongs to the council. (JM) We only have pavements on one side and there is a playpark. (RF) Explained when shims are put in and lorries going over them, they will eventually break. Action We can come and take lids off, reset it and concrete it. It’s impossible to walk along the pavement as if the weather is bad, you will get soaked. (JM) All the tar on the roads (BR) is breaking up this is with the industrial estate and heavy lorries going through the main road. (WL) asked if there has ever been a road survey done and (RF) assured him there has. There was a survey commissioned last year which did every road in Stirling. The road here is showing ok with minor deterioration. Action He offered to send the plans of the footpath and the road to the CC. (WL) would like full distance of the village checked as the end of Throsk is a 40mph and feels there is a ridge on the road as when the Lorries hit it there is vibration.

(RF) Action will check and see if the road is adopted. If it is adopted roads will maintain it. Land services maintain the hedges within 30mph limits. (RF) Action will ask for a stage 3 safety check to be done and that will bring up a number of things and may show some more of what the CC are looking for. (JM) the sign for the village is wrongly placed, it should be at the beginning of the village but currently too far in and should be moved.

There was a discussion on the speed limits in the village and a few discrepancies about going from the national speed limit to 40mph. Fallin, Plean and BOA have 20mph and (JM) asked if Throsk could have this. (RF) says the 20mph is not adhered to by everyone so often not really worth having.

(All) A discussion about sweepers was had but it seems the sweepers are too big for the footpaths.

Police Report: No police in attendance

Councilors Report:

Flooding and severe rain: officers were out all weekend at the worst affected areas. Road shut at the tip. Farmers have lost crops, fields flooded. Aberfoyle had many places under water and some of the houses had water in them.

Budget: another 12.5 ml pounds worth of savings to be made. Further consultation to find out what is important to people, it is frightening. Music tuition, Specialist PE teachers, library closures, community centres, nurseries are all in the mix at the moment. (MB) asked that when the consultation comes out if the CC could get involved. Staff will be affected with cuts although we do have a no compulsory redundancies but may be getting asked to revisit this. Usually with VS or natural leavers this would be the case but this may not be enough.

Rent increases: We have to speak to tenants and see what their views are. LDP (Local Development Plan): CC can look into LPP (Local Place Plans) and (MB) asked if CC knew anything about this. (MB) will provide information from planning services about this Action

Correspondence: N/A

Planning: (WL) Only thing this month is the Hazardous substance report (Whisky) – there hasn’t been any direct consultation with what’s required in the village. E McLeod is the contractor and may be here for many years. (JM) says the village should be benefitting from it. It will be at the end of the village near the dog shelter.

Community Liaison Offer: N/A

AOCB: (JM) Resident has approached about the bus shelters are filthy and you have to stand outside to see, can’t go in and sit in it the windows are green with verdigris. Training for Defib Wednesday night 6 people spread throughout the village will attend. If there is more interest we can arrange more training.

Next meeting to be held 7pm Tuesday 14 November 2023 Throsk Community Centre