November 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Throsk Community Council Meeting

7pm Tuesday 14 November 2023 Throsk Community Centre


Present: Jimmy Morton (JM) Chair, William Liddell (WL) Vice Chair, Helen Yuill (HY) Treasurer, Ian Corlett (IC), Fiona Makenzie (FM), Cllr Brian Hambly(BH) Local Councilor, Margaret Scotland, residents, Nicky Black, resident, Yvonne Dickson (YD) Minute Taker.


Apologies: Secretary, Bernard Reynolds (BR), Police officer not present


Minutes of Previous Meeting: proposed HY. Seconded FM


Matters arising: 14/15 not (13/15) Kersie Road amendment to previous minutes (MS) ACTION (YD)


Police Report:

Crime reports

  • one Detected case one Assault 22/10/23
  • one Undetected case Fraud 26/10/23


Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drugs dealing in the Throsk area, and we are keen to tackle drug dealing where intelligence is received. Contact details are Tel: 101 or email


A discussion was had around the use of drugs in the village but it seems there is no evidence. Action (BH) if someone would contact him and let him know where this is happening and when and he will try to take this forward especially is this is seen to be  having an impact on the neighbors and children living in the house then this should be investigated.
Anti-social behavior, rear door in the Community Centre had been kicked in this was reported and the issue has been fixed.


Councilors Report: (BH)

Roads - I have answered previous issues relating to road signage (BH) has had a meeting with road officers it was stated that due to the clear vision at the eastern approach to the village repeater signs were not necessary, the road will be a 30mph sign at the end of the exit road for Bandeath Industrial Estate. There has been group meetings with the chief constable and police presence in the Eastern villages was increased with a number of drivers being challenged over their speeding (current Chief Constable  now leaving) a new constable will start in March and we will have to start the process all over again.  People are also speeding through Fallin, many of these are Fallin residents!  The problem is that Throsk is a main route for ambulances (but so is Plean has had speeding measures put in). He will keep chipping away at this issue.  (WL) Throsk has an industrial estate therefore a lot of traffic goes through the main road. (JM) Robert Fleming from roads had says there will be a 3 stage survey, the CC is waiting to hear back from him and want to push this.(BH will pursue this) the argument is that the speed goes from national down to 40mph. (NB) noted signs won’t change their behaviors. (JM) suggested a roundabout at the industrial estate would slow people down. (HY) kids could easily be hit with a car if they are out playing ball etc. (MS) this issue has been ongoing for years and needs addressed.
Grays consultation meeting will be held on 23 November from 4-8pm about new buildings and an opportunity for question and answers.

Community Hall – (BH) Contact with Paul Gianandrea waiting on copies of minutes to discuss the trust and access to the hall.
Eastern village forum – (BH) asked if a forum could be established and the 4 villages could work together would this keep the hall available for all the villages to use. There are concerns about a committee, treasurers, cleaners etc. (IC) suggested looking at Fintry as a good model they have a café and museum etc. but the question is who would run this, (MS) says if we had a committee together would there be conflicts, there would need to be compromises made one issue is re the flooring being lifted. The alternative/worry is that the hall could be shut down.
(FM) suggested posting letters the Throsk to ask if we can get a committee together to run the centre. CC is not sure who is currently running the hall i.e. (community trust, would assume there is a chair, a secretary and a treasurer) (BH) that is why initially we are asking for minutes of the meetings. The general feeling is the hall is underused. It has great potential with the large halls and the kitchen.
The Provost - Provost Dodd’s has stepped down, reason is health and family issues. He is also stepping down from being a councilor so there will be a by-election in BOA.
Budget - There is a 13 million pound deficit and there will be cuts. (MS) would raise concerns about the education cuts, nurseries and learning support. (JM) We have a council tax freeze and this is the main the reason for the cuts.
Council housing - (MS) mentioned the maintenance of council houses and feels Throsk does not get a similar maintenance. (BH) responded by saying everything is on a rota and the housing team do a good job. Buy backs are quite a big issue for Stirling Council and involve a lot of maintenance.


Correspondence: No correspondence


(WL) Vacant yard in Bandeath Unit G – it has already been approved (it has been built - retrospective planning) If there is noise or issues we need to complain and take notes of dates, what and why i.e. vehicles etc.
Enforcement concern - subdivision or partial use for a gym, residents didn’t know this was happening, no parking for other businesses – this is currently being looked at. CC weren’t aware of any applications. (HY) asked if they would need licenses for this kind of business ACTION (BH) will look into the licensing etc.
Grays expansion – they are moving and relocating within the estate, with newer buildings, solar panels and roof panels going in. CC need to ask question about how many more Lorries will be going through. The drivers have all been emailed and told to adhere to speed limits.


Community Liaison Offer:  Officer not present


Any other Competent Business:
Training for the Defibrillators, there are 10 names and need to arrange a date. NB and MS would like to add their names to go to training.



Next meeting to be held 7pm Tuesday 12 December 2023 Throsk Community Centre