June 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Throsk Community Council Meeting

13th June 2023 @ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre


Jim Morton

Helen Yuill

Ian Corlett

William Liddell

Bernard Reynolds

Brian Hambly (Councillor)

Police Officers (not present)

Nicola Durward

Stephanie Martin

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Proposed by William Liddell and seconded by Helen Yuill.

Police Report

Please find attached the Police Report relating to the period concerned.

Police Scotland encourage Throsk residents to phone or e-mail Bannockburn

Police Station with any concerns that they may have.

Contact e-mail: bannockburncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Councillor Report

No report.


No correspondence.


No planning.

All planning can be viewed on the following website:


Community Liaison Officer

Community Liaison Officer not requested.


Pot holes on the Cowie Road.


Next meeting to be held 12th September 2023

@ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre.



Name of Communit Council

Crime reports

Other Incidents of note/relevant

Community Council lnformation

Throsk Community Council meeting - Tuesday 13th June 2023

Crime Reports for Throsk-14th March 2023 to 12th

June 2023

There were 7 crime reports raised in relation to proactive

policing during the period under review.

3x reports for drivers speeding in the 30mph limit. All

drivers were charged and reported to the PF for


1x report for driver driving under influence of alcohol.

The driver was arrested and reported to the PF for


1x report for driver being in an unfit state through

drugs. The driver was arrested and reported to the PF

for consideration.

1x report for driver driving a vehicle in an unsafe

condition. Charged and reported to PF for


ix report for driver driving vehicle in a dangerous

manner, and thereafter found with offensive weapon in

vehicle. Arrested and reported to PF for consideration.

Over the time period concerned, there were 5 calls made

to Police, one being in relation to cars speeding through

the village and the other four were prank calls made by

what sounded like teenagers.


Officers have pro-actively targeted the area for speeders and road traffic

related crime over the last couple of months. This has resulted in 7 people

being arrested/charged and reported to the PF.


Coming up to the summer holidays, staff from the Quarry are raising

awareness with school kids in the area in relation to water safety. We will be

re-iterating this, and advising klds to stay away from the Quarry and the pool

there due to the depth of the water, and quick sand which could have fatal

consequences. In the coming weeks we will be carrying out extra patrols of

the area and ensuring the Quarry grounds are secured. Staff at the Quarry are

extremely vigilant and will contact us should any kids be found within.


Any information regarding anti-social behaviour is

welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland via

Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or directly to the Community

Officers via:

Please e-mail any feedback to:-Bo1mockburnCPT@scotland.v.:1111,.golice.uk


Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in

relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the

Throsk area, and we are keen to tackle drug dealing

where intelligence is received.





Any information regarding substance misuse and drug

dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to Police

Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or directly to the

Community Officers via:

BannockburnCRT@scgtland lUYL.BQlice uk

Please provide any feedback from the meeting to:
