Feb 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Throsk Community Council Meeting 14th February 2023 @ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre


Present Jim Morton Helen Yuill

William Liddell Ian Corlett Bernard Reynolds


Police Officers Present Nicola Durward Stephanie Martin



Councillor Margaret Brisley Michelle Hammill


Minutes of Previous Meeting

Proposed by William Liddell and seconded by Helen Yuill.


Police Report

Please find attached the Police Report relating to the period concerned.


Police Scotland encourage Throsk residents to phone or e-mail Bannockburn Police Station with any concerns that they may have.


Contact e-mail:        bannockburncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk


Councillor Report

No Councillor present.



Change to speed limit from 40mph to 30mph and 50mph to 40mph in appropriate areas.



No planning.


All planning can be viewed on the following website:




Community Liaison Officer

Community Liaison Officer not requested.



Road sign knocked down at the entrance to Bandeath Industrial Estate opposite the bus stop.


Removal of all advertising boards along roadside and pavements.


Next meeting to be held 14th March 2023

@ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre.


Name of Community Council


Throsk Community Council meeting - Tuesday 14 February



Crime reports


Crime Reports for Throsk-1st January 2023 to 14th

February 2023


There were 0 crime reports made to police during the

period under review.

Over the time period concerned, there were 7 calls made to Police the majority of which were in relation to road traffic matters.


Other Incidents of note/relevant

Community Council information



Any Information regarding anti-social behaviour is welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland via Tel: 101., to Crime stoppers, or directly to the Community Officers via:

Please email my feedback to: bannockburncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk



Officers are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the Throsk area, and we are keen to tackle drug dealing where intelligence is received.


Any information regarding substance misuse and drug dealing is welcome, and can be reported to Police Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers, or directly to the Community Officers via:



Feedback from meeting


Please provide any feedback from the meeting to: bannockburncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk