December 2023 Minutes

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Throsk Community Council Meeting

7pm Tuesday 12 December 2023 Throsk Community Centre


Present: Bernard Reynolds, Secretary (BR), William Liddell, Vice Chair (WL), Helen Yuill Treasurer, (HY),  Ian Corlett (IC), Yvonne Dickson, Minute Taker (YD).


Apologies: Jimmy Morton, Chair (JM), Police, Fiona McKenzie (FM)


Minutes of Previous Meeting: Proposed (HY). Seconded (IC)


Matters arising: (BR) Industrial estate – people seem to be dumping rubbish and the skips are overflowing. There is a worry about infestation of rats/pests. (WL) We asked council to look at the units as there is a mess. They came back to us and said the owner needs to list all the business that are renting units, this has not been done.
There are time restrictions for worker but it seems to be 24/7 and rubbish is constantly being burned. We don’t know who or what is in there and there needs to be regulated for working times etc. It’s currently a bit like a scrapyard.
The council hasn’t come back about this (WL) Action:  will ask the council again to look into this. 

Defibrillators: (WL) There has been 3 sessions for defibrillators training very successful attendance and the trainers were very good so a big thanks to Gary Kennedy and Chris McEwan


Police Report: No police present/ no report


Councilors Report: No councilor present/ no report


Correspondence:  (WL) Children and Young People for Justice (CYCJ) Correspondence received via email asking what people thoughts are about children and young people in the area – there is a link to survey with a deadline 21 Dec 2023.
(BR) There is a problem with kids – but mainly in the summer – noticeboard has been vandalized and other issues (WL) Action: will respond to survey. The results will inform and plan work for the next 5 years.
(HY) there is nowhere for the young people to play. (BR) The park isn’t suitable for football. The hall is not being utilized and not suitable for football either. (WL) an enclosed multi-park would work well in the Throsk area and give the young people somewhere to meet. Perhaps this is something that can be highlighted in the survey.


Planning: (WL) extension to south east elevation Deeside Timber has been approved.

The maturation site has approval so there may be tests happening soon.


Community Liaison Officer:  Not in attendance


Any other Competent Business:
Roads - (HY) asked if we had heard anything back about the roads team re the issues mentioned in the October meeting with the officer from the roads service (WL) no response from Stirling Council to date. (YD) sent actions to visiting Robert Fleming, the roads officer in October and he acknowledged the email. (IC) The state of the roads is getting worse also causing spray to residents windows, the windows are filthy.

Defibrillators (WL) would it be beneficial to have a spare set of defibrillator pads in the box. Response back from Martin Stewart, one of the first responders, Pads have a limited shelf life normally about 2 years and he wouldn’t recommend spares. If a defibrillator is deployed Martin will get a 999 call and the pads will be checked then and if necessary they will be replaced at a cost.

New Notice Board (WL) It would be good to have one out on the road or one on the outside of the building but preferably, one at either end of the village.





Next meeting to be held 7pm Tuesday 9 January 2024 Throsk Community Centre