Apr 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Throsk Community Council Meeting

11th April 2023 @ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre



Jim Morton

Helen Yuill

Ian Corlett

William Liddell

Bernard Reynolds

Brian Hambly (Councillor)

Margaret Scotland (Throsk Resident)

Nicky Black (Throsk Resident)



Michelle Mackie


Police Officers (not present)

Nicola Durward

Stephanie Martin


Minutes of Previous Meeting

Proposed by Helen Yuill and seconded by Ian Corlett.


Police Report

No Police Report

Police Scotland encourage Throsk residents to phone or e-mail Bannockburn Police Station with any concerns that they may have.

Contact e-mail: bannockburncpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk


Councillor Report

Please find attached the Councillor Report relating to the period concerned.



No correspondence.



No planning.

All planning can be viewed on the following website:



Community Liaison Officer

Community Liaison Officer not requested.



No other business


Next meeting to be held 9th May 2023

@ 7pm in Throsk Community Centre



Councillor Alasdair MacPherson

Old Viewforth, Stirling, FK8 2ET

Tel: 07824 496014 e.mail. macphersona@stirling.gov.uk


11th April 2023

Councillors Report

Throsk Community Council


Stirling Council Budget

The Labour/Tory administration imposed brutal cuts to the most vulnerable of our citizens in the budget in February. Some of the most brutal services they cut were for Special Uplifts for over 60-year-olds and increased the MECS charges by double the rate of inflation. They also took a decision to remove the Park and Ride at Springkerse, nursery places and funding for apprenticeships. They also reduced funding for the Big Noise project which could have seen the Fallin Big Noise fold.

One of the last things the previous First Minister Nicola Sturgeon did was give extra funding to Councils that have the Big Noise project which meant the the Council Labour/Tory coalition was able to reverse some of the brutal cuts they imposed on the most vulnerable in our communities.

During the budget, the administration said they had to take "difficult decisions" because there was no money. However, a week later they agreed to give Council staff a day off on 8th May to celebrate the "Coronation", which incidentally takes place at the weekend. Also, there is already a holiday the Monday before 1st May!

It costs the Council £787.000 per day to pay its staff so it does not take a mathematician to calculate that the cost of this public holiday could have been used to stop more cuts to vulnerable services.

I was the only councillor who opposed the public holiday.


Whisky maturation warehouse scheme at Bandeath Industrial Estate

I attended the open day event by the applicant's consultants in November and will watch with great interest how things transpire with the proposal.