March 2024 Minutes

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5th March 2024 at 7:30 pm

Thornhill Community Hall


  1. Present and Apologies

Present: Elaine Blanchard (EB) Secretary, Alison Newlands (AN) Minute Taker, Hector Muir

(HM) Chair, Al Rawlinson (AR), Rowena Coulthard (RC), Veronica Bachelor (VB), Gary

Thompson (GT), Moira Russell (MR), Gary Richardson (GR), Sheena Stewart (SS), Sam

Campbell (SC)

Apologies: Gabriela Ingle (GI), Cllr Martin Earl (ME), Campbell Millar (CM),

  1. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 23rd January 2024

Minutes approved.

Approved by RC

Seconded by VB

  1. Matters Arising

Bear Scotland - Deanston Bridge Survey Results

No update at present.

Rural Watch Scotland

EB confirmed that she has signed up to Rural Watch Scotland on behalf of the committee.

Doig Street Water Pressure

No response to emails sent to date. RC advised she had submitted a complaint.

Thornhill Primary School – Flashing sign

EB advised no update at present and has requested feedback on the road sensors placed

recently on main street. Feedback on the road sensors could include observations on

whether they are effectively monitoring traffic flow and contributing to overall road safety

improvements. Pop up police models have now been purchased and displayed around the


  1. Reports – External
  2. Transport Scotland – Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park

HM advised that he has written to the various authorities highlighting the importance of

addressing the road safety issues promptly given the increase in accidents and a recent

fatality on this stretch of road.

  1. Police Scotland

HM tabled the Police Report and verbally updated TBCC on the following topics:

Antisocial Behaviour

No reported incidents.

Road Safety

On 26/02/24 a two vehicle road traffic collision occurred on the A873. No persons were injured,

and no offences detected.

On 27/02/24 a one vehicle fatal road traffic collision occurred on the A84 between

Blairdrummond and Stirling. This required a considerable road closure and is being investigated

by the Road Policing Department.


No reported incidents.

  1. Stirling County Councillor

HM advised that Cllr Martin Earl was unable to attend tonight’s meeting and has provided

an email update for the TBCC.

The Stirling Council’s 2024/24 budget has now been set and the Officer papers will be

published on the Friday. The budget gap is finalising now at something over 16million – so

over the 13.6m originally forecast.

The administration budget proposal and any opposition ones will also be published.

In addition, there are proposals that will be debated/voted on and a settled budget position


  1. Reports – Internal
  2. Chair

See Agenda item 4a.

  1. Secretary

See matters arising Thornhill Primary School.

  1. Treasurer

GT updated the meeting with the current financial information.

Treasurer’s Report: £503.69 in the bank account to date. Upcoming payment due for the

TBCC Zoom account on 18th March 2024. GT advised that he has applied for a debit card to

help ease payment delays and streamline financial transactions.

All agreed no objections.

  1. Planning

AR Report circulated prior to meeting.

AR advised of four planning applications for the area.

  1. Thornhill Community Trust/ Futures Group

EB advised that a village community group meeting has been arranged for the 19th March

2024 at 7pm.

  1. Blair Drummond Community Hall

HM advised that the TBCC meeting on the 4th June 2024 will be held in the Blair Drummond

Community Hall.

  1. North Common Trust

EB advised that SSEN (Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks) has been actively

conducting surveys in the vicinity, identifying areas where trees are situated close to power

lines. They are then arranging for the trimming or removal of these trees to mitigate

potential hazards to our power lines.

  1. Community Council Business
  2. Community Council Partnership with local CC’s on funding cuts.

No further update, remove from agenda.

  1. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill

No update at present.

  1. Slow Down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards


HM advised on behalf of GI that an email is to be sent to Angela McGibbon at Stirling

Council to progress the agreed actions last year for the A873 detailed below:

- Rumble strips to be installed

- The road junction at the Smiddy to be repainted

- The bus sign renewed.

Additionally, there was an agreement to review the bend at Wood Lane on the A873 with

the possibility of installing chevrons to guide drivers and reduce accident rates.

Unfortunately, no action has been taken regarding this matter, despite the ongoing

concerns and accident statistics for this road section.

  1. Doig Street Water Pressure

As per matters arising agenda item.

  1. Traffic/Speeding in Thornhill

As per matters arising agenda item.

  1. Accidents in Blair Drummond

As per matters arising agenda item.

  1. Accessibly fund for cycle networks

HM agreed to send a follow up email to Stirling Council regarding cycle path funding.

  1. Spring Clean 2024, Keep Scotland Beautiful

Agenda item continued to next TBCC meeting.

  1. Residents Forum

No comments.

  1. AOB

EB advised that she has contacted Stirling Council about the fencing around the recycling

station in Thornhill. She was informed by the council that either they can repair the fencing

or the community can take the initiative to fix it and subsequently assume ownership.

TBCC agreed to ask the community their preference for the recycling station and whether it

is still required or used.

  1. Date, time, and venue of next meeting

23rd April 2024 at 7:30pm

Action Points Member Responsible

Bear Scotland Deanston Bridge Survey



Cllr Gene Maxwell to escalate issue with

Scottish water


Thornhill Primary School – reinstate

flashing lights


Contact Roads Officer at Stirling Council

for update on traffic calming measures for



Email to Stirling Council regarding cycle

path funding.


Email to Angela McGibbon Stirling Council

to progress A873 issues.


Thornhill Recycling Station EB

Meeting closed 20:15.