January 2024 Minutes

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23rd January 2024 at 7:30 pm
Thornhill Community Hall

1. Present and Apologies
Present: Elaine Blanchard (EB) Secretary, Alison Newlands (AN) Minute Taker, Hector Muir (HM) Chair, Cllr Gene Maxwell, Al Rawlinson (AR), Rowena Coulthard (RC), Veronica Bachelor (VB), Campbell Millar (CM), Gary Thompson (GT), Moira Russell (MR), Lorna Deans (LD), Police Scotland, Donald King (DK), Police Scotland.
Apologies: Gabriela Ingle (GI),

2. Approval of minutes of meeting on the 12th December 2023
Minutes approved.
Approved by CM
Seconded by GT

3. Matters Arising
Lion and the Unicorn
Agenda item has now been resolved. No major variation to the premises, the Lion and Unicorn have submitted a retrospective planning application.
Blair Drummond Community Hall
HM confirmed that the Blair Drummond Community Hall does have Wi-Fi and would be able to accommodate future TBCC meetings.
Doig Street Water Pressure
MR advised the meeting that there has been no further progress with Scottish Water regarding the water pressure. No response to emails sent to date.

4. Reports – External
b. Police Scotland
HM welcome LD and DK to the meeting and thanked them for taking time to update the
committee. LD tabled the Police Report and verbally updated TBCC on the following topics:
Antisocial Behaviour
On 22/12/23 a vandalism occurred to a vehicle in Thornhill. Officers are following a positive line of enquiry in relation to this.
Road Safety
On 28/12/23 there was a one vehicle collision on B822 between Callander and Thornhill.
On 01/01/24 there was a one vehicle collision on A873 between Thornhill and the Smiddy junction.
CM commented on concerns around damage to the A873 and the procedure for reporting problems on the roads.
DK advised that any issues reported to Police Scotland regarding road repairs would be sign
posted to Stirling Council Roads Department.
On 09/12/23 a theft occurred from a property in Blairdrummond. This was reported to police on 14/12/23. Enquiries are still ongoing.
TBCC entered a discussion on speeding issues in Thornhill and HM advised that a meeting was held with the Headteacher of Thornhill Primary School, addressing the ongoing concerns for the children attending the school.
DK advised that pop up police models can be purchased and have proved effective in slowing down traffic in other locations, agreed to send link to EB to purchase.
DK updated TBCC regarding rural crime particularly quad bikes and trailers. DK added that if the community are concerned about any incidences, there is a community mailbox that issues can be raised through. In addition, communities can sign up to Rural Watch Scotland is an extension of the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland movement and a product of the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC) aimed specifically at the rural community of Scotland. TBCC agreed to sign up.

a. Transport Scotland – Traffic Alleviation at Safari Park
HM advised that he has spoken to Bear Scotland regarding the above, and it would be beneficial to continue to collect information and evidence to submit to them. HM added that he will speak to GI to support with this.
GM advised that Bear Scotland caried out a survey on the Deanston Bridge to try and alleviate the issues. This might be an option for the issues around the Safari Park. GM agreed to forward the survey results to TBCC for information purposes.
c. Stirling County Councillor
GM advised that Stirling Council are still in deep discussions regarding the 2024/25 budget where significant savings will be required due to a large deficit and difficult decisions need to be made around funding for critical services.

5. Reports – Internal
a. Chair
HM advised that a meeting has been held at Thornhill Primary School where the pupils raised their concerns around speeding in the village. This is an ongoing issue and the TBCC will continue to work with the school to help with the safer routes to school plan.
EB added that the flashing lights near the school on Kippen Road have been removed and will ask Stirling Council to reinstate them.
b. Secretary
Nothing to report.
c. Treasurer
GT updated the meeting with the current financial information.
Treasurer’s Report: £721.23 in the bank account to date. Upcoming payment due for the TBCC Zoom account.
d. Planning
AR Report circulated prior to meeting.
AR advised of one update to planning for the area.
e. Thornhill Community Trust/ Futures Group
EB advised that a further meeting with the Futures Group has been held and the draft place plan sits at 62 pages. A section of local living still needs to be added and then the draft can be submitted.
f. Blair Drummond Community Hall
No updates.
g. North Common Trust
EB advised that the next North Common Trust meeting will be held in February 2024.
6. Community Council Business
a. Community Council Partnership with local CC’s on funding cuts.
No further update, TBCC agreed to hold off attending the meeting until the Stirling Council
budget has been set, which will outline the funding any funding cuts in the area.
b. Dunsire and Partners’ development in Thornhill
No update at present. Update Stirling Council with new contact details at TBCC for Dunsire and Partners Development.
c. Slow Down sign/flashing light on A873 after B8031 (near Coldoch Road) towards Stirling.
No update.
d. Doig Street Water Pressure
As per matters arising agenda item.
e. Traffic/Speeding in Thornhill
GM advised there is a new roads officer in post at Stirling Council and it be worthwhile to make contact to arrange a meeting or request an update.
f. Accidents in Blair Drummond
No update.
g. Meeting with Thornhill Primary School Pupil Council
As per agenda item 4b. Nothing further to add.

7. Residents Forum
No comments.

8. AOB
Nothing to report.

9. Date, time, and venue of next meeting
5th March 2024 at 7:30pm


Action Points Member Responsible
Sign up to Rural Watch Scotland EB
Bear Scotland Deanston Bridge Survey Results GM
Cllr Gene Maxwell to escalate issue with
Scottish water
Update Stirling Council with contact details for Dunsire and Partners
Thornhill Primary School – reinstate flashing lights EB
Repairs to Thornhill War Memorial EB
Cycle Path email update to be circulated to TBCC EB
Contact Roads Officer at Stirling Council for update on traffic calming measures for Thornhill. EB


Meeting closed 20:35.