November 2024 Minutes


Meeting Monday 4th November 2024 in the Village Club. Final

Members Present: - Julie Hutchison; Grace Edmonds; John Grey; Rob Davies;

Pamela Lee; Kate Ramsden; Ian Boardley

In attendance: Councillor Rosemary Fraser SC; Margaret Vass SCDT; Richard

Baynes SCDT+ 4 residents

Apologies: Andrew Thompson; Eleanor Balfour

(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development

Trust * Denotes an action)

  1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest

JH welcomed everybody to the meeting. She noted that the leader of Stirling

Council, Margaret Brisley, sadly died last week and passed on our thoughts to

the council.

There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Minutes of October meeting and matters arising.

The minutes had been circulated to all CC members and were accepted.

Proposed by IB seconded by JG.

Matters arising: JH has contacted Duff Trees and they are happy to supply a

Christmas tree again this year at the same price as last year. We will now

switch on the lights on November 29th.

  1. Police Report

There is no Police report this month.

  1. Local Place Plan update.

The working group has a meeting on Monday November 11th when we will

discuss ideas to take the Place Plan forward.

JG noted that there is an online information session on planning. He is unable

to attend but thinks it is aimed at planners rather that CCs so we will miss this.

Councillor McGarvey mentioned planning issues to the officers and Sharon

Marklow said that she is happy to attend a CC meeting to address any questions

we have. We will invite her to the January meeting.


  1. Paths Update - Richard Baynes SCDT

The Paths Group want to make a viable walking/cycling route along the old

railway line from Station Road to join the WHW. A tree has fallen across the

existing path near the new bridge and the fence bordering Duntreath has fallen

onto the path, making it impassible. RB has been in touch with the Access

officer from Scottish Water who agrees that the condition of the path is unacceptable.

Their legal team says that there is a dispute with Duntreath over

who is responsible for dealing with this. RB would like the CC to contact Marie

McCallum, the Access Officer for SW to suggest that they may be in breach of

the Access Laws. It was agreed that we would do this. RD suggested that the

elected member should also be involved, and RF agreed to this.

  1. Elected Member’s Report - Councillor Rosemary Fraser

RF said that she had little to report as the Council is adjusting to some reconfiguration

after the loss of the leader.

A full council meeting agreed the Forthside Regeneration Plan, which will include

a film studio which is already in use and new housing.

Part of the land at Viewforth is for sale for a mix of housing and Old Viewforth

will be improved to make it more environmentally friendly.

  1. Planning and Licensing

There are no new planning applications in our area this month. JG has submitted

a series of questions about the retrospective application for Ardoch


A resident asked about the appeal on the house at the end of Moor Road.

This has been rejected.

  1. Finance

There is £4318.09 in the account.

PL reported that she has still not received the Admin Grant. GE will email SB

about this. Once we have the grant we will change the Bank.

  1. Correspondence

We received a survey on Resilience and Emergencies from SC. We will complete


There are two surveys as part of the last Big Conversation. One is online now,

on the Engage Stirling website, until November 17th and the second one will

be live next year. We will put these on Facebook and encourage residents to

complete them. There are hard copies in the library.

Shelby Johnston from SC contacted us about Ash Die Back on the railway

path to Lennoxtown. She is dealing with this.

JG mentioned that SC are hosting courses about transport and about housing,

but we will not attend these.


  1. AOCB

GE will order new lights for then porch at the VC. The Wee Spuds have asked

if we could buy some extra lights for the tubs, and this was agreed. MV will

speak to them about this.

JH asked if we should ask the Crooners if they will sing at the Christmas lights

switch on if the Wind Ensemble are not free, and this was agreed. MV will

check if the DWE is available. PL asked if we could use the card reader from

the SCDT to collect donations again this year as most people don’t carry


  1. Date of next meeting

December 2nd, 2024

Contact us at Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors

are on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin