April 2024 Minutes

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Meeting Monday 8th April 2024 in the Village Club


Members Present: - Julie Hutchison; Grace Edmonds; Rob Davies; John Gray; Ian


In attendance: Councillor Rosemary Fraser SC; Margaret Vass SCDT; + 3 residents

Apologies: Graeme Kemsley; Pamela Lee; Kate Ramsden; Eleanor Balfour; Andrew


(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development

Trust * Denotes an action)

  1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest

JH welcomed everybody to the meeting. She apologised for not mentioning at the

last meeting that residents had thanked us for helping to ensure that the site opposite

Blue Risk had been cleared.

There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Minutes of March meeting and matters arising.

The minutes had been circulated to all CC members and were accepted. Proposed

by RD, seconded by JG.

Matters arising: A resident had asked for suggestions about how to spend residual

money from a grant. Several causes were suggested but the CC decided that the

money should be given to the Paths group. The resident was happy with this.

We need to remind TSAR about the first aid classes they offered to run on our behalf.

GE will contact them regarding possible dates.

JH reported that the surgery has no new information about the situation with the District

Nurses. The results of the trial are being reviewed at present. The surgery will let

us know when they have any further information. JH will speak to one of the doctors

next week.

  1. Police Report

Anti-social behaviour

An older child has been referred to social work after causing a disturbance within a



A theft by housebreaking has been recorded after a barbeque hut at Mugdock Country

Park was broken into and a portable petrol generator taken. Enquiries are ongoing.

Incidents of note

A stolen vehicle from East Dunbartonshire has been recovered on Dumbrock Drive,


JG asked if there is any information about the introduction of the new Parking on

Pavements legislation. RF said that there will be a delay in implementing this as local

councillors have to determine any areas of exemption.


  1. Local Place Plan update.

JG reported that 105 completed surveys have been submitted to date. WE will continue

to encourage residents to complete it via Facebook, notices, the library etc. JH

will contact BHS and GE will contact the primary school to ask if they could mention

the survey on their parent email.

  1. Roads update

JH reported that the new path linking the West Highland Way on the B821

is almost complete.

RD has reported two abandoned cars on the A809 to SC. Nothing has been done.

GE will email Police Scotland about this.

Campsie Road is due to be closed for a few weeks, with a diversion via Fintry. In

fact there will be traffic lights for two weeks and the road will be closed for one week

between 8.30 and 5.0. This will cause problems for parents taking their children to

school. GE has emailed SC about his but has had no reply from the Council Officer.

MV asked if we have been notified about which roads in our area are due to be repaired

this year, but we do not. RF will ask about this. JH noted that we have no consultations

with roads now.

  1. Elected member’s Report Councillor Rosemary Fraser

The next Council meeting is May 2nd.

RF has asked if schools could stop using single use plastic.

Langgarth House was badly damaged by fire at the weekend. Low water pressure

was identified by the fire brigade attending and this is being investigated by Scottish

water. Langgarth House has been empty for many years and has been kept insured

at a considerable cost to the council. RD asked if there is any move towards selling

off some assets. RF said that there has been a review of buildings and staff. Some

buildings are sitting empty and could be sold for other uses or repurposed by the

council. There is a proposal to refurbish Viewforth at a cost of £31million. RF is not

sure that she will support this level of spending.

RD asked if the council has a contingency plan if Glasgow City Council declare bankruptcy

as some aspects of our area could be affected by this. RF said she did not

think so but that the council leader had mentioned to the last council meeting that SC

might be in a similar situation.

  1. Planning and Licensing.

JG said that we have submitted our comments on the planning requests at Dineiddwg House.

JG is still planning to write to the planning officers regarding the issue of precedence when planning

permission has been granted in the Green Belt.

  1. Finance

We have £4440.74 in our account. This does not take account of £40 outstanding for

hire of the Village Club.


  1. Correspondence

JH found an article in the Community Development bulletin regarding area forums.

SC has decided that these will take place in two blocks and will concentrate on two

areas, Health and wellbeing and Sustainability. The forums on Health and Wellbeing

will take place in Cowie, Bannockburn and Cornton. Sustainability forums will be held

in Balfron ana Callander. JH, GE and MV attended consultation meetings about area

forums and said that the Southwest forum worked really well, when we met as a local

group with the same concerns. GE will contact SC about this, and RF will raise it in


The Health and Social Care Partnership are holding a series of sessions on palliative

and end of life care, but again none of these are being held in our area. There is an

online survey which we can put on our website.

White Ribbon Scotland sent a message about work they are planning to do across

the area to support violence against women.

We received an email from a resident on Glasgow Road about damage to the verges

caused by his workmen and assuring us that this will be repaired.

A resident asked about the availability of litter pickers. JH will check and reply.

There is a public consultation from SEPA on possible areas of flooding, with a questionnaire

for CCs to complete. JH and GE will complete this.

  1. AOCB

MV asked about dogs off lead in the playpark. There is a sign saying that all dogs

must be on leads, but it is not obvious enough. We need more signage around the


There was discussion about the date for the next meeting as May 6th is a holiday.

We will delay the meeting until May13th and GE will inform SC.

  1. Date of next meeting

May 13th, 2024

Contact us at contact@strathblanecc.org.uk Also on our website

www.strathblanecc.org.uk. Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are

on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin