December 2023 Minutes

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Meeting Monday 4th December 2023 in the Village Club

Members Present: - Julie Hutchison; Kate Ramsden: Grace Edmonds; Rob Davies;
John Gray; Ian Boardley; Pamela Lee.
In attendance: Vass SCDT; PCs + 4 residents
Apologies: Graeme Kemsley; Eleanor Balfour; Andrew Thompson; Councillor Rosemary Fraser
(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development
Trust * Denotes an action)

1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest
JH welcomed everybody to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.

2. Minutes of November meeting and matters arising.
The minutes had been circulated to all CC members and were accepted. With an
amendment to Blue Risk which should be Bluerisk. Proposed JG, Seconded KR
Matters arising: JH told the meeting that SC had replied to our query about ownership of the bus shelter and confirmed that it is owned by SC

3. Police Report
There was no Police Report this month.
GE will email PC McCammon to remind him of our meeting dates.

4. Cuts to Local Bus Services.
All we can do about the proposal to cut bus services is contact the council. EB will write to the Council on our behalf, saying that the cuts are unacceptable. She will copy the letter to Evelyn Tweed also.
A resident said that they had tried to access the survey on November 29th but could not find it. It has now closed.
The CC recorded a vote of thanks to Val Brand for her work on this issue.

5. Christmas Tree Switch On.
The Christmas Tree Switch on will take place on December 15th. Duff trees are providing the tree again and we are grateful to them for doing so.
Members of the CC will decorate the hall on the morning of December 9th. This year the music will be provided by the Campsie Crooners.

6. Date for Local Place Plans Group Meeting.
The first meeting of the group will take place on February 12th, 2024, at 7.0pm in the Village Club.

7. Elected Member’s Report
There was no elected member present.

8. Planning and Licensing
19/00444/FUL: 4 flats on Bluerisk site. Now that the build is complete the Planners are asking for the field opposite the site to be restored.
Campsite expanding beyond its boundaries - JG thinks that they will work up new planning applications to fit what they are doing.
Planning permission has been granted for a house on Milndavie Road.
23/00692/FUL: Erection of dwelling house and detached garage, land 35m East of Craig Barton, Old Mugdock Road, Strathblane. JG has requested consultation rights for the CC. The site is part of the Green Belt and neighbours are concerned about the size of the house and extra traffic on Old Mugdock Road. RD suggested that residents
ask for this to be referred to a Planning Panel. 5 residents need to complain individually for this to happen and they can also ask local councillors to request a Planning Panel. JG recommended that we send reasons why the application does not meet the policies and object. The members present agreed to this, and JG will draft a response.
RD asked if businesses need planning permission to erect roadside signs. JG said that they need the landowners’ permission, and this might be SC if the signs are on verges. He could not answer immediately whether planning permission would also be required.
JG said that he has indicated that we have no objection to the route suggested for moving felled trees. The company plans to delay the work until the new year to avoid extra traffic during the festive season.
JH thanked JG for his work.

9. Finance
The current balance is £4467.19 We now have only one account.
PL told the meeting that, owing to the incompetence of RBS we plan to move the account
in the new year.

10. Correspondence
There was no correspondence this month.

11. AOCB
IB said that Mugdock Country Park is looking to recruit more stewards for the castle.
At present there is only one steward. He wondered if there is a local group who might be interested. JH suggested the Heritage Society and IB could contact Anne and Alastair Balfour. He will also out an article in the next issue of the BVB.
JH mentioner that the Cuilt Road will be closed between 8 and 4 on weekdays for the next two weeks. This mis the third time that residents have been notified about a closure, but it has not happened. KR has suggested to residents that they should complain directly to SC.
JG mentioned that Richard Arnold has been pursuing the issue of power cuts with Alyn Smith. GE has emailed the Resilience Team at SC about this also but has had no reply yet. This is a huge issue for the area as when phones become digital there will be no means of communication for residents in the event of a power outage.

12. Date of next meeting
January 8th, 2024
Copy date for the BVB 26th January 2024
Contact us at Also on our website Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are
on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin