Sept 2021 AGM Minutes

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Minutes of AGM


Monday 6 th September 2021 via Zoom Final

Members Present : - Julie Hutchison; Grace Edmonds; Evelyn Macdougall; John Gray; Kate Ramsden; Philip Graves; Eleanor Balfour.

In attendance: Councillor Rob Davies; Margaret Vass SCDT+ 3 residents

(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development Trust * Denotes an action)


1. Welcome from the Chair and any apologies


JH opened the meeting, welcoming those present. There were apologies from Andrew Thompson, Craig Melville and Councillor Jane Hutchison

2. Minutes of last AGM on 7th December 2020


It was stated in the minutes that the AGM would be held in June 2021 but we decided to delay this until September as the previous AGM was in December 2020. We intend to return to a June AGM in 2022.

The minutes were adopted; Proposed by PG, Seconded by EM

3. Reports from Office Bearers


a) Chairperson’s Report: Julie Hutchison


JH reported that we started the new session in January with 7 CC members. EB was co-opted in February and is now a full member. CM was co-opted in April and Pamela Lee will be co-opted at our next meeting, bringing our numbers to

10. This leaves us with one vacancy.

This session we lost Councillor Graham Lambie, a long-time friend and staunch supporter of the CC. Later we met Jane Hutchison, who is our new councillor.

We met with the owners of both the Carbeth Inn and the Kirkhouse Inn regarding their plans. We also worked with Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust to tackle the problem of Himalayan Balsam along the Blane.

JH acknowledged the amazing efforts from the SCDT to provide the village with a new library.

There has been flooding again in the village. A resident near the Kirkhouse engaged with SC regarding this and had a good outcome. The drains in Blane Crescent have also been cleared.

JH also acknowledged the work that Pam Campbell from the Community Development Team did with us. We wish her well in her new job with EDC, but miss her.


During the pandemic the BVB has been produced every two months. JH thanked GE, EM and Chris Edmonds for putting the bulletin together.

JH ended by thanking all the CC members for their hard work.

b) Secretary’s Report: Grace Edmonds


My main task as secretary is to prepare the agenda for meetings and take the minutes. I circulate the papers for meetings two weeks prior to the meeting and send adopted minutes to Stirling Council. I also prepare the Meetings Schedule to be agreed at the AGM and circulate this to CC members.

I ensure that the agenda for each meeting and the minutes of the previous one are posted on the village notice boards. I am responsible for booking the Village Club for CC meetings and I also collect the audio/visual equipment from the library, prior to each meeting and return it afterwards, although this has not happened this year as our meetings have been taking place via Zoom.

In addition to my duties as secretary I am the CC representative on the Village Club committee. In conjunction with Evelyn and Julie, I edit the BVB.

c) Treasurer’s Report: Evelyn Macdougall


These accounts take us from 1st April 2020 to March 31st 2021.

We would like to thank Kate Baxter once again for examining the books free of charge and the individuals who have sponsored the BVB throughout the year.


Opening Balance - £1929.15 SC Admin. Grant - £482.10

SC Covid Relief Grant - £500.00 Sponsorship for BVB - £390.00





BVB costs - £324.00

Website maintenance - £72.00

Subscription to ICO - £35.00

Sundry expenses - £96.00



Closing balance -


Instant Saver


We used some of the Covid relief Grant to sponsor an edition of the BVB and the remainder will be returned to SC.


The accounts were accepted, Proposed by PG and Seconded by KR

4. Election of Office Bearers


Office bearers for the following year were elected as follows:

Proposed by Seconded by





Vice chair












Planning and Licensing




5. Allocation of Other Responsibilities (approved by all)


Roads PG

Environment KR

Health EB


Broadband AT and PG

6. Planning Group Membership


JG, EB and PG will lead this and call on any others as needed.

7. SCC representatives on other groups within the village


Community Development Trust JH and AT Village Club GE

Mugdock Management Committee JH

8. Cheque Signatories


Currently EM, JH and GE. It is proving difficult to add KR to the list but this will be done when restrictions are eased.

9. Meeting Schedule 2018/19


This had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all.

10. Date of next meeting – Monday 6 th June 2022