Oct 2021 Minutes


Virtual meeting Monday 4th October2021



Members Present: - Grace Edmonds; Julie Hutchison; Kate Ramsden; Evelyn Mac-
dougall; Philip Graves; John Gray; Andrew Thompson; Pamela Lee; Craig Melville
Apologies: Ellie Balfour

In attendance: Cllr J Hutcheson; M Vass, SCDT; + 1 resident

(SC = Stirling Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development
Trust * Denotes an action)


  1. Welcome from the Chair and declarations of Interest


    JH welcomed everybody to the meeting and said that she hopes we might be able to
    move to in person meetings next month after the SC meeting on October 7th.

    AT declared an interest re. a planning application.


  2. Minutes of September meeting and matters arising


    The minutes were accepted, proposed by JG seconded by EM

    Matters arising: Following our discussion last month about purchasing a wreath, JH
    had had an email from the church to say that they plan to hold a smaller service at
    the war memorial this year and asked if a councillor would be in attendance. Council-
    lor Hutchison said that Rob Davies will represent SC at our service and will lay the
    council wreath.

    JH looked at the derelict sites in the village but we have none that qualify.

    JH went to look at the fly tipping on the A81. A Water board employee who was there
    at the time offered to put some of the rubbish into their skips and said that he will tell
    his boss about our suggestion of a barrier to prevent cars from accessing the site.

    GE emailed the police regarding people driving along the pavement at the Co-op.
    They will watch for this.


  3. Police Report


    PC Graham sent the report for October.
    Anti-social behaviour

    The police attended a report of two drunk females in Blanefield. One was arrested for
    Breach of the Peace. Neither were residents of the village.

    A couple of calls were received regarding youths at the quarry, but on both occasions
    they had left by the time the police attended.

    There was a report of youths on the roof of the primary school. Extra attention has
    been given to the school.

    There was a hut fire at Carbeth. Enquiries are continuing.
    Road traffic

    There was a significant RTC involving two motorcycles and two cars on the A809
    near Queens View. The road was closed for some time. The motorcyclists sustained
    broken bones and both have been reported for Road Traffic Act offences.

    A hit and run RTC occurred in the car park at the Co-op. Enquiries are continuing
    with a view to identifying the driver of the offending vehicle.


    There was a report of theft of diesel fuel from Auchengillan. Enquiries are continuing.
    There were a couple of reports of suspicious vehicles in the area, but no registration
    details were taken.

    A potential fraud was reported regarding concert tickets. Enquiries are continuing to
    establish if a fraud had occurred and the public should be aware that frauds are very common


    Police Scotland had a recent campaign regarding fuel theft. Advice on this, bike theft
    and fraud can be found in the whole Police report on the CC website.


  4. Elected Member’s report – Councillor Jane Hutchison


    Today there was a council briefing on the new Community Engagement Strategy.
    Concerns were raised about additional workload on council officers.

    The Catter Burn bridge at Croftamie has partially collapsed leading to the A809 being
    closed. Councillor Hutcheson has been seeking assurances that council officers will
    communicate with residents in the area.

    There will be a full council meeting on Thursday. It is likely that CCs will be allowed to
    meet in person from November.

    The conservative group tried to get a motion passed in the council to allow parents to
    have an extra year at nursery for children who are not ready for school, but they did
    not succeed.

    The new SC website should go online before Christmas.

    JG asked if the Branshogle bridge on the B818 has been repaired. Councillor Hut-
    cheson said that repairs should start soon.

    PG noted that SC has opened a conversation on the budget. He asked if we should
    all respond to this and Councillor Hutcheson said that we should.

    JH thanked Councillor Hutcheson for her report.


  5. Planning and Licensing.


    21/000645/PPP : 7 glamping pods at Edenmill
    21/000644/PPP: 4 glamping pods at Edenmill


    JG thinks that the 7 pods might have been part of the original plans for Edenmill. The
    other 4 are much more visible to neighbouring properties and further from the main

    JG will comment that the CC thinks it is important to see these applications alongside
    previous ones. We are concerned about noise and light pollution for the neighbours,
    particularly if there is no 24 hour supervision on site. MV commented that she at-
    tended a function at Edenmill recently and was impressed by how well managed it
    was.AT raised the issue of increased traffic on the access road. The neighbours have
    opposed the plans due to this. Councillor Hutcheson said that SC is interested in vol-
    ume of traffic on narrow roads so might consider this.

    JG said that we should say that we have no objection in principal with the condition
    that there should be 24 hour supervision on site. This was agreed by the CC mem-
    bers present. JG will circulate draft comments.

    21/000743/FUL and 21/000677/FUL - JG proposed sending identical comments on
    these applications to build infill properties at these locations. This was agreed by the
    CC members present.

    21/000762/FUL – erection of dwelling house on land adjacent to An Larach, Milnda-
    vie Road, Strathblane. A neighbour pointed out that this land is designed to flood as it
    was originally the mill lade. The sluice gates are no longer there. There were two cul-
    verts, one to drain the Punchbowl dam and the other to drain the mill lade, but these
    have combined. The flood risk assessment that supports the application says that the
    ground is suitable for building. The CC agreed that we will oppose this application
    due to the flood risk downstream and JG will send comments to this effect.

    21/000857/FUL – Extension to dwelling house on Milngavie Road. JG said that we
    will not comment on this but should take the opportunity to remind the residents that
    they should have planted a hedge at this property. This was agreed.

    JH thanked JG for all his work on planning.


  6. Finance


    Current Account - £2372.50
    Instant Saver - £1343.07

  7. Correspondence


There was no correspondence this month


  1. AOCB


    MV hopes to update on the library at the next meeting, but is clear that it will be hap-
    pening. They are still negotiating with SC who want discussions to be complete by
    the end of October.

    KR asked about a resilience plan. This was being revised but was never completed.
    KR asked for any volunteers to join her in a sub-group to create a new plan which
    could incorporate flood issues.AT agreed to join her. JH suggested that they could
    look at plans from other local CCs.

    PG warned us that Mugdock Road is likely to be closed again near the reservoir for
    Openreach work.

    JG mentioned that our website was upgraded to a new package which does not in-
    clude a security certificate. At present we are bombarded with security warnings. The
    new package is more expensive and we will have to pay for an additional security
    certificate. JG plans to look around for an alternative host. AT suggested that JG
    should speak to the SCDT as they are also considering a change of host.

    JG reminded the meeting that the Strathblanefield Facebook page is no longer public
    so we should share information on the CC Facebook page.

    JH said that there will be no BVB this month as there is still too little activity in the vil-
    lage to justify an issue every month.


  2. Date of next meeting November 1st 2021


Contact us at contact@strathblanecc.org.uk Also on our website
www.strathblanecc.org.uk. Telephone numbers for Community Councillors are
on the notice boards, in the library and in the Blane Valley Bulletin