February 2024 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council

Approved Minutes of the Hybrid Meeting held at 7pm on Thursday 1st February 2024 at Aberfoyle Memorial Hall


Present:                  Paul Mackintosh (Chair), Joyce Kelly (Planning), Trevor Geraghty (Strathard Community Trust), Catherine Cairns (Treasurer) Gillian McEwan, Natashya Sheppard.

In Attendance:        Provost and Councillor Elaine Watterson (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)

Apologies:              Andre Goulancourt, Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair), Linda McColl (Secretary), PC Lorna Deans, PC Donald King.

Residents:              There were 6 residents in attendance.



1.              Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies. The meeting was recorded for the benefit of the minute taker.

2.              Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 7th December 2023 were approved having been proposed by Trevor Geraghty (TG) and seconded by Joyce Kelly (JK)

3.              Questions from the floor / Members of the public to be declared

A local resident, speaking on behalf of the residents of Milton/ Small Loch Ard, raised two issues he had previously raised with Stirling Council (SC) but were still unresolved.

3.1             Road Safety

The resident had contacted SC over a number of years regarding safety concerns on the main road such as soft verges, blind corners, blind access to residences and blocked drains and culverts. This year residents experienced serious flooding which resulted in the road being closed. Water further along the road froze and resulted in a traffic accident. In 2019 SC agreed to undertake a programme of works to reinstate the soft verges and repair the culverts and drains. However, this work never took place. The residents contacted Councillor Earl who raised this matter again the Roads Department. Apparently these repairs have gone back into the programme of works but the residents have no indication of when it will be done. The residents requested assistance from SCC to help ensure the road is maintained.


3.2             Incorrect Signage for Milton on the B829.

Signage on the Western side of Milton on the B829 is approximately 1.5 miles out of position. The resident reported this to SC through their website but has had no response. Joyce Kelly (JK) confirmed the issue had been raised at 2 meetings with SC and a representative had agreed to go out and look at the signage but as yet nothing has been done.


Paul Mackintosh (PM) agreed to raise both issues as enquiries to SC and to ask for them to be looked at again. [Action: Paul Mackintosh].

Members stressed the importance of local residents raising issues themselves on the online portal as SC are obliged to address their concerns.


4.              Priority Focus – The Big Conversation – Rural CC Together

PM updated attendees on the concerted efforts of rural CCs across Stirlingshire to represent the position of rural communities in the face of the proposed £13 million cuts to be made to council services in the coming year. Working together the CCs identified the 8 key areas likely to have the greatest impact on rural communities, sent detailed questions to SC regarding the impact these cuts would have in their areas.

Representatives from the CCs met Ward Councillors. Recording Missing… During discussion, members expressed the following:

  • Disappointment at the inadequacy of the answers they received from SC which they felt were generic, of poor quality and lacking in detail or qualitative CSS have asked SC to look at this again.
  • Concern that councillors were unaware of the impact of cuts on real people in rural
  • Concern that budget decisions will be made without the necessary information to make informed decisions
  • Concern that the needs of urban areas could be prioritised over rural areas
  • Concern at a perceived lack of due diligence and proper assessment of the impact of cuts on rural communities
  • SC should be held accountable for their lack of due diligence in making informed

In her response Elaine Watterson (EW) commended PM & JK’s work in bringing the CCs together and hoped to see more co-operation in future. EW:

  • stressed that making decisions on the budget cuts was extremely difficult and she was not in a position to guarantee anything at this time.
  • assured members that she and the other ward councillors are very aware of the impact of cuts on rural communities and that they will be fighting on their
  • agreed that sometimes decisions may have been made without due diligence but asked members to take into account the amount of work councillors are having to do at present and the importance of balancing the budget.
  • disagreed strongly that urban needs would be prioritised over those of rural
  • emphasised that in depth work has been going on since March 2023 to identify where money has been wasted and can be saved.
  • reminded members that 85% of the SC budget is ring fenced and only 15% of budget is eligible for cuts.

SCC asked EW to defer the decision on budget cuts for 3 months to allow adequate evaluation of the impact of the cuts on people in rural areas arguing that dipping into reserves to continue current services could save more money in the long run. EW


confirmed that this suggestion had been discussed in council meetings today as there had been a hope that more money would be coming from the Scottish Government.

SC was told today that no more money will be forthcoming. EW confirmed that budget decisions would be made within the next 10 to 15 days.

The Chair informed members that PM, JK and CC have a meeting with Councillor Kane tomorrow and they will take these issues forward with him. They will update members when they get the next batch of enquiries back from SC. [Action: Paul Mackintosh, Joyce Kelly and Catherine Cairns]

JK & PM expressed their appreciation to Catherine Cairns for the huge amount of work she put into her excellent report on the impact of cuts to nursery and education services.

The Chair read a note from Elizabeth / a member of the public ?? recognising the frustration but suggesting that everyone working together rather than against each other would be more productive.



5.              Shared IT Equipment – Kinlochard Village Hall

Kinlochard is currently involved in a community purchase for ‘The Field’ which has generated a lot of online meetings. To facilitate future meetings, they would like to purchase equipment for Kinlochard Village Hall which would be shared with Strathard Village Hall. The estimated cost is £1300 - £1400 to cover a microphone, cameras and a robust laptop. If the equipment can be used with personal laptops, the cost should reduce to c. £800. They propose to ask the Community Pride Grant, Strathard Community Trust, and SCC to contribute to the costs of this equipment. SCC members agreed to ring-fence £400 for this use.



6.              Summary of Ongoing Business / Enquiries Raised



7.              Matters Arising

  • Strathard Community Trust / Volunteer Drive Scheme
    • This scheme still operational and more volunteers would be
    • The scheme has been chosen by Stirling Community Lottery as one of their good causes. Residents are encouraged to join this local charity lottery and choose the volunteer driver scheme to help maintain the
    • The trust has successfully obtained funding to extend its daytime wellbeing events and will be sending out enquiries across the community in due
    • The SCT requested a letter of support from SCC for their application for funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. As the request was only received on 1st February and the letter of support needed to be submitted by 9:30 am on 2nd February, it was unfortunately not possible to meet the


deadline. Individual members agreed to write their own letters of support as local residents. [Action: Members]



7.2             Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)

JK reminded members that the lack of public transport is an ongoing problem for residents in areas such as Kinlochard, Stronachlachar, and Inversnaid.

Efforts are ongoing to get the DRT reinstated in the area. JK stated the need to keep pushing on this issue.


8.              Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report for this meeting. The opening balance as of 30th October 2023 was £6,706.74. The closing balance on 27th December 2023 was £6,671.74.

See Addendum 1 for further details.



Microsoft invoice............. PM recommended that SCC write the cheque and send it to

her. PM is currently trying to get in contact with Claire. [Action: Paul Mackintosh and Catherine Cairns]

At the suggestion of JK, members agreed to send an official letter from SCC formally handing the organisation of the Christmas raffle and lights to AVP in order to avoid any confusion next year. PM agreed to write the letter. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]


9.              Police Report

The Chair read the Police Report for the period 4th December 2023 to 31st January 2024 which was compiled by PC Deans and forwarded to members prior to the meeting.



9.1           Antisocial behaviour

Sometime between 28th December 2023 and 2nd January 2024 damage was caused to a parked vehicle within the Aberfoyle area. After enquiries, this remains undetected.

9.2           Theft

At the end of November, a trailer and quad bike were stolen from Aberfoyle, however, this was not reported until after the previous report was submitted in December. The trailer has since been recovered but the quad bike remains outstanding.

On 20th January 2024 a theft by shoplifting occurred at Co-op, Main Street, Aberfoyle. Enquiries are ongoing.


9.3           Other Activity of Note

Police have been making enquiries in relation to a person of interest possibly sleeping rough in a wooded area of Aberfoyle. They can confirm that this person has now been traced.

See Addendum 2 for further information.


10.           Any Other Business which the Chair has directed should be considered



11.           Forestry and Land Scotland / Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park



12.           Life Plans

Kinlochard, Inversnaid and Stronichlachar and Aberfoyle Community Life Plans remain current. Work is ongoing to develop an overarching Local Place Plan for Strathard for presentation to the LLTNP at the end of March.


13.           Planning

There were 3 new planning application during this period, 2 new approvals and 2 withdrawals. As a result of the approvals and withdrawals this period there is now only one overdue application for Strathard. None of the new applications have attracted comments at this time.


14.           AOCB

  • SCC Website

Concern was raised that SCC has no functioning website. PM explained that Claire Graham had taken on the responsibility for the website and IT matters and currently holds all the admin passwords. She is currently hard to contact. Without these passwords, members cannot make changes or updates. PM agreed to try to get the passwords from Claire as a matter of priority and to sort out the outstanding payment. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]

Once PM has obtained the passwords, SCC will discuss the way forward. It is hoped that someone in the community with the relevant skills will help build and manage the website. Alternatively, SCC will look at getting professional help.


14.2        Update from Elaine Watterson

The Provost reminded members that this year is the 900th anniversary of Stirling becoming a royal burgh. A series of events is being planned to commemorate the anniversary, including a visit by the King and Queen. EW shared her excitement about the celebrations and stated her desire for rural communities and residents of all ages, from school children to pensioners, to be involved.


On being questioned about how celebrations will be funded, EW confirmed that the costs would be covered by private and corporate sponsorship.

Members expressed concern about how residents may perceive the celebrations when budget cuts are directly impacting their daily lives. They stressed the importance of communicating clearly that the funding for these events is being provided by sponsors.


  • A member of the public recommended JK contact Neil Ferguson, a local resident who is a PC and Laptop Doctor, regarding the equipment for Kinlochard Village Hall.


15.           Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Strathard Community Council will take place at 7pm on Thursday 7th March 2024. The location is to be confirmed.


ADDENDUM 1: Treasurer’s Report


Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance for meeting 01 February 2024



General Fund opening Bank balance 30 Oct 2023





Monies out



Minute taker November



Minute taker December



Total monies out



Monies in



Money from summer raffle (Trevor)



Donation from Walter Semple (Trevor)



Total monies in



General Fund closing Bank balance 27 December 2023



Subsequent expenditure / income



Aberfoyle Memorial Hall (Nov)                                                                                                - 25.00

Aberfoyle Memorial Hall (Dec)                                                                                                - 25.00

Christmas event                                                                                                - 600.00

Remainder of Stirling Council Admin / Minute Taker grant                                                                                                + 280.00




Total subsequent spend


( - 370.00)

Balance minus subsequent spend 2 Nov 2023



Less Commitments



Community Events Fund



Microsoft invoice August, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan





Available Funds                                                                                                              5,900.33


  • Community Event Fund
    1. Funds in Bank account 27 Dec 2023 97
  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic subscription


ADDENDUM 2: Police Report            Error! Unknown document property name.




Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report

Trossachs and Teith Ward,

Strathard Community Council



Community Council:



04/12/23 to 31/01/24 Compiled by PC Lorna Deans


Reporting Period:


Antisocial Behaviour

You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken behaviour.


Sometime between 28/12/23 and 02/01/24 damage was caused to a parked vehicle within the Aberfoyle area. After enquiries, this remains undetected.


On 19/1/24 officers recovered a small quantity of controlled drugs from a member of the public in the Aberfoyle area.


Ward Plan Priorities














ADDENDUM 2: Police Report            Error! Unknown document property name.




Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report







Police have been making enquiries in relation to a person of interest possibly sleeping rough in a wooded area of Aberfoyle. We can confirm that this person has now been traced.



Incidents / Activity of note







The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander Police Office. The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Sarah Stephenson, based at Dunblane Office.

They can be contacted via the email address TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.police.uk or by phoning 101 We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using @StirlingPol


ADDENDUM 3: Queen Elizabeth Forest Park – February Trail Update



Balmaha –


  • Conic Hill is currently inaccessible in both directions due to windblown trees from Storm Isha near Balmaha and a defective footbridge on the eastern We are working to clear the trees as soon as possible but in the meantime there is no access to Conic Hill from Balmaha. The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park are replacing the defective footbridge.




Garadhban -


  • A new harvesting site to deal with Phytophthera ramorum infected larch trees will start on Monday 12th The car park, Millburn and Craigievern Trails will be closed. The West Highland Way and Rob Roy Way will be diverted through Drymen to avoid the active site. Traffic lights will be in place for any roadside felling. Please follow any diversion and advice from operators.



Strathyre –


  • Harvesting at East Strathyre is complete with timber haulage ongoing, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue). The trail remains open - please obey all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.
  • Harvesting in East Strathyre by Kingshouse The Rob Roy Way will remain open but please obey any onsite signage and advice from operators.
  • A new harvesting site has begun north of the Strathyre cabins near the Rob Roy The Rob Roy Way will remain open. Please obey any onsite signage.




Loch Chon –


  • Harvesting work on the West side of Loch Chon has been completed. There are some minor works to be carried out to clean up the site, during which time there will be limited access to this section of forest road. The diversion route will be removed and the forest road open again to visitors once this work has taken place.



Achray –


  • A new harvesting site has started in a section of forest between Leannach car park and the Ben Venue hill path. Please obey onsite signage and operators instructions.


ADDENDUM 3: Queen Elizabeth Forest Park – February Trail Update



Bochastle –


  • Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal, however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park. Felling is complete in this area, with haulage Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.




Callander –


  • Coilhallan Woods is currently partially closed, including the car park, for harvesting of infected Larch trees. The felling is now complete but haulage is ongoing. Please obey onsite signage.




Loch Ard


  • The thinning operation in Loch Ard has now moved away from all promoted trails, except the Forth Valley Viewpoint which remains closed. All other trails are open as normal.
  • There are some windblown trees across forest roads within Loch Ard affecting the Lomond View and Aqueduct Loop Gravelfoyle These trees will be cleared as soon as possible and routes will reopen.





  • The Rob Roy Way between Braeval and The Lodge is open, however, there will be timber haulage ongoing throughout the site for the coming weeks.
  • Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network here and obey any on site signage and advice from operators.





  • There is active timber haulage in the forest roads north of Please be obey any signage and advice from operators.




The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –


  • The bridge at the Waterfall Trail is currently closed for public safety after an inspection. A new bridge is in the process of being procured. Whilst this takes place there is no access across the bridge to the wildlife hide or onto the Lime Craig trail whilst we wait for the new bridge to be installed. The public can access the hide from Braeval along the forest roads.


ADDENDUM 3: Queen Elizabeth Forest Park – February Trail Update


Three Lochs Forest Drive –


  • The Three Lochs Forest Drive is now closed to public vehicle access until the
  • Harvesting works to deal Larch trees infected with Phytophthera ramorum has Walkers and cyclists will still be able to access the drive, but please obey any onsite signage and

operators advice.



Sallochy Campsite –


  • Sallochy campsite is now closed to campers for the The paid public car park will be reinstated until the campsite reopens in the spring.
  • The toilets will be locked for the



Stay the Night –


  • The Stay the Night scheme for overnight motorhome parking has been extended until October 31st As such these sites will be available to use for self-contained motorhomes over the winter, with payment through Ringgo. You can find out more about the Stay the Night scheme here: Stay the Night - Forestry and Land Scotland





Upcoming Works

There are a number of Statutory Plant Health Notices that have recently been issued to sites within the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park. Harvesting works to deal with these Phytophthera ramorum infections will be taking place in the coming weeks and months.

These include:



Routes impacted: Rob Roy Way, Stonefields Trail, Braeval Trail.


Strathyre / Loch Lubnaig

Routes impacted: A84, Forest roads


Falls of Leny

Routes impacted: A84, Forest roads.


Dates for the start of these works and details of diversions and closures will be issued in due course.