September 2023 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council

Approved Minutes of the Hybrid Meeting held at 7pm on Thursday 7th September 2023 at Kinlochard Village Hall


Present:                   Paul Mackintosh (Chair), Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair), Lynda McColl (Secretary), Catherine Cairns (Treasurer), Joyce Kelly (Planning), Trevor Geraghty (SCT), Natashya Sheppard, Andre Goulancourt

In Attendance:         Councillor Martin Earl (Scottish Conservative and Unionist), David Fettes, (National Park Authority), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)

Apologies:               Gillian McEwan, Clare Dillon, PC Donald King, PC Lorna Deans

Residents:               There were 2 residents in attendance on zoom


1.              Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.

The Chair informed the meeting that a complaint been raised about the Community Council (SCC) meetings, stating that the dynamic was not good and they felt uncomfortable. The Chair recognised that CC meetings are a place of debate and can be emotive. He encouraged members to speak out straightaway if they feel uncomfortable. He urged any attendee to take a break from the meeting if they feel uncomfortable and rejoin again when they feel able. The Chair proposed that he hand over the leading of the current meeting to the Vice-Chair, Nick Lester-Davis (NLD).

The Chair handed the meeting over to the Vice-Chair.


2.              Approval of Previous OGM Minutes

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 3rd August 2023 were approved having been proposed by Trevor Geraghty (TG) and seconded by Catherine Cairns (CC).


3.              Questions from the floor / Members of the public to be declared

No questions were raised.


4.              Priority Focus: Transport and Roads

  • Public Transport

Lynda McColl (LM) expressed her disappointment at the draft Regional Transport Strategy for Stirling and Clackmannanshire because of its focus on urban areas and lack of support for rural areas.

Councillor Martin Earl (ME) informed the SCC that a separate rural strategy was being developed that had not yet gone out for consultation. He agreed to find out how SCC how they could have input into this strategy. [Action:

Councillor Earl]

The SCC agreed to respond to the strategy expressing their disappointment at the lack of support for rural communities. TG agreed to draft a response to share with members at the next meeting. [Action: Trevor Geraghty]


4.1.1         Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)

Paul Mackintosh (PM) shared Stirling Council’s (SC) response to his DRT enquiry (Ref: 2308495). SC is currently adding 2 new operators to the DRT provision, operating from Callander and Thornhill. SC

expect to have feedback on their consultation on a fixed route between Aberfoyle, Kinlochard and Callander (via Thornhill) by the end of the week.

PM noted that the Roads department and Public Transport had been invited to the meeting over a month ago but were unable to attend.

PM & JK have been invited to attend a DRT meeting next Tuesday 12th September. Members discussed their concerns about the current provision.

  • The DRT is unreliable so local residents are not using the service. The after-school club and the after-school youth group in Aberfoyle will not be running this year because the teachers cannot rely on the DRT.
  • The Capacity of the DRT is It is not known how many vehicles the 2 new operators will add to the DRT. The area has recently lost an operator with 15 vehicles.
  • The length of time it takes to register new DRT operators. Councillor Earl explained that the operators and SC have to follow a set legal process which cannot be hurried.
  • It was suggested that a small increase in fares, could make the route more viable for operators.
  • Members discussed the difficulties some residents face in travelling to medical appointments and highlighted the work of the volunteer driver They stressed the importance of ensuring that any fixed bus route links residents with the local Surgeries and the Medical Centre and Dentist in Callander.
  • Members expressed their concern that planning for a fixed bus timetable based on current usage figures does not accurately reflect the needs of the community so are not a fair benchmark. It was noted that the usage figures before the pandemic were much higher and that local residents are not using the DRT because it is

PM & JK agreed to raise these concerns at Tuesday’s DRT meeting and report back to the CC before the next CC meeting. [Action Paul Mackintosh & Joyce Kelly]


4.1.2         Buses

In response to the inquiry as to whether the X10A bus route is secure, ME informed SCC that the operator had just brought in new Mercedes buses and that, as far as he knew, the route was secure.

The SCC discussed the provision of a shuttle bus to meet needs of both residents and visitors and the difficulty of finding an operator willing to take this on. ME explained that providing transport for visitors does not fit Transport for Scotland’s funding criteria and suggested the


creation of a partnership project between the National Park and the local authority.

Members discussed how the SCC could support the provision of a community minibus, citing the example of Killin Community Minibus. They discussed how to raise the funds to purchase a vehicle, whether a community minibus could potentially be registered as a DRT

operator and who might run the service.

Members discussed Strathard Community Trust’s (SCT) ongoing volunteer driver scheme and its vital work in helping residents to travel to the hospital. They agreed that TG would talk to the SCT about whether they could investigate the feasibility of running a community minibus. [Action: Trevor Geraghty]

ME informed the SCC that the operator of the C60 bus had given notice to cease operating in October.


4.1.3         National Park Shuttle Bus

Members discussed the ongoing difficulty of finding an operator willing to take on the shuttle bus. It was queried whether this could be tied in with the community trust or those operators who currently provide a baggage handling service for the West Highland Way.

JK raised the lack of transport for Stronachlachar and Inversnaid and particularly for staff working at the Inversnaid hotel. ME suggested the CC investigate the idea of a bus service supported by SC and local businesses.


4.2           Roads

  • B829 – Progress on resurfacing NW of Kinlochard (including passing places) & reconstruction of drainage by Frenich Farm

ME informed the SCC that SC have allocated £500K of funding to resurface the B829 from Kinlochard to the junction at the end of the B829. SC were hoping for financial input from the Strategic Timber Transport Fund (STTTF) but the STTTF feel the is that the road is not eligible for funding as the section in question is not currently being used for Timber extraction. This is currently being questioned.

TG stated the position of FLS: As they do not use the road south of a specific grid point that area is not eligible for funding. However they do use the section to the North of this point so that section should be eligible for funding.

Members stated that there was a significant breakdown in trust due to FLS saying they don’t use the road, when evidence has been provided that they do.

Members discussed the ongoing problem of FLS and SC both refusing to take responsibility for the repairs. ME reiterated that SC would not make the repairs until any damages had been made good. He assured members that the £500k allocated for the repairs will not be lost but will roll over to the next year.

Members discussed the very short time frame in which any work could be completed due to the winter weather conditions and restrictions on


peak routes from April to September. They recognised the earliest the work could take place would be mid Feb 2024.

Members agreed the issue should be escalated to a higher level than their current contacts and that senior figures from both sides should meet to bring about a resolution. The SCC agreed that an Enquiry should be raise, stressing the short time window in which the work can take place. The Enquiry will ask SC to advise when the 500k work is scheduled to take place and how the issue of surface water will be resolved in advance. The issue of passing places would also be raised. [Action: Paul Mackintosh to take this forward]

It was noted that there is a dispute between SC and Scottish Water regarding responsibility for cutting back vegetation encroaching onto the C68. PM agreed to contact Scottish Water about this. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]


4.2.2         Forest Roads – Progress with Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS)

Following the last SCC meeting PM sent a message to FLS stating that their previous response did not address the issues raised. He is awaiting their reply.

The SCC spoke to Dave Robinson at the National Park regarding the blocking of a right of way. His response was that this is a complex legal issue and he would get advice. The SCC are awaiting his response.

PM is to call a meeting of the Resilience Group to discuss how best to create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for opening up the Duchray Road when the B829 is closed. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]


4.2.3       Speeding in Aberfoyle

The Police have conducted further speed checks and given warnings to the drivers caught speeding. Members expressed the opinion that the message will not get through to drivers unless tickets are issued.

Road and transport representatives were invited to attend this meeting but were unable to attend. They promised to attend the next meeting. The SCC will remind them. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]


5.              Summary of Ongoing Business / Enquiries Raised

These were covered under other Agenda items.


6.              Matters Arising

  • Hub Renewal

The Treasurer has a cheque ready but has not received a formal invoice. Trevor Geraghty (TG) agreed to remind the SCT Treasurer, Stuart Stephens, to raise an invoice. [Action: Trevor Geraghty]


6.2           Road Safety

PM drafted a message about road safety and conducted a poster and video campaign on social media (facebook and Whatsapp) to raise awareness of the 20 mph speed limit, particularly around the school. Some members had not


seen this. Paul agreed to send the link for the current SCC facebook page to members. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]


6.3           Flooding

NLD has sent a letter to SC re: flooding strategy.



7.              Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report. There is currently £6,753 in the General account. See Addendum 1 for further details

The CC are currently applying for the Treasurer to become a signatory and will review the need for more signatories in future.

The Treasurer confirmed that there is money allocated for a Christmas Event in the Community Events Fund.


8.              Police Report

PM read out the Police Report for the period 3rd August 2023 to 4th September 2023. Cases comprised one incident of antisocial behaviour, one attempted break-in and one incident of online fraud. The road safety cases comprised damage to a parked car and one incident between a motorcyclist and a member of the public. In addition, an unspecified number of warnings were given during speed detection operations. See Addendum 2 for further details.


JK informed attendees that Kippen had recently suffered a spate of bicycle and motorbike and shed break-ins. She advised residents to be alert as the thieves may be moving systematically through villages.


9.              Any Other Items of Business which the Chair has Directed should be considered

  • Formation of a Sub-group for the Big Conversation

JK proposed the formation of a sub-group to work with other CCs to represent vulnerable services, such as the Nursery, in SC’s Big Conversaton. Members suggested the following priorities: nursery/education provision; transport and the DRT; how the needs will be evaluated and how they will be weighted, specifically the needs of rural vs urban areas; and land services.

JK and CC agreed to form the sub-group and to recruit associate members. JK agreed to email CC to take this forward. [Action: Joyce Kelly and Catherine Cairns].

Members asked Councillor Earl if the Big Conversation a worthwhile initiative or a “big con”? ME stated that all local authorities are in a very bad situation and this coming year will be worse. Cuts will have to be made. He stated his view that it is worthwhile for the CC to take part in the Big Conversation and recommended the SCC keep hammering SC regarding the lack of transport and other services.

Members asked Martin Earl if the nursery provision in Aberfoyle is safe from cuts as locals and staff expect the provision will be cut again. ME responded that the Nursery is in a much better position than last year Members stressed the need for the community to be active on this.


10.           FLS/LLTNP/Flooding

  • Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS)

NLD circulated an update to CC members last month. He highlighted the following points:

  • The FLS Community Engagement Group (CEG) met on 26th August 2023
  • Larch disease continues to spread and the plan is to cull affected
  • FLS has produced a programme of activities which was circulated to everyone earlier in the . FLS has agreed to add grid references to the locations for clarity.
  • FLS are offering a minibus tour of the SUPERB project on 23rd September in the afternoon which is open to all. FLS will offer another tour if there is demand. NS stressed the importance of representatives from the SCC joining the tour as it seeks to build a relationship with FLS. Members agreed the SCC and SCT should publish this through their mailing TG agreed to forward information to Katie Lamb. [Action: SCC, SCT and Nick Lester-Davis]


10.2        Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park

David Fettes (DF) informed members of the following:

  • Visitor management registered a 50% increase in camper vans using the park
  • The National Park has a £550k grant for dealing with environment projects, such as invasive species management and meadow management. Expressions of interest are invited through their website. It was suggested that residents could get together as a community to apply for funding for the removal of diseased larches from private land. David Fettes (DF) agreed to look into this. [Action David Fettes]

DF asked the CC for their feedback on how the Partnership Plan Consultation was handled. CC members had attended a meeting and been told what was planned but had heard nothing further.


10.3        Flooding

NLD has written to SC. At the Strathard Framework Meeting it was made clear that there would be no further funding in the short term. Future funding will be for small scale projects to alleviate rather than eliminate flooding. The first funding for small projects will be available in 2028 and there will be no action before 2030.

SCC have asked SC to look at a much smaller plan. Martin stated that SC do not currently have the resources for this. PM wrote to SC and Brian Roberts agreed to arrange for 2 representatives, Dot Reid and Gary Neil, to talk to the SCC.

Members noted that SC & SEPA are saying no to Mouchell, however the National Park want this included. DF agreed to let Stuart Mearns know. LM will forward a copy Trevor’s email to DF. [Action: David Fettes and Lynda



  1. Life Plans

JK reported that there had been an extremely productive meeting with Stronachlachar and Inversnaid residents regarding updating their Community Life Plan (CLP) and initiating a working group to manage the CLP going forward. She also said that there had been a meeting with the Aberfoyle CLP working group and that after a couple of changes they were now content to sign up to the Terms of Reference for the CLP working groups.


12.           Planning

JK advised that there had been 2 new applications, 2 approvals and 5 overdue applications relating to Strathard in August. On discussion it was agreed that application no 2022/0368/DET was not applicable to Strathard although Aberfoyle had been used in the address. Therefore currently there are 4 overdue applications awaiting a decision. The SCC had received no notification of concern regarding either the new or overdue applications. See Addendum 3 for further details.

In response to a concern raised by a Strathard resident it was agreed that JK would approach Buclyvie, Gartmore and Drymen Community Councils to test concerns over plans to develop the site of the current Ben View garden centre and café into 35 luxury holiday villas. [Action: Joyce Kelly]


13.           AOCB

  • At the request of a resident, TG raised the case of a neighbour who had applied for an exemption from the National Park restrictions on building work after 12:30pm on a Saturday afternoon. This was blocked by a neighbour’s objection. Members felt this was not an issue with which the SCC should get involved. They suggested the builder talk to the dissenting neighbour directly to get them on board.


  • TG reported that a resident had expressed concerns to a member about the impact the expansion of the Trossachs Holiday Park and the proposed lodges at Ben Bue might have on water and other ME responded that there is always consultation with Scottish Water before these planning issues are approved and he is not aware of any issues


13.3        Aberfoyle Trail Half Marathon

NS shared her concern at the lack of communication about the Aberfoyle Trail Event on 14th October. NS agreed to contact Stephen Bly informing him of the lack of information so he can follow up. [Action: Natashya Sheppard]


13.4        Recycling Centres

ME informed the SCC of an operational decision to introduce an electronic booking system at recycling centres from 24th February 2024. This is to monitor people using the centres for commercial dumping.


14.           Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Strathard CC will take place at 7pm on Thursday 2nd November in Aberfoyle.


ADDENDUM 1: Treasurer’s Report



31Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance at 07 September 2023

£                           £

General Fund opening Bank balance 12 April 2023                             6803.14


Monies out




Aberfoyle Memorial Hall



Aberfoyle Memorial Hall



Total monies out




( 50.00)

Monies in





Total monies in





General Fund closing Bank balance 28 July 2023





Subsequent income/expenditure





Microsoft 365 invoice


( 19.44)



Chairman for Leaflets


( 58.80)



Minute secretary June


( 40.00)



Minute secretary Aug


( 40.00)



Scotways subscription


( 20.00)



Mail Chimp


( 147.47)



Strathard Business Hub


( 120.00)





Total subsequent spend                                                                                       ( 445.71)

General Fund closing Balance 12 June 2023                                                                                                                  6,307.43 Less Commitments

Community Events Fund                                       873.97


Available Funds                                                                                5433.46



1            Community Event Fund

Funds in Bank account 31 March 2023                                                                                       873.97

Funds in Bank account 12 June 2023                                                                                       873.97


ADDENDUM 2: Police Report


Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report

Trossachs and Teith Ward,

Strathard Community Council


Community Council:





Reporting Period:


Antisocial Behaviour

You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken behaviour.


On 10/08/23 three persons were traced camping within the camping management area but out with a designated camping area near to Loch Chon. They were charged and will be reported to the fiscal with a breach of the LLTNP byelaws.


Ward Plan Priorities







Road Safety

You are concerned about speeding, dangerous driving and indiscriminate parking.


On 09/08/23 a member of the public parked their car in Aberfoyle at which point it was in order. On returning to the vehicle they found it damaged. It is believed that another vehicle has struck it in the car park and failed to stop. Enquiries are ongoing.


On 11/08/23 we carried out speed detection duties in Main Street Aberfoyle. A number of drivers were warned regarding their speed.

On 26/08/23 we carried out speed detection duties at Braeval. At this time no drivers were detected speeding.


On 30/08/23 a concerned member of the public has been filming motorcyclists suspected of speeding in the Aberfoyle area when one of the motorcyclists has kicked the member of the public in the hand when passing. Enquiry is being carried out but at present the identity of the motorcyclist is not known.


On 04/09/23 we carried out speed detection duties at Braeval. Two motorcyclists were warned re their speed.


ADDENDUM 2: Police Report


Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report


The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander Police Office. The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Sarah Stephenson, based at Dunblane Office.

They can be contacted via the email address or by phoning 101 We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using @StirlingPol


ADDENDUM 3: Planning Report August 2023

Strathard Community Council

Weekly Planning Lists for August 2023


Ref No 2023/0204/HAE Officer Jennifer Paton Date Valid 23 August 2023 Telephone 01389 727738 Proposal Erection of ancillary building and decking (retrospective) Location Blairuskinmore Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mrs Margaret Bradley Blairuskinmore Kinlochard Stirling FK8 3TP Agent Application Type Householder Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 243818 E 703449 N Advertisement Typ

Ref No 2023/0267/NOT Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 28 July 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Construction of 250 metres of forestry ATV track Location Aberfoyle Slate Quarry Achray Forest Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Andrew Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Central Region, Aberfoyle Office Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co- ordinates 251480 E 702542 N Date Decision Issued 25 August 2023 Decision Prior approval not require




Ref No 2023/0164/HAE Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 7 June 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Recladding of two storey extension and installation of external staircase to rear. Location Laraich House Milton Aberfoyle Applicant Mr & Mrs Oliver and Josie Tulloch Laraich Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TQ Agent Scott McAllister LSM Architecture 35 Guthrie Street Edinburgh EH1 1JG Application Type Householder Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 249300 E 701575 N Date Decision Issued 28 August 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0145/HAE Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 26 April 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Erection of single storey extension to front elevation Location Blacketts Wood Lochard Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr and Mrs Tony and Joanne Jones Blacketts Wood Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TD Agent Kelly Chan Pocket Size Architecture 6 Burnbrae Avenue Bearsden Glasgow G61 3ES Application Type Householder Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 250924 E 701455 N Date Decision Issued 31 July 2023 Decision Approve



None Enforcement Matters:




Overdue Applications:


Application Number 2022/0285/DET Development Proposed : Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods), formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment plant Location: Ledard Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TL Applicant: Mr Fergus Wood Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63 West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date Application Valid: 21 October

Application Number 2023/0081/DET Development Proposed : Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwellinghouse with driveway alterations (amendment of approved planning application ref: 2022/0115/DET) Location: Dunardry Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XF Applicant: Ms Eva-Konstanze Christine Werstler Agent’s Name: Ryan Taylor Agent’s Company Name: Mary Arnold-Forster Architects Agent’s Address: Ploughman's Cottage Fungarth Dunkeld Perthshire PH8 0ES Date Application Valid: 5 April 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations:

Application Number 2022/0368/DET Development Proposed : Erection of bistro Location: Tigh Mor Trossachs Aberfoyle Stirling FK17 8HX Applicant: HPB Management Limited Agent’s Name: Staran Architects Agent’s Company Name: Staran Architects Ltd Agent’s Address: 49 Cumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6RA Date Application Valid: 12 January 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations:

Application Number 2023/0078/LBC Development Proposed : Erection of 1.5 storey extension to side elevation;, internal alterations and formation of 2 no. car parking spaces within curtilage Location: Kirkton Cottage Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XF Applicant: Mr Allan Barr Agent’s Name: Craig Higgins Agent’s Company Name: Agent’s Address: The Red House Croftamie Glasgow G63 0EU Date Application Valid: 17 March 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 18 August 2023

Application Number 2023/0065/DET Development Proposed : Proposed installation of recycling point infrastructure Location: Scottish Co-Op Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UG Applicant: Co- op Group Agent’s Name: Jim Kerr Agent’s Company Name: Sedgwick International Ltd Agent’s Address: Sentinel Building 103 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7BW Date Application Valid: 3 March 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 2 June 2023



ADDENDUM 4: September Trail Update for Queen Elizabeth Forest Park


Strathyre –

  • Harvesting at Strathyre is complete with timber haulage ongoing, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue). The trail remains open - please obey all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.


Loch Chon –

  • Harvesting work began on the West side of Loch Chon in September. Due to the complex nature of the works including challenging terrain and constraints, the work requires the use of a winch to extract the timber. The forest road will have to be closed during this time and will require members of the public to use the Stirling Council road running along the East side of the Loch as a diversion.
  • The forest road is closed Mon – Fri and is open at the The Statue Labour Road is diverted along the road to reach the North end of Loch Chon.
  • There have been a number of groups walking through this site in recent weeks. Please obey diversion signage and Mon-Fri.


Bochastle –

  • Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal (apart from the exception below), however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park. Felling is complete in this area, with haulage ongoing, this is likely to be finished with the route reopened in early Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.


Callander –

  • Coilhallan Woods has had positive cases of Phytophthora Ramorum identified. Harvesting works will commence on Tuesday 5th September and as such closures and diversions will be in place. Please obey all onsite signage and advice from operators. Additional works for future planting in the East of Coilhallan Woods has


Loch Ard –

  • Haulage is ongoing around Loch Ard - all trails are open as
  • Harvesting operations have commenced at two sites within Loch Ard Forest at Bellhouse and The Rob Roy Way has a small diversion in place to avoid active works.


Page 6 of


  • Some remedial works near the Aquaduct Gravelfoyle Route will take place in the Autumn to prevent water run off on the forest There should be no disruption to any routes, but please be mindful of personnel and machines in the area (NN 4319 0095).



Braeval –

  • The Rob Roy Way between Braeval and The Lodge is open, however, there will be timber haulage ongoing throughout the site for the coming weeks.
  • Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network here and obey any on site signage and advice from operators.



Balquhidder –

  • There is active timber haulage in the forest roads north of Please be obey any signage and advice from operators.



The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –

  • Path works on The Waterfall Trail is set to begin in All trails will remain open at the this time but please be aware of personnel and machines in the area. Please obey any on site signage and advice from operators.



Three Lochs Forest Drive –

  • The Three Lochs Forest Drive is open to public vehicle access. The drive is open 9am to 4pm every Camping and motorhome permits are available with camping byelaws being enforced by National Park rangers. The Three Lochs Forest Drive will close for Winter on 1st November.



Sallochy Campsite –

  • Sallochy campsite is open for You can book a pitch on the website.
  • The Car Park is closed to the public and is for the use of campers
  • Sallochy campsite will close for winter on 1st



The Dukes Weekender cycling festival will be taking place in forests around Aberfoyle on the weekend 9th and 10th of September. Please be aware there will be lots of cyclists and spectators on forest roads during this time.


Page 7 of


Request ID


Activity key


Forest blocks - Trossachs

Destination - Trossachs

Trail name - Trossachs

Facility type

Operational type

Expected start date

Expected end date

Actual start date

Actual completion date

Community update





Loch Chon









Routes around site are closed, public are asked to obey all on site safety signage.





East Loch Ard




Thinning – general





Routes around site are closed, public are asked to obey all on site safety signage.





East Loch Ard




Thinning – general





Routes around site are closed, public are asked to obey all on site safety signage.














Operations to prepare site for construction of new road.





East Loch Ard




Roadside chipping





Access will be restricted during operations, we ask that public obey all on site safety signage.














No impact on access or site use














No impact on access or site use




Haulage only

East Loch Ard









Public are asked to obey all on site safety signage and take care when using forest roads are there will be timber traffic within the forest.




Haulage only










Public are asked to obey all on site safety signage and take care when using forest roads are there will be timber traffic within the forest.




Haulage only










Public are asked to obey all on site safety signage and take care when using forest roads are there will be timber traffic within the forest.




Haulage only

East Loch Ard




Thinning – general





Public are asked to obey all on site safety signage and take care when using forest roads are there will be timber traffic within the forest.









Roadside chipping





Access will be restricted during operations, we ask that public obey all on site safety signage.














Access will be restricted during operations, we ask that public obey all on site safety signage.














Access will be restricted during operations, we ask that public obey all on site safety signage.





East Loch Ard









No impact on access or site use





East Loch Ard




Thinning – general





Access restriction will be minimal during the operation, any roadside restrictions will be managed by staff to allow site users to pass safely.

We ask that public are patience and listen to instructions from on site staff.







Doon hill

Promoted trail

Trail maintenance / upgrade





Trail will remain open during works, pedestrian access will be maintained via operational signage and bankspeople






The Lodge

Waterfall trail

Promoted trail

Trail maintenance / upgrade





Trail will remain open during works, pedestrian access will be maintained via operational signage and bankspeople









INNS removal





Area around Craigmore









INNS removal





Sitka spruce regen removal in habitat network at Lime hill. Work to be carried out seasonally between Oct - Mar



ADDENDUM 5: CC update - Strathard

Exported on 04 September 2023 15:23:09                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Highlighting changes made since 4/09/23 15:23                                                                                                            Page 8


Request ID


Activity key


Forest blocks - Trossachs

Destination - Trossachs

Trail name - Trossachs

Facility type

Operational type

Expected start date

Expected end date

Actual start date

Actual completion date

Community update





East Loch Ard




INNS removal





The removal of all non-native invasive species from the riparian zones and associated wetland habitats. Work on the western end of the site at Clashmore already completed, 23/24 work to focus on eastern end along the Park Burn.









INNS removal





Removal of Non Native and Invasive Species to preserve the area as native woodland.


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





Work will be taking place next to forest road, site users are asked to obey any on site safety signage.


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





Work will be taking place next to forest road, site users are asked to obey any on site safety signage.


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





Work will be taking place next to forest road, site users are asked to obey any on site safety signage.


Wildlife management







Deer glade maintenance





Work will be taking place next to forest road, site users are asked to obey any on site safety signage.


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management



East Loch Ard




Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management







Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management







Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use


Wildlife management







Deer glade maintenance





No impact on access or site use



Exported on 04 September 2023 15:23:09                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Highlighting changes made since 4/09/23 15:23                                                                                                            Page 9