November 2023 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council

Approved Minutes of the Hybrid Meeting held at 7pm

on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at Aberfoyle Memorial Hall




Paul Mackintosh (Chair)

Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair) Lynda McColl (Secretary) Catherine Cairns (Treasurer) Joyce Kelly (Planning)

Trevor Geraghty (SCT) Andre Goulancourt Gillian McEwan

In Attendance:

PC Lorna Deans PC Donald King

Esther Lim (Minute Taker)


Natashya Sheppard Councillor Martin Earl Councillor Elaine Watterson


There were 9 residents in attendance





Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies. The meeting was recorded for the benefit of the minute taker.


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes


Members agreed one amendment to the draft minutes of the meeting on 7th September.

•       Point 4.1.1 on the subject of Demand Responsive Transport was amended to state that the after-school club and the after-school youth group will not be running this year due to the withdrawal of funding and the lack of alternative options (not due to the DRT as previously noted).

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 7th September 2023 were approved having been proposed by Trevor Geraghty (TG) and seconded by Nick Lester- Davis (NLD).

The Chair noted that he was awaiting updates on a number of actions from the

last meeting. He agreed to send out reminders to members following this meeting.

[Action: Paul Mackintosh and Members].



Questions from the floor / Members of the public to be declared


No questions were raised.


Active Travel Update – Jim Reich


There was no travel update as Jim Reich was unable to attend.


Priority Focus: Housing/Flooding






Progress on this issue has been impacted by recent flooding. Rural Housing Association Stirling are currently investigating 2 potential sites locally. One site has been affected by flooding ; the other is situated across from the Rob Roy Hotel at the back of Braeval. The CC are awaiting an update. They hope to have more information for the next meeting in December.







Public Flooding Meeting – date tbc




The Chair stressed to attendees that the purpose of the current meeting was not to discuss the flooding event on 7th October. Details of a public meeting dedicated to debriefing the flooding event will be circulated to the community by the Secretary following this meeting. [Action: Lynda McColl]

The Chair asked the floor for any questions or issues they would like taken forward to the flooding meeting. The following points were raised.

•       A member of the public asked what the current proposals

were. The Chair responded that this would be addressed later in the agenda.

•       A member of the public asked if there was any potential funding available for flood alleviation, such as the Belwin Scheme. There was some discussion as to whether Strathard would be eligible for this. The Chair agreed the CC should look into this [Action: Paul Mackintosh]

•       A member of the public drew attention to a blockage forming at Lemahamish. He expressed in strong terms his frustration at the lack of effective action by SC in recent years and expressed the view that a number of small-scale, small-cost actions involving landowners and volunteers could alleviate the problems.

•       A member of the public expressed concern that the

implementation of items 4 & 5 of the Flooding Report could have a negative on vulnerable homes on the Loch Ard Road.





•       A member of the public requested that the clearing of

obstructions in the river downstream of Aberfoyle, as detailed in item 6 of the Flooding Report, be brought up to Lemahamish first.


•       A member of the public shared reports that the blocking of ditches at Flanders Moss had raised the water table by nearly half a metre and he expressed concern that this could have contributed to flooding of properties in the area.

•       TG reminded the meeting that flood water continued to be an issue on Loch Ard Road due to blocked valves after it had receded elsewhere. He suggested asking SC to remove the valves. [Action: ?????].

•       TG expressed concern that Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) are cutting down trees in the areas around Loch Chon which is contributing to flooding. He has asked his MSP to raise a question requesting FLS to stop cutting down the trees.




Flooding Group Update




Christopher XXXX, and Nick Lester-Davis (of the flooding group) gave an update on the position of Stirling Council (SC) regarding flood alleviation. In summary:

•       The original flood alleviation scheme, which proposed building a flood bund between the river and village will not go ahead due to lack of funding and support.

•       Strathard Community Council met with SC last month. Consultants have been appointed to come up with new options with the understanding that they are unlikely to get Scottish Government funding and unlikely to stop the flooding altogether but with the aim of reducing the frequency and impact of flooding.

•       SC have asked for 3-4 representatives from the flooding group to attend a meeting at a date to be confirmed to discuss options.

•       Under Scottish Government guidance (issued in 2019) flood damage calculations should be based on the whole catchment area from Inversnaid to Stirling. Calculations should be based on the Treasury Green Book and include socio-economic damage aswell as damage to farmland and property. This is a change to how damage has been calculated in the area to date and could improve the community’s chance of getting funding in the future due to the higher cost-damage ratio.

•       It is understood that there will be no large-scale funding available before 2028 but there is potential funding for small- scale works next year.

•       The flooding group are proposing that SC build a flood

alleviation dam in the higher reaches of Duchray Water that would allow the implementation of downstream flood





measures currently not possible. They are proposing a package of measures which could be done individually and incrementally and would cost c. £3-5 million.





Summary of Ongoing Business / Enquiries Raised



Manse Road Bridge

The bridge was inspected following the flooding and no issues were identified. High water prevented a full inspection and the bridge team will return at a later date to finish the inspection.

NLD drew attention to repair work needed on the east (Milton) end of Loch Ard Road where the road is collapsing into the loch. NLD agreed to pinpoint the area on a map and to send this to the Chair who will submit it as an enquiry to Stirling Council. [Action: Nick Lester-Davis, Paul




Nursery Provision

Catherine Cairns (CC) has received confirmation that the reduction in nursery provision was due to a reduction in the number of children. She and Joyce Kelly (JK) are currently creating an impact study with input from parents, teachers and health professionals to be submitted to SC before budget cuts are implemented making the case to keep or increase the current nursery provision.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Treasurer’s Report


Catherine Cairns gave the following update to the Treasurer’s report from the meeting on 7th September 2023 based on information she received after the meeting. The opening balance for this period was £6,803.14. Monies out totalled

£188.80. The closing balance was £614.34.

The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report for this meeting. The opening balance was £6,614.304. Monies out totalled £217.47 and there is currently

£6,396.87 in the General account. See Addendum 1 for further details.

It was agreed that the minute taker be paid an additional £10 in travel expenses for the meeting on 7th September for travelling to Kinlochard at short notice.


Police Report


PC Donald King presented the Police Report for the period 6th September to 30th October. Cases comprised 1 smashed window, 1 report of speeding on the main street, numerous cars abandoned due to flooding and a theft of 2 bicycles from a car parked overnight at the Rob Roy Hotel. During this period the police were also involved alongside other agencies in the response to the severe flooding in

Aberfoyle and the surrounding area. Officers continue to undertake hand-held



radar speed detection duties, predominantly near the primary school. They are currently making arrangements to partner with local schools to educate drivers about road safety. See Addendum 2 for details.





PC King responded to the following queries from the floor:

•       A member of the public reported groups of motor cyclist travelling at speeds of 60-90 mph on the A81 from Aberfolye to Ben Vue making a great deal of

noise. PC King explained that the police can respond to speeding by using hand-held laser devices and also working with the safety camera partnership (mobile van speed cameras). He explained that it is hard for police to deal with noise as they don’t have the equipment to register how loud motorbikes are.

He agreed to ask the Driver Vehicles Standard Agency (DVSA) to work alongside the police in the Spring as they have the powers to stop and deal with vehicles. [Action: PC King] PC King suggested the CC purchase some pop-up policemen as a deterrent

•       PC Lorna Deans confirmed the police have not been issued with keys and codes to access the new gates installed in the forest. Officers reassured the meeting that when access is required in an emergency, the police would, if necessary, remove the locks to gain access.

•       In response to an enquiry, PC King confirmed that the police are recruiting special constables in the area. Information can be found on the police website.

•       TG reported that there are currently no streetlights in the car park area and in the main street next to Co-op in Aberfoyle since the flooding. It was recognised this was not a police matter and it was suggested the CC send a lighting enquiry to SC. [ACTION: Paul Mackintosh]


Any Other Items of Business which the Chair has Directed should be considered




Forestry and Land Scotland / Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park



Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS)

•       Following a well-received tour of the Superb Project, FLS have offered to hold another tour in the Spring.

•       NLD will raise the issue of extra locks and emergency service access at the next meeting with FLS on 28th November.

•       PM agreed to reschedule the meeting with FLS in response to their letter. [Action: Paul Mackintosh]



Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (LLTNP)




•       The next Strathard Framework meeting is on 16th November

•       Joyce is awaiting a response from Craig at Rural Housing so she can send out minutes and invite attendees prior to the meeting.





Life Plans


JK reported that all three Community Life Plans (CLPs) are now up-to-date with edits completed and approved. CCN are currently working on the Local Place Plan (LPP) document which will be presented to the LLTNP for approval by the end of January 2024.

The KCC have received funding of £5k to hire Duncan MacPherson Consultants on contract to commence work on the Business Plan for the Community Ownership bid to purchase The Field in Kinlochard. A meeting with the consultants is scheduled for 15th November. In addition, the CC have lodged a Community Right to Buy for The Field and applied to CLLD Fund for funding of

£18.5K for the first stage. They will hear in December if they are successful. The next stage is to apply for funding to buy the land, possibly from the Levelling Up fund. If successful, the purchase of the field will pave the way for increased Community Ownership in Strathard which features as a desire in all 3 CLP’s.



There were 7 new applications during this period. (There are 8 new applications on the list but 1 is duplicated.) There are 9 approvals, 3 of which are for forestry work which does not require prior approval. There are 8 overdue applications, 2 of which also appear on the new application lists due to the time lapse since the last CC meeting.

No concerns have been raised regarding new or overdue applications. The planning officer noted that work has gone forward to remove the cash point and signs but there is no record of an approval notice for the work. This application does not become overdue until 18th November. See Addendum 3 for more detail.

A member of the public expressed concern that the recently approved planning application for the restoration of Peatlands at West Malling Farm (Ref: 2023/0202/not.) may have an adverse effect on the community. As the member of the public had left the meeting members, were unsure of the nature of his

concern. The Planning Officer suggested contacting Port of Menteith CC to discuss the application as it appeared to be in their area. The Chair agreed to try to contact the member of the public for more information regarding his concerns. [Action: Joyce Kelly, Paul Mackintosh]






Date of Next Meeting



The next meeting of Strathard Community Council will take place at 7pm on Thursday 7th Dec in Aberfoyle Memorial Hall.




Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance for meeting 02 November 2023

£                           £

General Fund opening Bank balance 30 August 2023                          6614.34

Monies out


Mail Chimp



Minute secretary September



Scotways subscription





Total monies out






( 217.47)


Monies in

Total monies in

General Fund closing Bank balance 20 Sept 2023












Subsequent income/expenditure

Microsoft 365 invoice









Strathard Business Hub






Total subsequent spend





( 139.44)

Balance minus subsequent spend 2 Nov 2023 Less Commitments

Community Events Fund














Available Funds











  • Community Event Fund

Funds in Bank account 20 Sept 2023                                  873.97




Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report




Community Council:









I05/09123 to 30/10/23 Compiled by PC DonaldKing



Ward Plan Priorities




Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report


Other Incidents/ Activity of note



Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report


Issuesraised Community




The Community Officers for '/OUr area are: PC Donald King and PCLoma Deans, based at ca&ande

The Community Sergeant for tile area is PS Sarah Stephenson, based at Dunblane Office.

They canbe contacted via the email address or by phoning Weregulatly publish information on the 'Forth Valley Police' Facebook page and tweet using @Stitlin


Strathard Community Council


WK 37

Ref No 2023/0327/HAE Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 13 September 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Erection of side and rear extensions to dwellinghouse, and erection of

detached double garage Location 7 Balleich Manse Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Kenneth McNeil Hazelbank Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 Application Type Householder Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 251627 E 700021 N Advertisement Typ

Ref No 2023/0204/HAE Officer Jennifer Paton Date Valid 23 August 2023 Telephone 01389 727738 Proposal Erection of ancillary building and decking (retrospective) Location Blairuskinmore Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mrs Margaret Bradley Blairuskinmore Kinlochard Stirling FK8 3TP Agent Application Type Householder Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 243818 E 703449 N Advertisement Type

WK 38

Ref No 2023/0329/DET Officer Kathryn Cockburn Date Valid 15 September 2023 Telephone 01389722625 Proposal Construction of a solar carport, battery storage shed, and 2no. EV charger upstands Location North Car Park Off B829 Loch Chon Applicant Mr Paul Scullion Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority HQ Building 20 Carrochan Road Ballloch Alexandria G83 8EG

Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 242747 E 704715 N Advertisement Type

Ref No 2023/0343/LBC Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 15 September 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Removal of 3 no. existing outbuildings with 1 no. new outbuilding Location Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton Applicant Mr and Mrs Philp and Lara Lynch Dun Dubh Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling United Kingdom FK8 3TJ Application Type Listed Building Consent Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 248271 E 701545 N Advertisement Type Listed Building

WK 39

Ref No 2023/0342/HAE Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 22 September 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Removal of 3 no. existing outbuildings with 1 no. new outbuilding Location Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton Applicant Mr and Mrs Philip and Lara Lynch Dun Dubh Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TJ Application Type Householder Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL

National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 248271 E 701545 N Advertisement Type


WK 40


Ref No 2023/0359/LBC Officer Kathryn Cockburn Date Valid 26 September 2023 Telephone 01389722625 Proposal External and internal alterations including removal of 2No. branded

projecting signs, 1No. flush mounted wall sign, external facing ATM and a night safe. Location Bank Of Scotland Main Street Aberfoyle Applicant Bank Manager Bank of Scotland Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UG Agent George Waters DB3 Architecture 2 Callaghan Square Cardiff Wales CF10 5BT Application Type Listed Building Consent Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 252083 E 701018 N Advertisement Type Listed Building

WK 42

Ref No 2023/0365/DET Officer Jennifer Paton Date Valid 12 October 2023 Telephone 01389 727738 Proposal Further application (under section 42) for extension to dwelling house to form studio and erection of 2 self-catering holiday chalet units previously approved under 99/00969/DET/S without holiday letting and period of use condition (Condition 6) Location Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling

Applicant Mr James Bradshaw Gartnerichnich Kinlochard Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TP Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and

The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 244550 E 702774 N Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification

Ref No 2023/0366/75A Officer Jennifer Paton Date Valid 18 October 2023 Telephone 01389 727738 Proposal Application to discharge a planning obligation related to planning permission ref. no.

S/99/00969/DET Location Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr James Bradshaw Gartnerichnich Kinlochard Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TP Application Type Modify/discharge of legal agreement Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs

Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 244550 E 702774 N Advertisement Type


WK 36

Ref No 2023/0198/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 9 June 2023 Telephone 01389 722148 Proposal Demolition of existing and erection of a replacement dwellinghouse, installation of wastewater treatment plant and formation of new access track. Location Couligartan Kinlochard Aberfoyle Applicant Harry and Olivia Nicholls and Newhouse Couligartan Kinlochard Aberfoyle FK8 3TN. Application Type Detailed Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The

Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 245426 E 700705 N Date Decision Issued 4 September 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0164/HAE Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 7 June 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Recladding of two storey extension and installation of external staircase to rear. Location

Laraich House Milton Aberfoyle Applicant Mr & Mrs Oliver and Josie Tulloch Laraich Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TQ Agent Scott McAllister LSM Architecture 35 Guthrie Street Edinburgh EH1 1JG Application Type Householder Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 249300 E 701575 N Date Decision Issued 28 August 2023 Decision Approve


WK 37

Ref No 2023/0287/NOT Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 11 August 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Formation of timber stacking area Location Land North Of Bruach Caorainn Queen Elizabeth Forest Park Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Colin Peacock Forestry and Land Scotland 5 Sisters House 5

Sisters Business Park West Calder EH55 8PN Agent Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co- ordinates 241617 E 701705 N Date Decision Issued 12 September 2023 Decision Prior approval not required

WK 38

Ref No 2023/0078/LBC Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 17 March 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Erection of 1.5 storey extension to side elevation; internal alterations and formation of 2 no. car parking spaces within curtilage Location Kirkton Cottage Manse Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr

Allan Barr Kirkton Cottage Manse Road Aberfoyle FK8 3XF Agent Craig Higgins The Red House Croftamie Glasgow G63 0EU Application Type Listed Building Consent National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251792 E 700504 N Date Decision Issued 20 September 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0079/HAE Officer Nicola Arnott Date Valid 23 March 2023 Telephone 01389 722661 Proposal Erection of 1.5 storey extension to side elevation Location Kirkton Cottage Manse Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Allan Barr Kirkton Cottage Manse Road Aberfoyle FK8 3XF Agent Craig

Higgins The Red House Croftamie Glasgow G63 0EU Application Type Householder Planning

Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251792 E 700504 N Date Decision Issued 20 September 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0295/NOT Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 18 August 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Construction of 750 metres of forestry track Location Land South West Of Loch Ard,

Between Dun Dhamh And Corriegrennan Applicant Mr Colin Peacock Forestry and Land Scotland 5

Sisters House 5 Sisters Business Park West Calder EH55 8PN Agent Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 242778 E 699277 N Date Decision Issued 18 September 2023 Decision Prior approval not required

WK 41

Ref No 2023/0204/HAE Officer Jennifer Paton Date Valid 23 August 2023 Telephone 01389 727738 Proposal Erection of ancillary building and decking (retrospective) Location Blairuskinmore Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mrs Margaret Bradley Blairuskinmore Kinlochard Stirling FK8 3TP Agent Application Type Householder Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 243818 E 703449 N Date Decision Issued 10 October 2023 Decision Approve

WK 43

Ref No 2023/0321/TRE Officer Malcolm Young Date Valid 31 August 2023 Telephone 01389 727 706 Proposal Tree Works within a Conservation Area - Complete removal of semi-mature spruce tree Location Milton Farm Cottage Lochard Road Milton Applicant Mr Barry Coulter Milton Farm Cottage Milton Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TE Agent Oscar Fisher-Wingate Charter Tree & Land Services Balavulin Milton Lochard Road Aberfoyle FK8 3TD Application Type Tree works application National Park Ward


3 Callander Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 250336 E 701388 N Date Decision Issued 27 October 2023 Decision No Objections

Ref No 2023/0320/TRE Officer Malcolm Young Date Valid 31 August 2023 Telephone 01389 727 706 Proposal Tree Works within a Conservation Area - Reduction of Beech trees to form manageable

hedge 2-3m in height Location Balavulin Lochard Road Milton Applicant Mrs Wendy Fisher Balavulin Milton Aberfoyle Stirling FK83TW Agent Oscar Fisher-Wingate Charter Tree & Land Services Balavulin Milton Lochard Road Aberfoyle FK83TD Application Type Tree works application National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 250378 E 701406 N Date Decision Issued 27 October 2023 Decision No Objections







Enforcement Matters: None





Overdue Applications:


Application Number 2022/0285/DET Development Proposed : Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods), formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment plant Location: Ledard Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TL Applicant: Mr Fergus Wood Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63 West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date Application Valid: 21 October

Application Number 2023/0081/DET Development Proposed : Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwellinghouse with driveway alterations (amendment of approved planning application ref: 2022/0115/DET) Location: Dunardry Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XF Applicant: Ms Eva-Konstanze Christine Werstler Agent’s Name: Ryan Taylor Agent’s Company Name: Mary Arnold-Forster Architects Agent’s Address: Ploughman's Cottage Fungarth Dunkeld Perthshire PH8 0ES Date Application Valid: 5 April 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations:

Application Number 2022/0368/DET Development Proposed : Erection of bistro Location: Tigh Mor Trossachs Aberfoyle Stirling FK17 8HX Applicant: HPB Management Limited Agent’s Name: Staran Architects Agent’s Company Name: Staran Architects Ltd Agent’s Address: 49 Cumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6RA Date Application Valid: 12 January 2023 Date of expiry of period for


Application Number 2023/0065/DET Development Proposed : Proposed installation of recycling point infrastructure Location: Scottish Co-Op Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UG Applicant: Co-op Group Agent’s Name: Jim Kerr Agent’s Company Name: Sedgwick International Ltd Agent’s Address:


Sentinel Building 103 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7BW Date Application Valid: 3 March 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 2 June 2023

Application Number 2023/0327/HAE Development Proposed : Erection of side and rear extensions to dwellinghouse, and erection of detatched double garage Location: 7 Balleich Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XG Applicant: Mr Kenneth McNeil Agent’s Name: John White Agent’s Company Name: John H. White Architect Agent’s Address: Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station Glasgow G63 0SE Date Application Valid: 13 September 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 5 October 2023

Application Number 2023/0342/HAE Development Proposed : Removal of 3 no. existing outbuildings with 1 no. new outbuilding Location: Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant: Mr and Mrs Philip and Lara Lynch Agent’s Name: Honor Thomson Agent’s Company Name: Wiszniewski Thomson Architects Agent’s Address: Flat 1 1 Gayfield Place Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 4AB Date Application Valid: 22 September 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 16 October 2023

Application Number 2023/0343/LBC Development Proposed : Removal of 3 no. existing outbuildings with 1 no. new outbuilding Location: Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant: Mr and Mrs Philp and Lara Lynch Agent’s Name: Honor Thomson Agent’s Company Name: Wiszniewski Thomson architects Agent’s Address: Flat 1 1 Gayfield Place Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 4AB Date Application Valid: 15 September 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 27 October 2023






Aberfoyle –
  • Path works to improve the Doon Hill Trail in Aberfoyle have been The trail is open as normal.


Strathyre –

  • Harvesting at Strathyre is complete with timber haulage ongoing, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue). The trail remains open - please obey all

operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.

  • A new harvesting site in Strathyre East by Kingshouse has The Rob Roy Way will remain open but please obey any onsite signage and advice from



Loch Chon –

  • Harvesting work began on the West side of Loch Chon last year. Due to the complex nature of the works including challenging terrain and constraints, the work requires the use of a winch to extract the The forest road will have to be closed during this time and will require members of the public to use the Stirling Council road running along the East side of the Loch as a diversion.
  • The forest road is closed Mon – Fri and is open at the The Statue Labour Road is diverted along the road to reach the North end of Loch Chon.



Bochastle –


  • Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal, however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park. Felling is complete in this area, with haulage ongoing. Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.


Callander –

  • Coilhallan Woods is currently partially closed, including the car park, for harvesting of infected Larch This will go on for a number of weeks whilst we fell and extract the infected trees. Additional works for future planting in the East of Coilhallan Woods has also begun. Please obey onsite signage.






Loch Ard –

  • A new thinning operation will be taking place in Loch Ard Diversions and trail closures will be in place for visitor safety. This work will take place in three phases to reduce disruption. The Milton Kayak barrier will be unavailable for a number of weeks whilst this works takes place.

Phase 1 (starting mid November) will see the Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail closed as there is no viable diversion available. The Sculpture Trail and 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. Lochan Spling Trail will remain open as normal. All Gravelfoyle routes will be unaffected.

Phase 2 (expected to start in December) will see the Gravelfoyle Aquaduct and Lomond routes diverted. The Sculpture Trail and 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. Lochan Spling Trail will remain open as normal. The Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail will remain closed.

Phase 3 (expected to start in early 2024): The Sculpture Trail, Lochan Spling Trail and Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail will be open as normal. The 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. All Gravelfoyle routes will remain open as normal.

  • Harvesting operations at Clashmore are complete – haulage is
  • Some remedial works near the Aquaduct Gravelfoyle Route will take place in the Autumn to prevent water run off on the forest There should be no disruption to any routes, but please be mindful of personnel and machines in the area (NN 4319 0095).



Braeval –
  • The Rob Roy Way between Braeval and The Lodge is open, however, there will be timber haulage ongoing throughout the site for the coming weeks.
  • Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network here and obey any on site signage and advice from operators.



Balquhidder –


  • There is active timber haulage in the forest roads north of Please be obey any signage and advice from operators.


The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –
  • Path works on The Waterfall Trail is set to begin in the All trails will remain open at the this time but please be aware of personnel and machines in the area. Please obey any on site signage and advice from operators.


Three Lochs Forest Drive –

  • The Three Lochs Forest Drive is now closed to public vehicle access until the



Sallochy Campsite –
  • Sallochy campsite is now closed to campers for the The paid public car park will be reinstated until the campsite reopens in the spring.
  • The toilets will be locked for the



Stay the Night –
  • The Stay the Night scheme for overnight motorhome parking has been extended until October 31st As such these sites will be available to use for self- contained motorhomes over the winter, with payment through Ringgo. You can find out more about the Stay the Night scheme here: Stay the Night - Forestry and Land Scotland


CC update - Strathard





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0Pe00000006:23,24                 H111VC1i..g                                      •  Comploto            c..,,.


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OPl:.00000007 23.2•                 M•-                                          • Com!)lete             E"aslloehArd

OPE.00000186 23.24                 Harvestrlg                              •  Complete            Eil&tloct'IArd



,",  OPl:00000179 2324                  Plannltlg

OPED0000165.23,2-4                  MAl'VOallng



OPE000001&7"23.2'4             H.a g





C()tn!)fete          c....


Pending              Athray


Pending              Canegiennan


,.  OPE.000001&152324              """""""'       • Pending                                                             Ac:hr11y





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Raquel!IQ                                   l·unc1,on                    Aaivny y   Siatu&


,DM111l3UOn •          1Trn1lneme•

 Trouach1            Tronach1





OPE00000070 23-24





  • Pending


EMllodl Ard




E#lodl Atd           Aborfoylo












OPEOOOOOO16.23.24         Stewardship                            • Sutt:>tM)ded                            ..,.,.,           The lodge                          Wattlrialltral OPE00000022'2324                Stew1111dthip                        • Suapended           Corrie

OPE0000006& 23.24                Stewwdi.hip                           • Pending              l<amne


,. OPE00000238.23.24              Stowardship                           •  Pen<ioo                                               A.chray

,o      OPE000000&6 23 24                 Wlldl.1emanogem«11

OPE00000087'.23.2:4            Wildi1-manoocmon1



Pendn_g             e.t LOCII Ard


Pon<ino           E•lodl Ard





70 OPEOODOOOe.8 23.24                  Wd       rnaneg8ml!fl1                              Pen<lng                                                           Eaa.l.Odl Aid

0PEOOOO()O&!l'2324            Wdtltemanagement                                Pen<lng              Eaalodl Ard



,. OPE00000090 23-24                 Wddlie n'IMitgcrnenc              • Pen<lng                                                            fmll.OdlA1d

OPE00000001'232-1                  w11 menagiement            • Pen<11no                                                Come

.,,  OPE.00000092.23.24    ,gcmenJ                • Pending                                               lodlArd



oPE00000093 23 24                 W11dtternanageme,11

.,..  OPE00000094 23.24                 Wilclffomooogo



Penong               EMI LOCI! Atd


Pending           &.Lodi Ard






Jb          OPE00000098 2314                 W!ldl.M!!rNlnlllQCmec1t           • Pending              Ad\1'1,y





Pen<ing              Achray


"'    OPE0000009Q·224                   WildUo m nngi,mcnl


  • Pending ,






















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  1. Location Beinn Bhan DCCF

Access Points

.A.     Access Points

Timber Transport Routes (Scot.)

  • Agreed Route
  • Consultation Route

-         Exduded Route

  • - Severely Restricted Route " Unknown

Forest Roads (Low Ground Pressure)

1C          Yes

IC       No




Blocks Contract Areas

D Contract Areas




Forestry and Land Scotland


Coillteorochd ogus Fearann Alba




Cro nCopy hl anddat3ba <lghl 2023.  •         •

iOtdn_         $1.A'Vey Licence number024925. .,_

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