March 2023 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council Draft Minutes of meeting: Thursday 2nd March 2032.
Hybrid meeting via Zoom at Aberfoyle Community Memorial Hall.

Community Councillors Present: Paul Mackintosh (Chair), Joyce Kelly (Planning), Lynda
McColl (Secretary), Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair), Stuart Stephen (treasurer) Jimmy
Quinn, Trevor Geraghty (associate councillor)
Minute Secretary: Kate Bovill
Attending: Fern Milne (SC) Gene Maxwell (Ward Councillor Trossachs and Teith). 7
members of public

Topic Discussion Action
1. Opening Paul Mackintosh (PM) opened the meeting
welcoming all councillors & members of public. He thanked all councillors who had responded with feedback about
achievements that had been made during the period of the present community council
2. Apologies Councillors Natashya Sheppard, Gillian
McEwan, Andre Goulancourt, Associate
Councillor Clare Graham
Community Police Lorna Deans
Police report attached
as appendix
3. Minutes Minutes from last meeting proposed by
Lynda McColl (LM) Seconded Joyce Kelly
4. Matters Arising Community Council Elections will be held
in the first half of 2023. Publication of election by Stirling Council will be on 3rd April, Nominations by 17th April and any
withdrawals by 18th April. Discussion around managing ongoing community council business through period. Gene Maxwell (GM) pointed out other CC’s have raised the lengthy gap of closing CC’s in
the event that Council nominations have to go out to election in relation to ongoing planning applications/business. If there is an election required there will be a gap of 3 months without any Community Council
activities. SCC plan to hold next meeting
on 6th April as planned as it is before suspension of CC’s for elections. LM to contact Stephen Bly (SC) to inform and
LM contact Stephen
5. Fern Milne -
Restablishing Area
Forums - Research
Fern Milne (FM) is fulfilling a seconded
post to research the reestablishment of
Local Area Forums. She is conducting interviews to explore experiences around particular forums, the administration and
benefits. There are 2 themes, one to define what doesn’t work/ident who hasn’t been engaged and working with younger groups. Also focussing on Eastern villages.
The purpose of the work is to identify how
communities, from the ground up, can shape the process and produce the most effective way for engagement with SC. It is hoped that the research process will
enable the shaping of the forums by this
research/community input will produce the most effective structure going forward. FM is interested in conducting a 1hr interview to inform her research.
JK - There is a need for SC to look at its own internal processes as there appears to be a lack of coordination between the different depts and ensure that they lead in providing support to Community
Trevor Geraghty(TG) - relevance of life plans in Strathard CC area and also ongoing experience of blockages caused by the statutory organisations operating in the area. Also welcomes the focus on rural communities, asks if the project has exec
level sponsorship needed to make changes.
PM - SCC need assurances that SC
leadership will take it forward. General agreement to take part in
interview. PM thanks FM for attending.
6. Treasurers Report Appendix 1
Stuart Stephen will contact Celine Woodrow about treasurers role. Accounts for AGM cannot be reconciled before 31/3
when bank statements become available.
Katy Lamb will check and sign off the accounts by the end of May. Challenges of banking system means difficulty with online banking as must have 2 signatures.
There is 870 in the account earmarked for
community events.
7. FLS CEG Nick Lester Davis (NLD) Felling ongoing,
continuing at Braeval where most have been felled. Loch Chon felling has begun.
More identification of disease is expected.
Superb project for improving/protecting
against Climate Change includes 8 key actions. Woody debris dams will be getting installed over coming months. CEG will be arranging a visit to the site. John Hair (JH)
FLS has informed SCC that Kate Bovill (SCT
Development Officer) will be taking forward road access as part of the Strathard Resilience plan. SCC asks that KB refers JH back to the CEG in relation to this.
NLD will contact
councillors interested
in attending site visit.
KB to signpost JH
back to NLD/CEG
8. Flooding SB has responded to SCC enquiry, one SC
flood monitor is working, one is not.
NLD - flood response/activity has 2
emerging themes 1. voluntary action to
gain training and equipment in order to
safely monitor and take practical action,
supported by The Conservation Volunteers
2. structural civil engineering options
being pursued by the Flood Group.
Flooding may be featured in Fri 3rd Stirling
Observer in relation to Planning issues.
GM describes Callander and that SEPA are
re-evaluating the flood risk criteria.
SCC discussed the inconsistency of SC
planning decisions in relation to the SEPA
flooding map. There will be implications
nationwide going forward around planning
and flood risk management.
9. B829 issues Very basic road survey received with no
explanation. SC need to apply to the Timber Road Scheme - GM to check and follow up to ensure action. Signposted to
Robert Fleming within SC whose department would apply
GM( councillor )to
check if SC have
applied to Timber
11. DRT KB, JK & PM met on 10/2 with SC transport
department, local taxi firms & Ward
Councillors to collaborate on resolving
public transport crisis. KB has sent follow
up email but no response. GM reports only
30k in approved budget for transport pilot.
PM to follow up with department if no
response by Monday. GM to find out how
much is subsidised.
GM( Councillor ) &
12. Planning Appendix 2.
JK advised that there had been little activity over the last month with only one new planning application for roof lights in Dun Dhub. There remain 2 overdue applications as per appendix 2. She also informed the meeting that she was in touch with Stirling Council Flood dept to ascertain why 2 planning
application had been treated differently in terms of SEPA guidance.
The initial response from Ryan Campbell had raised more questions.
13. Community Life
Plan (CLP)/Local Place
Plan (LPP)
KB/LM will arrange meeting in Aberfoyle
to take forward ALP working group.
TG to provide support for S&ILP working group and to liaise with the Pier Café about providing a venue for the community meeting to revalidate the
S&ICLP. JK agreed to call the meeting in the absence of a working group for the S&ICLP.
15. LLTNPA There has been a meeting exploring how
the LLTNPA engages for creating an LLTNP Partnership Engagement Plan. JK said that there has been no activity with
the Strathard Framework project delivery plan and that this undermines previous participatory engagement initiatives. She said that she was in communication with
Stuart Mearns to express her concerns.
16. Safe routes to
Waiting for Paths for all, the path will take
2 stages - first one from Craigfoot Terrace
to Police Brae.
Speed Cushion installation. SC Roads will
be collaborating with Education dept/representative of PTA to look at road
safety issues and feedback to SCC.
17. Housing 2 empty SC properties damaged by flooding in cold spell. These have been allocated to tenants.  
18. SCT TG has stood as director in his own right but it was agreed that he would still be the SCC rep to the SCT meetings providing
this is agreed at the inaugural meeting of
the new SCC committee. This has been common practise with Stuart representing both organisations in the past.
19. Police report See appendix 3  
20. Stirling Council Budget meeting has occurred, 17.6m
deficit plus impact of 10% inflation.
There is going to be 7% Council Tax rise and there were difficult decisions being made about where to make cuts.
Aberfoyle Nursery will be shutting at 3pm once cuts come into effect.
Cuts to street lighting, 7m on voluntary severance. 40% reduction in office space.
Cowane Centre and Wolfcraig.
There will be a risk-based approach to road maintenance - GM to investigate what that means. 1m extra has been added to the roads budget.
GM ( Councillor )
20. Website The email is not distributing emails to councillors. LM - access is available by logging in directly.
PM following up email and website with
21. AOCB Sheila Gordon - Scottish Water have been culling feral sheep. The view is that diseased sheep can be culled with agreement by SSPCA and the Police. No consultation was made, and they were
only notified shortly before culling began.
No vet checks seem to have been conducted. PM thanks SG.
TG has been contacted to feedback on how effectively Scottish Water engage with the community. asks SCC for
feedback. KB reports no response from SW in relation to resilience planning - she has asked John Hair FLS to pursue for action.
TG will approach Inversnaid Hotel and The
Pier Cafe with a view to SCC conducting 1 meeting per year in those areas of Strathard.
The Lease at the Waterpark by Forest Hills
has been secured by someone wishing to
continue the business.
Kinlochard Play area gates have not been
installed. JK to follow up with SB as the time committed to by SC has now passed.
LM to approach Forest Hills to hold meeting on 6/4/23
regarding ongoing
Road Safety


Next Public meeting
Thurs 6th April 2023 7pm
venue tbc


Appendix 1
Treasurers Report
Appendix 2
Weekly Planning Lists for Feb 2023
Planning Applications:
Ref No 2023/0049/LBC Officer Jack Riggs Date Valid 9 February
2023 Telephone 01389 722620 Proposal Internal alterations to
2nd floor and insertion of 3no rooflights to pitched roof, and 2no
rooflights to flat roof Location Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton
Applicant Mr Philip Lynch Dun Dubh Lochard Road Aberfoyle FK8
3TJ Agent David Hill Kholm 32 Millbank Cupar KY15 5DP
Application Type Listed Building Consent Expected Decision
Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central)
area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid coordinates
248271 E 701545 N Advertisement Type Listed Building
Refusals: None
Enforcement Matters: None
Appeals: None
Overdue Applications:
Application Number 2021/0194/DET Development Proposed :
Formation of bellmouth junction and access road to serve a
maximum of 12 dwellinghouses Location: Land To The West Of
Lochard Cottage Kinlochard Stirling Applicant: Mr Graham
Clough Agent’s Name: Gareth Roberts Agent’s Company Name:
Organic Architects Agent’s Address: 140 West Princes Street
Helensburgh G84 8BH Date Application Valid: 14 September
2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 29 October
Application Number 2022/0285/DET Development Proposed :
Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods),
formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment
plant Location: Ledard Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TL
Applicant: Mr Fergus Wood Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s
Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63
West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date Application
Valid: 21 October 2022 Date of expiry of period for
representations: 6 December 2022
Appendix 3
Trossachs and Teith Ward,
Strathard Community Council
28/01/23 to 25/02/23 Compiled by PC Lorna Deans
Ward Plan
Antisocial Behaviour
You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken
In the early hours of 05/02/23 police were called
to a disturbance in the street in Aberfoyle. On
attendance, police traced a group who were
moved on from the area.
Road Safety
You are concerned about speeding, dangerous driving and
indiscriminate parking.
On the morning of Tuesday 7
of February 2023 schools based officer
PC Chadwick along with Callander community officers PC's Deans and
King carried out a joint bus safety operation at McLaren High School,
Callander with DVSA and Stirling Council. All buses, which includes the
buses that transport the children from Aberfoyle, and drivers were
checked with two buses put off the road and issued prohibition notices
for detected defects.
On 10/02/23 police were called to a road traffic collision on Main Street,
On 10/02/23 police attended another vehicle collision on the road
between Braeval and Port of Mentieth.
Police Service of Scotland
Community Council Report
You are concerned about homes being broken into and travelling
Sometime between 27/01/23 and 30/01/23 a theft
occurred from machinery in the area of Braeval
Overnight between 13/02/23 and 14/02/23 a theft
occurred on Cock Hill where forestry work is
being carried out.
Please report any suspicious vehicles to police.
Community Engagement and Reassurance
It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are
accessible and who address local problems.
If anyone has any policing issues that they wish to discuss, please contact us at
Callander Police Office on 101 or email
The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and
PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander Police Office.
The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Sarah Stephenson,
based at Dunblane Office
Police Service of Scotland
Community Council Report
They can be contacted via the email address or by phoning 101
We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’
Facebook page and tweet using @StirlingPol
Appendix 4
QEFP Trail Update
Balmaha –
● Conic Hill is closed due to path improvement works being carried out by Loch
Lomond and Trossachs National Park. It will remain closed until March 31st. The
path is closed from Visitor Centre Car Park in Balmaha to the Burn of Mar bridge
meaning there is no access from either side. The West Highland Way is still open
but walkers must use the low-level route down Creityhall Road to Milton of
● The Millenium Forest Trail has a partial closure from the Visitor Centre Car Park to
the main road B837, due to felling of trees infected with Phytophthora Ramorum.
Felling has begun and will continue over the coming weeks.
Strathyre –
● Harvesting is taking place place at Strathyre, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue).
The trail remains open - please obey all operational and diversion signage and
advice from onsite operators during this time.
Loch Chon –
● Harvesting work began on the West side of Loch Chon in September. Due to the
complex nature of the works including challenging terrain and constraints, the
work requires the use of a winch to extract the timber. The forest road will have
to be closed during this time and will require members of the public to use the
Stirling Council road running along the East side of the Loch as a diversion.
● The forest road is closed 7 days a week and the Statue Labour Road will be
diverted along the road to reach the North end of Loch Chon. This closure will be
in place until the Spring 2023, when it will revert to being closed Mon-Fri, open at
● There will be harvesting of diseased larch trees by Loch Chon campsite in March.
This will be complete before camping begins on 1st April.
Bochastle –
● Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal (apart from the exception
below), however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park.
Felling is complete in this area, with haulage ongoing. Find out more about how to
protect our forest from tree disease here.
Ben Ledi -
● Ben Ledi car park will be closed for the morning of Tue 7 March for felling
operations. It will reopen in the afternoon.
Aberfoyle –
● We are carrying out path improvement works on the blue waymarked Easter Park
Trail, beginning at Lemahamish Car Park and the green waymarked Doon Hill Trail
beginning in Aberfoyle. These works will be carried out to improve drainage and
surfacing. The trails will remain open during this time.
The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –
● We will shortly be carrying out path improvement works on the white
waymarked, accessible Waterfall Trail (white) at The Lodge. The trail will remain
open during this time but please be aware there may be some sections of the path
that will not be passable in a wheelchair or mobility scooter. The FLS Team at The
Lodge will advise on access regularly while the path works are taking place.
Loch Ard –
● Felling has begun on an area of Larch trees on the promoted path network in Loch
Ard which are infected with Phytophthora Ramorum. This operational felling has
closed the Rob Roy's cave and loch shore section of the 8 mile loop (black trail)
and the Sculpture Trail (red trail) – diversions are in place and the trails remain
open. Haulage will continue through March 2023.
· Please obey all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators
during this time.
● All FLS promoted trails from Milton remain open but there will be timber haulage
wagons on the forest road network. Please follow all on site signage and advice
from operators.
Braeval –
● We have begun felling an area of Larch trees on a small section of the Rob Roy
Way linking the Lodge and Braeval which are infected with Phytophthora
Ramorum. The Stonefields Trail and Braeval Trail remain open. The Rob Roy Way
is currently open, but will be closing in the future for harvesting operations.
● Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network at here and obey
any on site signage and advice from operators.
Three Lochs Forest Drive –
● The Three Lochs Drive is closed to public vehicles until Spring 2023. The drive will
be opening in March, with toilet facilities and camping byelaws in operation.
Campers and motorhomes can purchase a permit through the Loch Lomond and
Trossachs National Park.
Sallochy Campsite –
● Sallochy campsite will open from 3rd March. You can book a pitch on the website.
● The Car Park will be closed to the public and will be for the use of campers only.
Ben Ledi -
● Ben Ledi car park will be closed for the morning of Tue 7 March for felling operations.
It will reopen in the afternoon.
We ask that visitors follow all on site signage when out on the trails and choose an alternative
route if the one you had planned to use is closed. For updated information of our trails please
keep an eye on the destination pages linked via the main QEFP webpage.
All the best
Gavin Crosby | Visitor Services Supervisor (Maternity Cover)
Additional information/Correspondence (NB - personal email
addresses and phone numbers have been removed)
The link below takes you to a map that Scottish Forestry maintain, showing
all SPHNs and updated as new ones appear (current map attached) – this
map won’t change until new infections are confirmed, probably starting in
June this year.
phytophthora-ramorum – look for “outbreak update map”
Stuart McArtney
Dear Community Council,
Bell Ingram are working on behalf of Scottish Water at Loch Arklet Dam clearing
Larch trees as part of a Statutory Plant Health Notice Issued by Scottish Forestry. As
part of these works we are also proposing to remove non-native conifer species from
the area within the vicinity of the Dam.
We have submitted a Felling Approval Application to Scottish Forestry for the felling
of the non-native conifers.
Do you have any comments regarding the felling of these trees?
Please let me know if you have any further queries or comments by email.
Kind regards,
Stuart McArtney
Senior Forest Manager
Bell Ingram
Afternoon to you all,
I refer to the above and enclose a further e mail from my colleague below:-
Hi All,
I hope this finds you well.
I was just sending a reminder email in relation to the Area Forum Development Meetings this
week. We have a meeting in for Tuesday 31st Jan 7-8pm and Wednesday 1st February 7-8pm.
If you are planning on attending one of the meetings this week, please respond to myself on . If you would like to learn more about the Area Forum Development
but are not available on either of those meetings, please email me and I can look to arrange a
time that suits.
Kindest Regards
Fern Milne,
Hi Stephen, hope all is well with you.
Now we have entered a new year and month it brings new problems .
Concerns and e mails from very worried parents have been forwarded to the SCC.
As you are well aware the Aberfoyle Primary has massive issues with speeding vehicles.
Several parents have voiced concerns about the failure of the speed bumps being
reinstated to help elevate the speeding issues.
Also according to the parents, children spill out of the school gates onto the road . The
request from parents is, would it be possible to put a metal framework along both sides
of the school gates to contain the children exiting the school preventing the possibility of
a child or children being involved in a terrible accident.
As part of the 'Safe Routes to School' for SCC I feel I should help forward these
important issues as representation for the community.
Sorry Stephen , but if you could forward these complaints to the relative departments,
myself and the worried parents would be very grateful .
Thanks again for your help.
Gillian Mcewan SCC
Thank you for copying the school into your correspondence re road safety outside of the
school. I am very keen to see any safety improvements made including the reinstatement
of the speed bumps and any barrier that would prevent a child accidentally
running straight on to the road.
Can I just clarify, however, that the school has procedures in place to prevent the
children spilling onto the road. Staff dismiss the children from the playground ensuring
they exit the gate to a waiting parent or exit one at a time if walking/scooting home
themselves. Parents are also welcome to come into the playground to collect their child
to avoid waiting on the pavement at all.
Claire Gilchrist
When I took my radar key to the Changing Places facility in Aberfoyle today (20/01/23) I noticed
that the door is locked at the bottom and no one was using the facility. It also appears to not
have been opened in the morning.
Can we confirm that there are no maintenance issues and that the door should be opened
alongside the other toilet facilities please.
Thank you
With best regards,
Paul Mackintosh
From: Stephen Bly <>
Sent: 03 February 2023 16:49
To: Strathard Community Council <>
Subject: Community Council Enquiry Ref 2301265
Dear Community Council,
I refer to your enquiry above and advise I have received a response from the Service as detailed
“We can confirm that that there is no maintenance issue with the door.
The Aberfoyle Changing Places will be operated in the same way as the wider toilet block, with
the Facilities Management Team opening and closing the facility daily. Once open the radar will
control the access.
We are currently waiting for an official opening date.
Happy to answer any additional questions you might have”
I hope this is satisfactory for your purposes and advise this enquiry has now been closed.
If, however, the Community Council feels the response is not satisfactory or you would like
further information, please do submit an e mail to the ccenquiries e mail account quoting the
original enquiries’ reference number.
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
7. Roads pdf attached
We are aware that Stirling Council have instigated and completed a survey by an external
company in respect to the conditions of all roads in the Stirling Council Area.
As this has now been completed, we were promised a copy of this report during a meeting with
the roads team last year.
Can we please have this forwarded to us asap.
Thank you
With best regards,
Paul Mackintosh
Dear inquiries
could we have an update from the flooding team regarding the flood monitors in the
Strathard area and any Flood prevention initiatives within Strathard Area .
kind regards
Dear Community Council
CC Enquiry Reference: 2302302
Thank you for your email.
Your enquiry will be referred to the relevant Service and you will receive a reply within 10
working days which will be 27 February 2023.
Kind regards
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
9. Housing
Dear Community Council
CC Enquiry Reference: 2302300
Thank you for your email.
Your enquiry will be referred to the relevant Service and you will receive a reply within 10
working days which will be 27 February 2023.
Kind regards
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
Dear Community Council,
I refer to your enquiry above and advise I have received a response from the Service as detailed
“ At the moment, Stirling Council have two void properties in the Strathard area. One should be
let to a household on our housing list within the next fortnight, the other is a property used for
providing temporary accommodation to homeless households which has required significant
repair works and should be re-let within the next 8 – 10 weeks.
In terms of numbers on our housing list we currently have
Waiting, Transfer and
Strategic Groups
Homeless group
Aberfoyle 176 48
Kinlochard 105 48
Stronachlachar 91 48
We unfortunately wouldn’t be able to provide such figures and updates with regularity. While
the above information does give a snapshot of housing demand across the area, it does take
time to collate this which means officers aren’t able to focus on our ongoing work to meet the
housing demand across the Stirling area, as well as ensuring that we are working to reduce the
number of homeless households in the area. The initial email provided to me does allude to
issues within the Strathard area regarding housing without specifically stating what these are. If
the community council can share these issues with me, I’d be happy to provide some additional
information about housing across the area that may be more beneficial than providing a
snapshot of demand and void properties if that would be of use.”
I hope this is satisfactory for your purposes and advise this enquiry has now been closed.
If, however, the Community Council feels the response is not satisfactory or you would like
further information, please do submit an e mail to the ccenquiries e mail account quoting the
original enquiries’ reference number.
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
10. Broadband
Dear cc inquiries
we are now well out of covid restrictions and back into working possibly as
near normal but not the same as pre covid
with this in mind would Stirling council be able to update the community
council on progress and issues relating to broadband within the Strathard area
namely we have a named office Shaun Marley, Stirling Council Broadband
but we have not had any updates on what we can anticipate on future
broadband connection within a rural area.
Broadband is a big issue and not everyone has access to broadband or
good broadband
thank you
kind regards
Strathard Community Council
Dear Community Council,
I refer to your enquiry above and advise I have received a response from the Service as
detailed below:-

Strathard Broadband
It is difficult to determine the plans and timescales of the commercial providers as they do not
have to inform Local Authorities of their plans.
From the information that I have available, I have tried to construct an updated picture of the
broadband provision in the area.
Inversaid & Stronachlachar
Blue dots represent premises that are due to receive a fibre service via the R100 programme,
current timescales for the delivery of this service is summer 2023.
Red dots represents premises that will not be covered.
Also Broadway Partners who offer a broadband service in the area have stated that they are
upgrading their service this summer, I have not seen any plans to back this up.
Kinlochard & Aberfoyle
There is very little scheduled R100 activity for Aberfoyle or Kinlochard, as Scottish
Government data indicates that most premises can get a service of over 20 Mbps, however
there has been some fibre installed by Openreach in Braeval. I have not yet been able to
discover if Openreach intend to extend this into the village itself.
Again Broadway Partners have indicated that they intend to install fibre into the village but I
have not seen sight of any outline plans or timescales.
Also in this area Briskona have connected a number of the outlying premises with a fixed
wireless solution, feedback is that this service is working well.
As you will see there is a group of properties around Milton that are not scheduled to benefit
from the main R100/Openreach contract and I suggest that there is the possibility at looking
at a community led solution that I would be delighted to support.
Please be aware that each premise which is not in the main R100 programme, indicated by a
red dot is eligible for a Scottish Broadband Voucher worth up to £5000.
I hope you find this useful and if please get in touch if you require further information or you
want to discuss potential projects.” Please do so via ccenquiries@.
I hope this is satisfactory for your purposes and advise this enquiry has now been closed.
If, however, the Community Council feels the response is not satisfactory or you would like
further information, please do submit an e mail to the ccenquiries e mail account quoting the
original enquiries’ reference number.
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
11. Kinlochard Play Park
From: Natashya Sheppard
Date: 24 November 2022 at 13:04:39 -00:00
Subject: Kinlochard playpark
The fence around the new moved gate at Kinlochard is still yet to be
finished. Can we please chase Stirling Council on this to get a date of
when the job will be completed. As the old gate is still in situ and
therefore the safety issue has not been resolved.
Kind regards
GetOutlook for Android
From: Strathard Community Council <>
Sent: 24 November 2022 13:18
To: ccenquiries <>
Cc: Strathard Community Council <>
Subject: [External] Fwd: Kinlochard playpark
Can we please follow this up with the relevant officer in concerns to
safety at the Kinlochard Childrens Playpark?
Many thanks
Sent: 24 November 2022 17:08
To: Stephen Bly
Subject: Re: Kinlochard playpark
Hi Stephen and Paul
The enquiry referred to is in relation to the above noted enquiry.
The Park’s team started on the solution by replacing the fence and relocating the
gate but unfortunately failed to complete.
We now have a situation whereby the new gate is in place but the old gates are also
still in situ. Not only is it unsightly but the original safety issue has not been
resolved. This has been the case now for circa 6 months.
We are looking for a definitive date for when the old gate will be removed, the
fencing completed and the new gate becomes functional. At the moment the
original gate which is compromised by hedging of neighbouring properties is still in
Kind Regards
Joyce Kelly
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Nov 2022, at 16:04, Stephen Bly wrote:
Afternoon Paul and Strathard Community Council.
Do you have an enquiry reference number for this at all?
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator
Community Development Team | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth | Stirling
Sent: 28 February 2023 12:58
To: 'Stephen Bly' <>
Cc: Strathard Community Council <>
Subject: RE: Kinlochard playpark
Hi Stephen
Despite receiving a positive response from Stirling Parks dept on the completion of the gate
and remaining fence meant to be before Christmas nothing has happened. We are still in the
position of having a new gate which is not operational with the old gate which is the root
cause of the risk to child safety still being in play.
Can you please revert to the Parks Dept and get a definitive date for when the work will be
completed. We are now nearing Spring and the lighter evening and long weekends when once
again the play park will be busy, many of the children will be tourists and unfamiliar with the
hazard emerging from the current operational park gate causes.
I have an SCC meeting on Thursday 02 March so would appreciate an answer I can share with
the SCC committee before then.
Kind Regards