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Strathard Community Council Draft Minutes of meeting: Thursday 2 nd Feb 2023. Hybrid meeting via Zoom at Aberfoyle Community Memorial Hall.
Community Councillors Present: Paul Mackintosh (Chair), Joyce Kelly (Planning) Lynda McColl (Secretary), Natashya Sheppard, Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair), Gillian McEwan, Andre Goulancourt, Clare Graham & Trevor Geraghty (associate councillors)
Minute Secretary: Kate Bovill
Attending: John Hair (FLS), Elaine Watterson (Ward Councillor Trossachs and Teith). 7 members of public
Topic |
Discussion |
Action |
1. Opening 2. Apologies |
Paul Mackintosh (PM) opened the meeting welcoming all councillors & members of public. He asked all councillors to consider their role on the team and asked how they can help to share the work of the CC fairly.He asked all to reflect on the good work done in 2022 and any strengths and weaknesses that could be addressed in 2023 Stuart Stephen (Treasurer), Community Police, Bob Barr (HSCP Manager) |
3. Minutes |
Minutes from last meeting proposed by Nick Lester-Davis (NLD) Seconded Joyce Kelly (JK), |
4. Matters Arising |
Community Council Elections will be held in the first half of 2023 |
5. FLS John Hair see appendix 1 |
John Hair (JH) brought a map of the LLTNPA and beyond to illustrate the spread of the pathogen Phytophtera Ramorum identified first in the UK in 2002, 2009 in Larch trees, 2013 in Scotland and now present in Strathard spreading approx. 10km per year. This disease causes tree death in some species. Prefers wet/mild conditions and control measures are in place to fell any Larch within a 250m radius of infected trees. Statutory Plant Health Notices (SPHN) will be issued by Scottish |
Government and landowners must fell within 6 months of issue or face charges. FLS will keep SCC informed. Questions raised: What protective actions to prevent spread are being taken by contractors as well as what information will be provided to visitors/residents? What would happen just allowed to spread naturally. Can households get help with costs of felling? JH – Keep it clean campaign and brush off. FLS will approach ICentre to provide information for visitors. The aim is to slow the spread. There isn’t any help at present with costs or a system in place to approach. Question about FLS contributing to road maintenance of B829, currently requiring improvement work. FLS would support initiative to improve road. JH will engage with FLS about it being fit for purpose. NLD indicated Stirling Council will be applying to FLS for support. PM thanks JH for attending. |
6. Medical Centre – letter to be attached by LM |
Michelle Scully will be Acting Practice Manager. Lynda McColl (LM) will contact 14 days before each SCC meeting |
LM to contact |
7. Area Development Forum |
SCC have been invited to discuss the potential to re-establish this group for our area. |
JK, LmC, PM & KB will attend if possible |
8. Flooding |
Flood Group is focusing on Duchray retention scheme in proposing to Scottish Government via MSP for support and potential feasibility studies. Could also benefit the wider Carse area and as such, SCC will approach neighbouring Community Council to garner support. Impact of flooding should also include cut off communities and not just flood damage to property. Callander CC are |
NLD to draft letter to Callander CC and approach neighbouring CC’s about Duchray Scheme idea. Elaine Watterson (EW) will pass on details for Callander Flood Group. |
very keen to be in touch. Discussion around different reasons for flooding in Callander/Teith but many common themes so useful info sharing opportunity. Community Member asks SCC to report back on any progress or findings for flood schemes |
9. B829 issues |
NLD – SCC looking to get Affa Davits to confirm use of Duchray Road/Forest Road over a 20 year period by residents to establish as a right of way. Gritting – SCC are seeking to persuade that B829 as single access be reprioritised. Ward Councillors EW/Martin Earl are pursuing. Robert Fleming (SC Roads) confirmed road wasn’t driveable due to ice PM has sought full road report conducted by SC Non maintenance of B829 has economic implications, residents in receipt of care, contradictions by SC re safety of tourists or residents around access and planning decisions. |
NLD to word and circulate to councillors for approval |
10. School Road Safety/Speed Bumps |
SCC received a number of letters from parents regarding fears around child safety on Lochard Road from speeding vehicles. Parents also in attendance requesting information from SCC. The school provided clear info on the strict safety standards adhered to by the school in ensuring children are collected safely at the end of the school day. Speeding is worsened by the delays in reinstalling the speed bumps on the road by Stirling Council following resurfacing. Stirling Council had previously agreed that the road would not be closed during peak periods and then reneged on this agreement. Single lane closure is not an |
option due to staff safety. Full road closure is disruptive for residents. Gillian McEwan (GM) has contacted Stephen Bly (SC) about installing barriers on the pavement by the school. Encouraged parents to get the Parent Council on board and to write to council directly. Councillors - parents right to come with this to the CC to progress. Potential work with School/Parents around measuring and enforcement. Community Member – speeding starts at Baillie, could speed responsive lights work? Responsive signage and warning lights on road limited by cost and or flood impacts. Request that speed bumps should extend further on Milton side of school LM will engage with Carolyn Fraser at next Safe Routes meeting |
11. DRT |
Round table discussion arranged with Stirling Council, Stuart Hall, Arlene and Peter from Trossachs Cabs, Ward Councillors, JK, PM & KB at Strathard Hub on 10 th Feb. All input welcomed and SCC will be kept informed. |
12. Planning Appendix 2 |
JK reported that once again there had been little activity with planning applications. The planning applications which had been presented in December and January pertained to creation of Forestry Roads to accommodate FLS activities which do not require prior approval. She went on to say there had been 2 approvals in the period. Planning application 2022/0099/DET seeking approval for a dwelling house on land between Creag Mhor Cottage and Creag Mhor House Lochard Road and 2022/0213/DET seeking approval for erection of 7 no. holiday let units with associated parking, footpaths, drainage |
infrastructure and private water supply Location Drumore Cottage Duchray Road had both been approved. This had resulted in only 2 applications currently overdue sentencing. 2021/0194/DET seeking approval for the formation of bellmouth junction and access road to serve a maximum of 12 dwellinghouses Location and 2022/0285/DET requesting a change of use of land to a caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods), formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment plant Location. |
13. Community Life Plan (CLP)/Local Place Plan (LPP) |
JK advised that work was ongoing to establish a Steering Group for the Aberfoyle CLP and also for Stronichlachar/Inversnaid CLP. She explained that this was critical to enable a smooth transition of the 3 Strathard CLP’s into an overarching LPP for Strathard by the LLTNP. She went on to say that she would be attending a Stirling Council online meeting to understand how Stirling Council intends to move forward adopting LPP’s for the various community councils in their area. While the SCC LPP will be adopted by the LLTNP she explained that there are critical cross overs with Stirling Council in regard to provision of infrastructure and services required to support the aspiration of the SCC LPP. JK told the meeting that she would be attending an online LLTNP Steering Group meeting for adoption of LPP’s into the LLTNP planning processes and said that she hoped to have information to share at the next SCC meeting. |
14. FLS CEG |
Next meeting 27th Feb |
15. Community Events Group Appendix 3 List of events – some tbc |
A Calendar of events is being compiled for communication across the community to help with planning and avoid clashing events. All are welcome to bring suggested events forward to the group which meets last Monday of the month in Strathard Hub at 5.30. The aim is to have |
one largish event per month within Strathard. |
16. Safe routes to School |
GM & LM met with Stirling Council to progress planned path from Staballard to Craigfoot terrace. SC access officer is seeking funding to scope 1000m of path |
17. Website |
SCC email has moved and been wiped from Clare Graham (CG) is meeting with PM to decide where to keep distribution lists. LM – CG should have a designated SCC laptop and this would have value for meetings. |
18. Police report |
See appendix 4 |
19. Treasurers report |
See appendix 5 |
19. AOCB |
Under AOB JK advised that she had progressed the 2 actions placed on her from the previous meeting but sadly could not report much progress. She had written to Stirling Council Flood dept for clarification on the conflicting advice provided to the LLTNP in regard to the 2 outstanding planning applications re flooding on the B829 but was still awaiting a reply. Enquiries made to Stirling Council Planning Dept re the potential for conflict between responsibilities between them and the Park Planning Dept in relation to LPPs had only received a holding reply despite following through on an earlier request for clarification. She agreed to chase up again before the next SCC meeting. Community member update – An survey conducted with parents around an after school club has demonstrated interest & parents are getting a committee together. PM offered support with questions around Care inspectorate. Elaine Watterson (EW) suggested |
JK to chase SC |
connecting with STEP & Anne Michelle Ketteridge (CLLD). LM signposted to Jean Cowie (SC) for start up funding & insurances QEFP update – Appendix 6 Paul Mackintosh thanked all and brought the meeting to a close. |
Next Public meeting Thurs 2nd March 2023 7pm Aberfoyle Memorial Hall
Appendix 1
Forestry and Land Scotland Phytophthora ramorum
Forestry and Land Scotland are currently working on the Statutory Plant Health Notices issued to us in the Autumn following the confirmation of the presence of Phytophthora ramorum. We now legally have to comply with these by felling the diseased trees and trees within the buffer zone around them.
Felling at Loch Ard has been underway since the middle of December – this operation requires the Rob Roy’s cave and loch shore sections of the 8 Mile Loop and Sculpture Trail to be diverted. We are hoping that this work will be completed by the end of January.
Felling works will also begin shortly above Aberfoyle golf course. This will affect some of the wider trail network and a short closure to the WHW path.
Please keep an eye on our webpages and social media for the most up to date information.
Please follow all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
Appendix 2
Strathard Community Council
Weekly Planning Lists for November 2022
Planning Applications:
WK 3
Ref No 2022/0372/NOT Officer Scott Brown Date Valid 20 December 2022 Proposal Upgrading of existing forestry track and construction of up to 25m of forestry track Location Kirkton Wood-small forest near Aberfoyle. Near - Manse Road, Kirkton, Aberfoyle, Stirlingshire, Scotland, FK8 3XA Applicant Dr Angela Newton Kirkton Wood 1 Cayzer Court Gartmore Stirlingshire FK8 3RE Agent Eamonn Wall Eamonn Wall & Co - Arboricultural Consultants 15 West Burnside Dollar FK14 7DP Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251751 E 700091 N Date Decision Issued 19 January 2023 Decision Prior approval not required
WK 2
Ref No 2022/0337/NOT Officer Scott Brown Date Valid 16 November 2022 Telephone 01389 727769 Proposal Construction of 250 metres of forestry track Location Forestry And Land Scotland Central Region (West) East Lochard Land Management Plan Area Applicant Mr Andrew Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Central Region, Aberfoyle Office Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 244125 E 700635 N Date Decision Issued 12 January 2023 Decision Prior approval not required
WK 49
Ref No 2022/0337/NOT Officer Scott Brown Date Valid 16 November 2022 Telephone 01389 727769 Proposal Construction of 250 metres of forestry track Location Forestry And Land Scotland Central Region (West) East Lochard Land Management Plan Area Applicant Mr Andrew Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Central Region, Aberfoyle Office Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 244125 E 700635 N Advertisement Type
Approvals: WK 4
Ref No 2022/0099/DET Officer Vivien Emery Date Valid 5 April 2022 Telephone 01389 722619 Proposal Erection of dwelling house Location Land Between Creag Mhor Cottage and Creag Mhor House Lochard Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr And Mrs Richard Baston Craig-En-Aes Trossachs Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3SX Agent John White John H White Architect Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station Glasgow G63 0SE Application Type Detailed Planning Permission National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251049 E 701417 N Date Decision Issued 23 January 2023 Decision Approve
WK 51
Ref No 2022/0213/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 21 July 2022 Telephone 01389 722 148 Proposal Erection of 7 no. holiday let units with associated parking, footpaths, drainage infrastructure and private water supply Location Drumore Cottage Duchray Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Peter Lawns Drumore Cottage Duchray Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XL Agent Darran Crawford Linearchitecture Ltd Unit 2 Oak Killean Mill Business Park Killearn G63 9LQ Application Type Detailed Planning Permission National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 248975 E 699847 N Date Decision Issued 21 December 2022 Decision Approve
None Enforcement Matters:
None Appeals:
Application Ref No 2020/0228/DET Decision Issued Date 06.06.2022 Application Decision Application Refused LRB Ref 2022/0004/REVREF Proposal External alterations and part change of use of agricultural shed to temporary residential accommodation (in retrospect) Location Aberfoyle Farm Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr Craig Johnston Aberfoyle Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UZ Agent Paul Houghton DM Hall The Mill Station Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4JS LRB Decision Issued Date 06.12.2022 LRB Decision LRB Upheld Determination
Overdue Applications:
1. Application Number 2021/0194/DET Development Proposed : Formation of bellmouth junction and access road to serve a maximum of 12 dwellinghouses Location: Land To The West Of Lochard Cottage Kinlochard Stirling Applicant: Mr Graham Clough Agent’s Name: Gareth Roberts Agent’s Company Name: Organic Architects Agent’s Address: 140 West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BH Date Application Valid: 14 September 2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 29 October 2021
2. Application Number 2022/0285/DET Development Proposed : Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods), formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment plant Location: Ledard Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TL Applicant: Mr Fergus Wood Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63 West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date Application Valid: 21 October 2022 Date of expiry of period for representations: 6 December 2022
Appendix 3 Community Events
March 1st Marie Curie Coffee Morning, St Mary's Rectory Room 11am onwards
Monster Radish Garden Group (Aberfoyle Hall) Potato festival. Aberfoyle Memorial Hall – Sunday 5th March
Monday 20th March Keep Scotland Beautiful Spring Clean and potential BBQ 9th April Easter egg Hunt sponsored by the Forth Inn
16th April - Sailing Season begins at Lochard Sailing Club
International Taiko Drumming Festival 28-30th April – venues across Aberfoyle and Gartmore
End of April - Bowling Club season launch
6-8th May - Grand Old Dukes - a new event being hosted out at Dounans - lots of family friendly activities and opportunities.
6-8th May Kings Coronation weekend - Street Party event - watch this space Highland Flames Festival 14/15/16th July, Kirkton Farm
Aberfoyle Gala 30th July - Faerie themed fancy dress
Book Festival - tbc 26th Aug (small scale this year if it happens, thinking big for next!)
2nd Sept - Macmillan Mighty Walk comes through Aberfoyle 9/10th Sept - Dukes Weekender
25th Sept weekend - Harvest Festival/Apple Day Oct - Scarecrow Festival
Fireworks 4th or 5th Nov
Aberfoyle Christmas weekend 8th-10th December Senior Citizens xmas event date tbc
Community Burns 25th Jan (poss 20th or 27th) Brew Monday Event (third Monday in January)
Appendix 4 Police Report
![]() |
Other Incidents / Activity of note
Other Incidents / Activity of note
The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander Police Office.
The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Sarah Stephenson, based at Dunblane Office.
They can be contacted via the email address TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.police .uk or by phoning 101
We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using @StirlingPol
Appendix 5 Treasurers Report
Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance at 2 February 2023
£ £
General Fund opening Bank balance 13 September 2022 7568.19
Monies out
Land Register |
( |
72.00) |
Aberfoyle Memorial Hall |
( |
25.00) |
Minute Secretary |
( |
80.00) |
Total monies out |
( |
177.00) |
Monies in |
0.00 |
Total monies in |
0.00 |
General Fund closing Bank balance 21 December 2022 7391.19
Subsequent income/expenditure
One Drive User Guide ( 200.00)
SCT (Christmas Event) ( 200.00)
Aberfoyle Memorial Hall |
( |
25.00) |
Total subsequent spend |
( 425.00) |
General Fund closing Balance 2 February 2023 |
6966.19 |
Less Commitments |
Community Events Fund |
873.97 |
Available Funds 6092.22
1 Community Event Fund
Funds in Bank account 3 November 2022 1073.97
SCT (Christmas Event) ( 200.00) Funds in Bank account 2 February 2023 873.97
Appendix 6 QEFP Trails Update
Balmaha –
· Conic Hill is closed due to path improvement works being carried out by Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. It will remain closed until March 31st. The path is closed from Visitor Centre Car Park in Balmaha to the Burn of Mar bridge meaning there is no access from either side. The West Highland Way is still open but walkers must use the low-level route down Creityhall Road to Milton of Buchanan.
- The Millenium Forest Trail has a partial closure from the Visitor Centre Car Park to the main road B837, due to felling of trees infected with Phytophthora Ramorum. Work is due to begin week commencing 06/01/23. The rest of the trail remains open.
Strathyre –
- There will be harvesting work taking place west of Strathyre, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue) in February. The trail remains open - please obey all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.
Loch Chon –
· Harvesting work began on the West side of Loch Chon in September. Due to the complex nature of the works including challenging terrain and constraints, the work requires the use of a winch to extract the timber. The forest road will have to be closed during this time and will require members of the public to use the Stirling Council road running along the East side of the Loch as a diversion.
· The forest road is closed 7 days a week and the Statue Labour Road will be diverted along the road to reach the North end of Loch Chon. This closure will be in place until the Spring 2023, when it will revert to being closed Mon-Fri, open at weekends.
Bochastle –
· Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park. Felling is complete in this area, with haulage ongoing. Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.
Aberfoyle –
- We are carrying out path improvement works on the blue waymarked Easter Park Trail, beginning at Lemahamish Car Park and the green waymarked Doon Hill Trail beginning in Aberfoyle. These works will be carried out to improve drainage and surfacing. The trails will remain open during this time.
The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –
· We will shortly be carrying out path improvement works on the white waymarked, accessible Waterfall Trail (white) at The Lodge. The trail will remain open during this time but please be aware there may be some sections of the path that will not be passable in a wheelchair or mobility scooter. The FLS Team at The Lodge will advise on access regularly while the path works are taking place.
Loch Ard –
· Felling has begun on an area of Larch trees on the promoted path network in Loch Ard which are infected with Phytophthora Ramorum. This operational felling has closed the Rob Roy's cave and loch shore section of the8 mile loop (black trail) and the Sculpture Trail (red trail) – diversions are in place and the trails remain open. Haulage will continue until March 2023.
· Please obey all operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.
· All FLS promoted trails from Milton remain open but there will be timber haulage wagons on the forest road network. Please follow all on site signage and advice from operators.
Braeval –
· We have begun felling an area of Larch trees on a small section of the Rob Roy Way linking the Lodge and Braeval which are infected with Phytophthora Ramorum. This will close the Rob Roy Way for approx. 2 weeks. Closure and diversion signage is in place. The Stonefields Trail and Braeval Trail remain open.
· Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network at here and obey any on site signage and advice from operators.
Three Lochs Forest Drive –
· The Three Lochs Drive is closed to public vehicles until Spring 2023. The toilets are closed but the drive remains accessible to pedestrians all year round.
· There is Winter harvesting and timber haulage taking place including the continued clear up of Storm Arwen. Felling is complete and extraction and haulage are on- going. Please obey all on site signage and advice from operators.
Sallochy Campsite –
· Sallochy campsite is closed for the 2022 Season
· The Car Park is open to day visitors from 1st November – 28 th February
· Please be aware that the composting toilets are closed for Winter.
Garadhban –
· We have recently had to fell larch trees infected with the disease Phytophthora Ramorum in the Garadhban area. Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.
We ask that visitors follow all on site signage when out on the trails and choose an alternative route if the one you had planned to use is closed. For updated information of our trails please keep an eye on the destination pages linked via the main QEFP webpage.