December 2023 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council

Approved Minutes of the Hybrid Meeting held at 7pm

on Thursday 7th December 2023 at Aberfoyle Memorial Hall



Paul Mackintosh (Chair), Nick Lester-Davis (Vice-Chair), Lynda McColl (Secretary), Catherine Cairns (Treasurer), Joyce Kelly (Planning), Trevor Geraghty (Strathard Community Trust), Gillian McEwan, Natashya Sheppard.

In Attendance:

Kate Bovill (Strathard Community Trust), Jim Riach (Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Countryside Trust), Councillor Gene Maxwell (Scottish National Party), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)


Andre Goulancourt, PC Lorna Deans, PC Donald King


There was 1 resident in attendance. Douglas Mackintosh



Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies. The meeting was recorded for the benefit of the minute taker.


Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes



Approval of Meeting Minutes

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 2nd November 2023 were approved having been proposed by Trevor Geraghty (TG) and seconded by Joyce Kelly (JK).



Action Tracker

Paul Mackintosh (PM) reviewed the action tracker and members provided the following updates:




Public Flooding Meeting

No update.




Bellwin Financial Assistance Scheme

PM investigated whether Strathard Community Council (SCC) could apply for a grant through the Bellwin scheme. The website states that only English areas can apply, however, it appears that local authorities in Scotland can apply through the Scottish government. Stirling Council (SC) have not applied for this. Councillor Maxwell (GM) agreed to look into this. [Action: Councillor Gene Maxwell]





Loch Ard Road Valves

PM raised an enquiry and the clearance is to be carried out.




Community Transport

While the volunteer driver scheme continues and the idea of a community minibus has been mooted, TG explained the need for the SCT to find out from the community what they really need. He recommended a new survey asking local residents what journeys they want to take and have not been able to make recently. He confirmed the SCT would be happy to find ways to apply for funding.

Members agreed a new survey is required and made the following comments and suggestions:

·       Money could be raised to support a provider rather than buying and running a minibus but finding a provider may prove difficult as evidenced by the failure of the National Park to find a shuttle bus provider and the difficulty finding drivers to continue the C60 bus service.

·       Discussions regarding replacing the DRT are ongoing but slow. JK feels the proposed pilot scheme is not fit for purpose. Demand is decreasing as the scheme is not flexible enough to meet residents’ needs.

·       Kate Bovill (KB) recommended finding out what Stirling Council’s (SC) indicators are and including open as well as closed questions.

·       Natasha Sheppard (NS) commented that Young Scot Card holders should be included in the survey

TG & Jim Reich (JR) agreed to draft a survey. [Action: Trevor Geraghty & Jim Reich]

TG, JR & KB agreed to meet to take this forward. [Action: Trevor Geraghty, Jim Reich & Kate Bovill]




Encroaching Vegetation C68

PM raised the case with Scottish water and forwarded them the co- ordinates. TG confirmed this has now been cleared.




Nursery Provision – The Big Conversion

Discussed below in agenda item 7.2.



Questions from the floor / Members of the public to be declared


No questions were raised.


Emergency Plan Update – Kate Bovill (SCT)


The recent flooding incident has highlighted how overstretched the local emergency services are and the need for local residents to be prepared for the dangers and to avoid taking unnecessary risks. She asked SCC to help take this message out to the community.

KB explained that progress is being made, such as the provision of 20 bed kits and first aid equipment in the village hall. There are ongoing discussions regarding the emergency use of holiday lets.

KB highlighted the need for community members to inform SC of local issues, such as blocked gullies and blocked roads rather than assuming someone else will do it. She encouraged the community to ensure a 6 monthly survey of gullies is carried out. GM informed members that SC’s responsibility involves cleaning the drain grids, not actually clearing the gullies.

SCT have received Community Health & Wellbeing Funding to facilitate transport between Stronachlachar and Kinlochard. They are looking ahead to what they can do beyond assisting with health needs in the future.

Nick Lester-Davis (NLD), Catherine Cairns (CC) and KB agreed to meet to discuss what assistance SCC can apply for without overlapping with the Resilience Group. They will involve Andrew Goulancourt (AG) and JK as needed. [Action: Nick Lester- Davis, Catherine Cairns, Kate Bovill]


Active Travel Update – Jim Riach, Active Travel Officer, Loch Lomond & the Trossachs Countryside Trust


JR presented to the members his role in encouraging and supporting residents and visitors to make journeys in and around the park through active travel such as walking, cycling and wheeling. He is keen to work with areas of Callander, Strathard and Arrochar and Tarbert.

He explained how planning agencies are advocating ‘mobility hubs’ where various travel, information and community services are co-located. Aberfoyle is identified as one of these hubs and JR is keen to engage the community in the planning process and to be inclusive of those with additional needs. JR is currently conducting a travel audit and will write up his initial assessment which he will share with SCC [Action: Jim Raich] JR is also planning to conduct a walkability survey and would welcome volunteers. PM said he would be happy to take his wheelchair around. JR would also be keen to work with SCC on their transport survey.

JR shared the example of the Glenfarg Community Travel Group which has obtained local authority subsidies in order to manage their own local transport. They are able to build flexibility into the service which allows them to cater for the elderly and those with additional needs by picking them up from their door. This is managed through a mixture of staff and volunteer drivers and from a licensed operating centre. JR agreed to pass contact information for the Glenfarg Transport Group to JK. [Action: Jim




JR will be trying out new activities such as guided bike rides and walks on the themes of nature, heritage and art to see what is popular.

Members discussed concerns that the National Park are reducing parking in the National Park, disregarding how 80% of people get to the National Park.

JR agreed to send information to GM of the nearly built Sustrans route to Drymen, avoiding Doune bridge. [Action: Jim Raich]

TG queried what had happened to the assets of the Forth Bikes scheme which folded overnight and suggested that having basic bikes available in different locations would be an asset to rural communities like Aberfoyle. JR confirmed that the council had funding for 8 bikes and lockers but is not aware of where they have gone. It was suggested that an enquiry be raised about this. [Action: XXX]


Priority Focus: The Big Conversation – Rural CC Together



Six community councils including Buchlyvie, Port of Menteith, Gartmore, Trossachs and Callander met to discuss how best to put forward the needs of rural communities in The Big Conversation.

A further meeting is scheduled for 8th December involving a larger number of CCs. The plan is to form various sub-groups. It is hoped to hold a meeting with all councillors (urban and rural) in January. PM has circulated potential dates.

In response to a query from CC, GM confirmed that most education provision will not be cut because this is a statutory provision, however nursery provision is not protected against cuts.


Summary of Ongoing Business / Enquiries Raised



B829 upgrade Enquiry # 2311687

This work will start in February 2024. The work is expected to last for 26 weeks and will take place between 6pm and 2am. Provision made for residents to arrive home later from work. Cars will be allowed through but drivers may have to wait for some time.



Nursery Enquiry # 2309572

In response to CC’s enquiry regarding occupancy rates, SC confirmed that Aberfoyle nursery has a rating of 50% occupancy based on maximum capacity. She pointed out this does not accurately reflect usage or take into account children who attend part-time.

CC also pointed out that many locals don’t apply for places as they know they will be sent to Callander, which is an impractical journey for many parents.

CC agreed to draft a list of questions which can be used by the nominated persons from other CCs. [Action: Catherine Cairns]


Matters Arising



Reduction to Paramedic Services

Gillian McEwan drew to members’ attention the fact that the Balfron paramedic

service has had their hours cut and they are no longer working on weekends. Instead, crews come out from Stirling. The implication of this is that when the





number of calls-outs from Balfron is calculated, their call-out rate will have decreased. This could lead to the service being cut and ultimately the closure of stations. It is assumed that the situation in similar in other areas.

CC informed the meeting that there are only 3 ambulances on duty on a Friday night for the whole of the Stirling area.


Treasurer Report


The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report for this meeting. The opening balance as of 29th September 2023 was £6,396.87. The closing balance as of 30th October 2023 was £6,706.74.

See Addendum 1 for further details.


Police Report


PM read Police Report for the period 31st October to 3rd December 2023, which had been compiled by PC Donald King. There were 2 reported cases:

·       On 22/11/23 a disturbance took place in Aberfoyle whereby a male was shouting and making threats towards others. The persons responsible was arrested and charged and safeguarding conditions put in place. Re-assurance patrols have been carried out in Aberfoyle and a report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

·       Between 01/11/23 and 10/11/23 a window at an unoccupied property in Aberfoyle was smashed. The persons responsible have not been identified.

In addition:

·       Officers carried out speed detection duties and a number of drivers were spoken to. One driver was found to have no insurance and was issued with a conditional offer of a fixed penalty and their vehicle seized.

·       PC Deans and King have been engaging with the Junior Road Safety Officers at Aberfoyle Primary over the last couple of weeks. On Friday 1st December the children had a chance to use the speed detection equipment and speak to drivers who had been stopped speeding

·       Additional information was provided on reporting scams. See Addendum 1 for details.


Any Other Items of Business which the Chair has Directed should be considered




Forestry and Land Scotland / Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park



Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS)

NLD attended the quarterly meeting last week. There were 2 operational points of note:

·       FLS asked if there is community interest in volunteer opportunities for such tasks as tree planting and rhododendron clearing.




·       John Hare had no explanation for why a 3rd padlock had been put on the gates on Forest Road during flooding.

GM informed SCC that he had raised a motion on Forest Road at today’s council meeting. The Chief Executive has agreed to arrange a meeting with the Chief Executive of FLS in 2024. GM volunteered to take photos and show these to the Chief Executive. NLD asked if he could also attend the meeting.

GM agreed to ask. [Action: Councillor Maxwell]

GM also raised the issue of the flood risk on the B829 at today’s meeting. In short, SC’s response was that they will look at the wider impact of flooding once the LPPs are done.

A member noted that FLS have started clearance work on the shore at Loch Ard restricting access.

See Addendum 5 for further information



Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (LLTNP)

·       Stuart Mearns has agreed that JK can put out the agenda for the next Strathard Framework meeting so that it can be reframed.

·       The next meeting will be on 22nd February 2024

·       PM attended a meeting on 27 November. In summary:

o   The park has seen a huge increase in motor home and camper van users in the park. There has also been a slight increase in visitors driving around the park.

o   The sewage disposal facilities for motor homes in the park are inadequate.

o   One social influencer post recommending the 3 Lochs Forest Drive resulted in an influx of visitors and a build-up of c. 400 cars driving nose-to-tail around the park.

o   More park rangers are on all-season work resulting in a big increase in enforcement notices for fly-tipping, littering and camping infringement.


Life Plans


SCC have been awarded funding which will enable them to create a business plan to buy The Field in Kinlochard. The next step is to formulate the plan.

Work on creating the Local Place Plan (LPP) has been on hold as members have been busy with other issues. This is still on track and the deadline has been extended to March 2024.



There are 6 new applications, 5 approvals and 5 overdue applications. See Addendum 3 for further details.




·       2023/0409/DET – JK noted that an objection is likely to be lodged and the application is unlikely to be approved



·       Nothing controversial noted Overdue

·       2023/xxxx – JK noted that this is likely to fall foul of the B829 ruling. See Addendum 3 for further details.

Members noted the desperate need for social housing in Aberfoyle. JK is scheduled to meet with Donna Birrell of Rural Housing in January and will be pushing for a meeting to discuss the blockers to social housing in the area.






Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Strathard Community Council will take place at 7pm on Thursday 1st February 2024 in Aberfoyle Memorial Hall. Priority Focus on Health.


ADDENDUM 1: Treasurer’s Report


Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance for meeting 07 December 2023

£                    £

General Fund opening Bank balance 29 Sept 2023                  6396.87

Monies out

Annual Hub membership (Strathard Community Trust)                  ( 120.00)



Total monies out                                                                                                     ( 120.00)



Monies in

Stirling Council Admin / Minute Taker grant                                                                                      (429.87)


Total monies in

General Fund closing Bank balance 30 October 2023





Subsequent income/expenditure

Microsoft 365 invoice



( 19.44)



Minute secretary November

( 40.00)






Total subsequent spend


( 59.44)

Balance minus subsequent spend 2 Nov 2023 Less Commitments

Community Events Fund










Available Funds




1            Community Event Fund

Funds in Bank account 20 Sept 2023











Trossachs and Teith Ward,

Strathard Community Council


Community Council:





31/10/23 to 03/12/23 Compiled by PC Donald King


Reporting Period:


Antisocial Behaviour

You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken behaviour.


On 22/11/23 a disturbance took place in Aberfoyle whereby a male was shouting and making threats towards others. The persons responsible was arrested and charged with safeguarding conditions put in place. Re-assurance patrols have been carried out in Aberfoyle and a report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Between 01/11/23 and 10/11/23 a window at an unoccupied property in Aberfoyle was smashed. The persons responsible have not been identified.


Ward Plan Priorities





Incidents / Activity of note


Issues raised Community Council Feedback


The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander Police Office. The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Sarah Stephenson, based at Dunblane Office.

They can be contacted via the email address or by phoning 101 We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using @StirlingPol



Strathard Community Council


Weekly Planning Lists for November 2023


WK 44

Ref No 2023/0404/DET Officer Amy Unitt Date Valid 2 November 2023 Telephone 01389 722606 Proposal Renewal of planning permission (2020/0111/DET) for formation of footpath and installation of viewing

structure Location Land North Of Stronachlachar Pier Stronachlachar Applicant Mr Denis O'Kane SP Energy Networks 55 Fullerton Drive Cambuslang G32 8FA Agent Laura McGowan LUC 37 Otago Street Glasgow G12 8JJ Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 240393 E 710604 N Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification

WK 46

Ref No 2023/0398/DET Officer Amy Unitt Date Valid 14 November 2023 Telephone 01389 722 606 Proposal The installation of a 35m lattice telecommunications tower supporting 6 no. antennas, 2 no. 600mm dishes, 1no. Foul Weather Enclosure, 1 no. generator, 1 no. meter cabinet, and associated ancillary equipment at ground level within a compound formed by a 1.8m high meshed fence as part of the ESN Shared Rural

Network Project on behalf of EE Ltd. Location Land at Lime Hill, Loch Ard Forest, Stirling Applicant EE Ltd Hatfield Business Park Hatfield Hertfordshire England AL10 9BW Agent Dianne Perry Perry Williams Ltd on behalf of KTL UBC Office Birmingham Business Park 1310 Solihull Parkway Birmingham B37 7YBp Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 247006 E 697718 N

Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification

Ref No 2023/0408/DET Officer Amy Unitt Date Valid 2 November 2023 Telephone 01389 722 606 Proposal

Erection of 25 metre high telecoms mast, installation of solar array, installation of associated equipment and construction of access track Location Meal Dubh, Loch Ard, Stirling Applicant Cornerstone Hive 2 1530

Arlington Business Park Theale Reading RG7 4SA Agent Chris Weir WHP Telecoms Ltd 401 Faraday Street Risley Warrington WA3 6GA Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL

National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co- ordinates 243822 E 701598 N Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification

Ref No 2023/0415/NOT Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 7 November 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Formation of 1x timber stacking area (30m x10m) and 2x harvesting access ramp 10mx6m and re- instatement of turning point Location Land West of Balleich, Aberfoyle, Loch Ard Forest Applicant Mr Colin Peacock Forestry and Land Scotland 5 Sisters House 5 Sisters Business Park West Calder EH55 8PN Agent Application Type Prior Notification Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 251149 E 699609 N

Advertisement Typ

WK 47



Ref No 2023/0409/DET Officer Kathryn Cockburn Date Valid 20 November 2023 Telephone 01389722625 Proposal Erection of single storey side extension to dwellinghouse for short term holiday let Location Chonard Lochard Cottages Road Kinlochard Applicant Mr Derek Smith Chonard Kinlochard Stirling FK8 3TL Agent Ken Plant Studio Ted Architecture Keil School Lodge Helenslee Road Dumbarton Glasgow G82 4AH Application Type Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 245109 E 702193 N Advertisement Type

Ref No 2023/0419/NOT Officer Jack Riggs Date Valid 15 November 2023 Telephone 01389 722620 Proposal Construction of 821 metres of forestry ATV track Location Land West Of Tom An T-Seallaidh West Of Dukes Pass Achray Forest Applicant Mrs Marie Rennie Forestry and Land Scotland FLS Aberfoyle A821 Road Aberfoyle Stirlingshire FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification Expected Decision Level DEL

National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co- ordinates 250741 E 704052 N Advertisement Type


WK 46

Week number: 46 Date: 13 November 2023 Ref No 2023/0081/DET Officer Craig Jardine Date Valid 5 April 2023 Telephone 01389 722020 Proposal Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwellinghouse with driveway alterations (amendment of approved planning application ref: 2022/0115/DET) Location Dunardry, Manse Road, Aberfoyle Applicant Ms Eva-Konstanze Christine Werstler Dunardry Manse Road Aberfoyle FK8 3XF Agent Ryan Taylor Mary Arnold-Forster Architects Ploughman's Cottage Fungarth Dunkeld Perthshire PH8 0ES Application Type Detailed Planning Permission National Park Ward 2

Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251754 E 700249 N Date Decision Issued 17 November 2023 Decision Approve


Ref No 2023/0327/HAE Officer Amanda Muller Date Valid 13 September 2023 Telephone 01389727721 Proposal Erection of side and rear extensions to dwellinghouse, and erection of detatched double garage Location 7 Balleich Manse Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Kenneth McNeil Hazelbank Manse Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XF Agent John White John H. White Architect Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station Glasgow G63 0SE Application Type Householder Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 251627 E 700021 N Date Decision Issued 20 November 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0329/DET Officer Kathryn Cockburn Date Valid 15 September 2023 Telephone 01389722625 Proposal Construction of a solar carport, battery storage shed, and 2no. EV charger upstands Location North Car Park Off B829 Loch Chon Applicant Mr Paul Scullion Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park

Authority HQ Building 20 Carrochan Road Ballloch Alexandria G83 8EG Agent Juan Muro Viridis Building Services Ltd STEP Stirling Building Centre 60 Wellgreen Road Stirling FK8 2DZ Application Type Detailed

Planning Permission National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 242747 E 704715 N Date Decision Issued 21 November 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0359/LBC Officer Kathryn Cockburn Date Valid 26 September 2023 Telephone 01389722625 Proposal External and internal alterations including removal of 2No. branded projecting signs, 1No. flush mounted wall sign, external facing ATM and a night safe. Location Bank Of Scotland Main Street Aberfoyle Applicant Bank Manager Bank of Scotland Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UG Agent George Waters DB3 Architecture 2 Callaghan Square Cardiff Wales CF10 5BT Application Type Listed Building Consent National



Park Ward 2 Breadalbane and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co- ordinates 252083 E 701018 N Date Decision Issued 21 November 2023 Decision Approve

Ref No 2023/0419/NOT Officer Jack Riggs Date Valid 15 November 2023 Telephone 01389 722620 Proposal Construction of 821 metres of forestry ATV track Location Land West Of Tom An T-Seallaidh West Of Dukes Pass Achray Forest Applicant Mrs Marie Rennie Forestry and Land Scotland FLS Aberfoyle A821 Road Aberfoyle Stirlingshire FK8 3UX Agent Application Type Prior Notification National Park Ward 2 Breadalbane

and The Trossachs Community Council Area Strathard CC National Grid Co-ordinates 250741 E 704052 N Date Decision Issued 24 November 2023 Decision Prior approval not required







Enforcement Matters: None





Overdue Applications:


Application Number 2022/0285/DET Development Proposed : Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 4 no. pods), formation of new access and installation of sewage treatment plant Location: Ledard Farm Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TL Applicant: Mr Fergus Wood Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63 West Princes Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date

Application Valid: 21 October

Application Number 2022/0368/DET Development Proposed : Erection of bistro Location: Tigh Mor Trossachs Aberfoyle Stirling FK17 8HX Applicant: HPB Management Limited Agent’s Name: Staran Architects Agent’s Company Name: Staran Architects Ltd Agent’s Address: 49 Cumberland Street Edinburgh EH3 6RA Date

Application Valid: 12 January 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations:

Application Number 2023/0065/DET Development Proposed : Proposed installation of recycling point infrastructure Location: Scottish Co-Op Main Street Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UG Applicant: Co-op Group Agent’s Name: Jim Kerr Agent’s Company Name: Sedgwick International Ltd Agent’s Address: Sentinel

Building 103 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 7BW Date Application Valid: 3 March 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 2 June 2023

Application Number 2023/0343/LBC Development Proposed : Removal of 3 no. existing outbuildings with 1 no. new outbuilding Location: Dun Dubh Lochard Road Milton Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant: Mr and Mrs Philp and Lara Lynch Agent’s Name: Honor Thomson Agent’s Company Name: Wiszniewski Thomson architects

Agent’s Address: Flat 1 1 Gayfield Place Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 4AB Date Application Valid: 15 September 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 27 October 2023



Application Number 2023/0365/DET Development Proposed : Further application (under section 42) for extension to dwelling house to form studio and erection of 2 self-catering holiday chalet units previously

approved under 99/00969/DET/S without holiday letting and period of use condition (Condition 6) Location: Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TP Applicant: Date Application Valid: 12 October 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: 17 November 2023 Application Number 2023/0366/75A Development Proposed : Application to discharge a planning obligation related to planning permission ref. no.

S/99/00969/DET Location: Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TP Applicant: Mr James Bradshaw Agent’s Name: Michael Hyde Agent’s Company Name: MH Planning Associates Agent’s Address: 63 West Princes

Street Helensburgh G84 8BN Date Application Valid: 18 October 2023 Date of expiry of period for representations: n/a




Aberfoyle –


  • Path works to improve the Doon Hill Trail in Aberfoyle have been The trail is open as normal.



Strathyre –


  • Harvesting at Strathyre is complete with timber haulage ongoing, near the Tighanes Burn Trail (blue). The trail remains open - please obey all

operational and diversion signage and advice from onsite operators during this time.

  • A new harvesting site in Strathyre East by Kingshouse has The Rob Roy Way will remain open but please obey any onsite signage and advice from operators.


Loch Chon –


  • Harvesting work on the West side of Loch Chon has been There are some minor works to be carried out to clean up the site, during which time there will be limited access to this section of forest road. The diversion route will be removed and the forest road open again to visitors once this work has taken place.



Bochastle –


  • Ben Ledi Hill path and Car Park are open as normal, however there is no access to Ben Ledi hill path via the Bochastle Car Park. Felling is complete in this area, with haulage ongoing. Find out more about how to protect our forest from tree disease here.




Callander –


  • Coilhallan Woods is currently partially closed, including the car park, for harvesting of infected Larch This will go on for a number of weeks whilst we fell and extract the infected trees. Additional works for future planting in the East of Coilhallan Woods has also begun. Please obey onsite signage.




Loch Ard –


  • A thinning operation is taking place in Loch Ard Diversions and trail closures will be in place for visitor safety. This work will take place in three



phases to reduce disruption. The Milton Kayak barrier will be unavailable for a number of weeks whilst this works takes place.


Phase 1 (finishing first week of December) will see the Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail closed as there is no viable diversion available. The Sculpture Trail and 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. Lochan Spling Trail will remain open as normal.

All Gravelfoyle routes will be unaffected.


Phase 2 (now expected to start in 2024) will see the Gravelfoyle Aquaduct and Lomond routes diverted. The Sculpture Trail and 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. Lochan Spling Trail will remain open as normal. The Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail will remain closed.


Phase 3 (brought forward to December): The Sculpture Trail, Lochan Spling Trail and Forth Valley Viewpoint Trail will be open as normal. The 8 Mile Loop will be diverted. All Gravelfoyle routes will remain open as normal.


  • Harvesting operations at Clashmore are complete – haulage is



Braeval –


  • The Rob Roy Way between Braeval and The Lodge is open, however, there will be timber haulage ongoing throughout the site for the coming weeks.
  • Please be aware of timber haulage on the forest road network here and obey any on site signage and advice from operators.



Balquhidder –


  • There is active timber haulage in the forest roads north of Balquhidder. Please be obey any signage and advice from operators.




The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre –


  • Path works on The Waterfall Trail are complete. The Waterfall Bridge is currently inaccessible due to safety Consequently, the Limecraig Trail is currently inaccessible and the wildlife hide can only be accessed via forest tracks from Braeval.




Three Lochs Forest Drive –


  • The Three Lochs Forest Drive is now closed to public vehicle access until the



Sallochy Campsite –


  • Sallochy campsite is now closed to campers for the The paid public car park will be reinstated until the campsite reopens in the spring.
  • The toilets will be locked for the



Stay the Night –


  • The Stay the Night scheme for overnight motorhome parking has been extended until October 31st As such these sites will be available to use for self- contained motorhomes over the winter, with payment through Ringgo. You can find out more about the Stay the Night scheme here: Stay the Night - Forestry and Land Scotland


CC update - Strathard









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Service - Civi Engineering - Otn,er Cowa! & Tmssachs

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Cowa! & Tmssachs

Bainn Bhan H-Facs {32010),




Paul Cormelly

Date Prepared: 20J06.12023 Contract Manager: Paul Connelly Corttract Status: Open

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