May 2021 Minutes

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Strathard Community Council Draft Minutes of meeting: Thursday 6th May 2021. Online via zoom


Community Councillors Present: Trevor Geraghty (Chair), Gillian McEwan, Joyce Kelly, Natasha
Sheppard, Lynda McColl, Stuart Stephen, Andre Goulancourt

Minute Secretary: Kate Bovill

Attending: 6 members of public. Cllr Jeremy Rice McDonald





1. Opening

Trevor Geraghty (TG) chaired the meeting &



welcomed all.

2. Apologies



Michelle Flynn


Martin Earl, Evelyn Tweed

3. Minutes

Proposed Stuart Stephen (SS), Seconded Natasha

Shephard (NS)


4. Matters arising

SS – question re if Pier are charging for parking.
TG not as yet. Joyce Kelly (JK) this was not

included in the planning application.


5 Police Report

See Appendix 1

TG – probably have noticed more police

No reported thefts
Reports of bogus workmen

24/25th April damage to election board.


6 Treasurers report

See Appendix 2

SS – balance over £12k

Brief summary of commitments and cleared

No queries made by SCC or members of the



Confirmation that we hold no legacy funds of
the Blue book.

7 Planning

See Appendix 3

Joyce Kelly (JK) informed the meeting that there
were 8 new applications, 10 approvals and 15
overdue applications. She explained it was a
longer list as it spanned a 2 month period
covering March and April. While there are no
significant causes for concerns with any of the
applications she picked out 3 which may have
been of particular interest.


Ref No 2021/0050/LBC Retrospective proposal to
replacement of Aberfoyle Schoo’s slate roof. JK
explained that while the intention was to replace

50% of the roof with Cupa H3 tiles retaining



traditional slate on the other 50% it had become
clear during the renovations that 100% of the
roof tiles needed to be replaced. Due to COVID
many suppliers were either closed or working
with a skeleton staff which had resulted in
shortages of tiles in the timeline required for the
School. The supplier providing the Cupa H3 tiles
had sufficient supplies to meet the demand for
the school so in order to keep the work on track
the contractor opted to use these as they had
previously been approved for use by the LLTNP.
The LLTNP decision on the retrospective
application is outstanding.


Ref No 2021/0107/DET Proposal Erection of
wooden gazebo Location Faerie Tree Main Street
Aberfoyle. Given recent objections to the
erection of Gazebos on the site JK noted that for
this application there had been 1 resident had
lodged a note of concern on some aspects of the
proposal but not an objection and one resident
commented in support of the application.


Ref No 2021/0037/DET Proposal Demolition of
dwellinghouse and erection of replacement
dwellinghouse Location Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle
Stirling. JK explained that the house had in fact
been demolished before the application to do so
was published on the LLTNP planning portal
causing concern to a number of Kinlochard
residents. However the replacement dwelling
planning application almost completely mirrors
the original building which went some way to
placating resident concerns.


In regard to approvals JK reported that the
planning application for an extension to Altskeith
House had finally received approval. The
decision had been pending since 2018. Another
approval she noted was the application for an
extension to the Pier Café car park and
associated work. The SCC had sent in comments
in support of this application.

JK went onto to discuss a recent planning
proposal by Landpods to certify a site for siting of



Landpods in a field within the Kinlochard village
envelope. She explained that it was an unusual
proposal in that it did not have to go through the
normal planning process and the proposal would
not appear on the LLTNP planning portal. The
consultation process in this instance would be
directly between the residents and the
proposers. Several residents had approached JK
in her role as planning rep for the SCC noting
their concerns and in particular that the
proposed site was within Exclusion Zone 2 in the
Kinlochard Community Life Plan which meant it
had been identified as a site not suitable for
economic or housing development. JK said that
in normal non COVID times the SCC would have
convened a public meeting to enable residents to
meet and discuss their concerns but since that
wasn’t possible the SCC had taken the decision to
conduct a poll of Kinlochard residents via
Monkey Survey. The results were forwarded to
the proposers in time for the shut down period
for comments of 28 April. The SCC had
subsequently informed that proposers did not
intend to pursue certification at this site at this
point in time.


TG thanks for phenomenal work to JK.


8 Coop/SKS potential
community buyout

JK announced that it was with regret that she had
to report that the SCC/SCT would not be taking
the community purchase of the Coop to the next
stage. At a meeting on 20th April the Steering
Group and Project Team members made the
decision at this point, to mothball the Project.


The Project team felt that the risks to success of
the project outweighed by some margin the
potential to provide community benefits. A
resume of the risks will be published on the SCC
web site with the full project documentations set
when these are signed off. JK went onto report
that there was an intention to continue engaging
with the Coop Disposals team to keep up to date
with future plans for the Coop building.


JK thanked everyone who participated in the
project and said that she hoped everyone efforts

would not be wasted. She went on to say that on



the plus side the SCC/SCT now had a very
comprehensive business case, feasibility and
options study and an extensive record on
resident views in relation to what they would like
to see on Aberfoyle Main street so if another
opportunity for community purchase presents
itself the community were in a much better
position to move forward than at the start of the
Coop project.

NS – thanks to all involved but especially JK for
work, time & energy, how useful it has been in
exploring event though it hasn’t come through,
it’s still been very worthwhile. Endorsed
wholeheartedly by TG who went onto say that
the exercise produced positive outcomes and
that process identified local residents, good
motivated individuals with lots of ideas. The Coop
proposal was a very different to the community
pub buyout in Gartmore due to it being a new
development rather than taking over an existing
business. SCC now has built up a detailed

knowledge of site as to what’s possible which will
help the SCC evaluate development proposals for

the site.


9 Community Life

Aberfoyle Community Life Plan (ACLP)


JK reported that the survey of residents was now
complete but that only 50% of the 60% who
signed up to the ACLP opened up the survey.

This could have been because the email address
was unfamiliar as it didn’t come from the SCC.
Kate Bovill (KB) mentioned that her email had
gone to junk mail. The SCC offered to resend the
survey to all those who had not responded. The
decision on whether to take this forward will be
made at the next ACLP Steering Group meeting
on Tuesday 11 May. The results from the
returned surveys are in the process of being
analysed but if the decision is taken to resend the
survey this will be put on hold to give more time
for responses. A part of the budget is being
preserved to allow a face to face workshop when
COVID restrictions allow.

No objections from CC noted unanimous to
allow working group to progress with survey.
KB asked whether there was a difference in
response rate for those who opted for paper
survey. JK will try to find more details on this.


Post Meeting Note:
The ACLP Steering
Group agreed that
the SCC should
resend the survey.


Completed Community Life Plans (CLP’s)


JK reported that the completed CLP’s were in
somewhat of a hiatus due to COVID 19
regulations. She said that it was planned to
convene community workshops for both of the
completed life plans at the very earliest
opportunity to ensure that the plans remain
current and progressive. She said that in the

meantime the CLP’s were being used regularly in
discussions with the LLTNP and other authorities
to influence the direction of travel on issues
which affect the communities of Stonachachlar,
Inversnaid, Kinlochard and the Strathard region
as a whole. Councillor McDonald (JMcD)
confirmed that the community plans were often
quoted in discussions he had with the various
authorities and that other Community Councils
were looking to our CLP’s for guidance on how to
deliver similar for their own areas.


Trevor Geraghty (TG) took the opportunity to
confirm that the CLP’s were providing tangible
benefits to the SCC. In the first instance giving
clear direction to the SCC on how to represent
the community view when the SCC is presented
with planning applications and other initiatives
by the LLTNP and Stirling Council. The CLP’s have
afforded SCC reps on the Strathard Framework
Steering Group evidence to represent the views
of the Strathard communities throughout the
development process of the Strathard
Framework document which is important as the
Strathard Framework document will have a
strong influence on the next Local Development
Plan. The CLP’s have been instrumental in
influencing the portrayal of key community
aspirations in the Strathard Framework
Document and with some effect enabled the SCC
to challenge assumptions being presented which
would not be supported by Strathard residents.
The Stronachlachar/Inversnaid CLP was used as
evidence by the SCC to encourage more
sympathetic development of the redundant

Scottish Waterboard site offices and the



Kinlochard CLP has on several occasions enable
the SCC to respond quickly to events and
proposals which it otherwise would not have
been able to do. It is expected that as the plans
become embedded into the planning processes
they will increase in value both to the SCC and
Strathard residents as well as the LLTNP and SC.


10. Kinlochard
resilience Group/
Forestry & Land
Scotland (FLS)

NS & John Lewis (JL) reported that the Resilience
Group engaged FLS, meeting with Shirley Leek
and John Ireland. Post this meeting key points
had been sent to the CC and FLS had been sent
questions around the key points on 30/4.

Unfortunately responses from FLS were not
related to the questions sent. FLS did assure that
there was no question of emergency access if
needed. However protocols around providing
emergency access were not clear. Advice was to

– ring 999, but FLS could not confirm if keys were
held by police at Callendar office. Fire service also
have keys but not known where held or by
whom. FLS claimed it was down to resilience
group to find out. SS pointed out that in an
emergency the current system, even if there was
a documented process in place which could be
followed, would result in inevitable response
delays which could be critical.


Non emergencies call FLS 24hr number. Noted
that they don’t’ have to respond if not an
emergency. Response time within 24hrs.

Difficulty around how FLS vs community define
emergency. JL – had asked if FLS had carried out
a risk assessment before implementing the
closed gate policy. John Ireland FLS indicated
onus is on each user to draw up risk assessment.
Resilience group believes this to be unacceptable.


JL informed the meeting he had spoken to
Councillor Martin Earl (ME) about the problems
of getting answers from FLS – Advice from ME
was to engage with the SC rep Jim Dickie who
deals with resilience groups.


JL – FLS/SC meeting highlighted the issue of road
adoption. FLS said that earlier approaches to SC
requesting that SC adopt the Duchray road
accepting responsibility for it was refused. In fact
FLS used this instance to conflate the issue by
broadening their focus on the need to provide

access to ALL roads in forestry. JL confirmed that



this was not the case and that the request from
the Resilience group was in relation to a single
emergency route. JL said that the Resilience
group needed to reiterate the basic requirements
& force FLS to deal with the specifics of that
route and continue to make the case that a risk
analysis for emergency access only was required
to be carried out by FLS and the results made
public. In support of this FLS has been asked for
data on specific road incidents on the Duchray
Road involving vehicular transport but to date
they have not provide any supporting evidence.
JL went on to say he had checked out the route
and found little which would cause concern to
cars. JL said that in his opinion generalities were
being used as a red herring to justify recent FLS
policy decisions. Next step – How best to
approach to put pressure on FLS to get progress.
FLS had sent their operational info showing FLS
forest roads are subject to mandatory access but
they haven’t provided any specific info. It was
suggested that there was a need to involve SC to
get help to raise issue as ultimately the
responsibility for the B829 and consequences
resulting from closures is theirs to resolve.


SS – asked if any info been circulated to SC and
also aked if the SC would have any sway over
FLS. His advised that there was a need to go to
centre of FLS, as this was the area in FLS with the
power to make decisions. While local FLS reps
could advise they were unlikely to be in a
position to make the decisions required to
resolve the current impasse.

TG – reminded the meeting Dean Lockart our
area MSP had offered to engage with the FLS CEO
on our behalf during the Feb 04 SCC meeting but
his response is still outstanding.

Cllr Jeremy Rice McDonald– concerned about
keys, and the need for a clear policy which
enabled swift action in the event of an
emergency. He went on to say that the road not
a fast road and that when SC adopt road it must
be kept to a high standard and that this was not
what is needed here. He said that solutions must
have been found elsewhere in similar contexts
and that the onus should be on FLS.


TG – asked JRM to find out what MSP Dean
Lockhart had managed to get from FLS. He said
that the current situation was not acceptable and



that the suggestion by FLS that in an emergency
the locks could be cut off was not an acceptable


JL asked if anyone could suggest the names of
right people in FLS to approach. LmC – names
could be found on the FLS website


SS – advice again was to go to CEO of FLS, and
bypass policy makers.


11 Reports &

SCC has been asked about what happening with
Aberfoyle play park?

Trust – has funds available for development


12. Trust update -
Appendix 4

SS reported that the Broadband project funded
by SC was progressing. The Trust act as
paymasters – Inversnaid not connected yet so
not paid. Broadband to Duchray will begin in June


Trust has various small legacy funds, SS asked
trust directors to see if there were suitable
community initiatives to which could use the
funding to enable the Trust to start applying for
funding for new SCT projects. He went on to say
that the grant from ‘Scotland loves local’ was
underspent, has permission that can use the rest
for another appropriate community project. SS
provides link between the SCT & SCC


Asked about Christmas SS – going to go check
with Alison Boa about plans

TG – compliments to Tartan ink for local map.


13. AOCB

Gillian McEwan progressing safe routes to school

, engaging relevant agencies and residents.


TG – to JRM well past time when decisions re
flood planning should have been made
clear/available by Stirling Council

JRM – SC working on things in conversation with
Scottish Government will chase up


TG – have AGM in sept, chance to have a physical
AGM with social distancing.


SS explained to the public attendees – The
reasoning about Xmas was that we could
probably do more if more if the SCC and SCT
acted together in conjunction with the



community and any other groups such as the
Village People etc.


SS – Bench replaced on high road. Forestry have
offered to give another. A few options available.
A bench between k’ard and aqueduct thought
most practical for those needing a rest on the hill.
JK suggested an additional bench would be also
useful between the Aqueduct and Milton.


Strathard news, struggling to get a replacement
editor. John McGregor is currently trying to find
someone to take the role on. SS will provide the
advert for volunteer staffing placed in the last
Strathard Life edition. JK will make an approach
to the volunteers who stood up to support the
Coop project to see if interest in taking on the
role could be generated.


Next Meeting Thurs 3rd June at 7.15pm via Zoom


Appendix 1 Police Report



Trossachs and Teith Ward,

Strathard Community Council



03/03/21 to 03/05/21 Compiled by PC Lorna Deans


Ward Plan

Antisocial Behaviour

You are concerned about antisocial behaviour including drunken behaviour.


On 27/3/21 as a result of police being called to an area at Kinlochard, 4 males were
issued with fixed penalty notices in relation to breach of coronavirus regulations.

On 17/4/21 police were called to Main Street, Aberfoyle following reports of a
disturbance. Enquiries are still ongoing in relation to this incident.


On 23/04/21 a male at Loch Arklet was charged and reported to the Procurator Fiscal
under the LLTNP camping byelaws.



Road Safety

You are concerned about speeding, dangerous driving and indiscriminate parking.


During the reported period officers, along with Stirling Council parking wardens, have
been dealing with traffic issues in and around the Trossachs and Teith ward area.




You are concerned about homes being broken into and travelling criminals.

There have been no reported thefts during this time.




Incidents /
Activity of

Sometime between 24th and 25th April 2021 damage has been caused to an
election campaign banner on Lochard Road, Aberfoyle.

There has been an increase once again in the reports being received about
possiblebogus workers in the Forth Valley area. We ask that if you require
work carried out on your property, to obtain quotes from recommended
companies. For more information please check online at




Issues raised




The Community Officers for your area are: PC Donald King and PC Lorna Deans, based at Callander
Police Office.

The Community Sergeant for the area is PS Grant MacDonald, based at Dunblane Office.


They can be contacted via the email address or by
phoning 101


We regularly publish information on the ‘Forth Valley Police’ Facebook page and tweet using


Appendix 2 – Treasurers Report


Strathard Community Council – Bank account balance at 5 May 2021





General Fund opening Bank balance



Monies out



SKS (Co-op feasibility)

( 4200.00)


SKS (Co-op feasibility)

( 4200.00)


Minute Secretary

( 40.00)


Minute Secretary

( 40.00)



( 40.00)


Expenses (S Stephen)

( 51.00)


Total monies out



Monies in



SLF (Co-op grant)



SLF (Co-op grant)



SLF (Co-op grant)



Total monies in



General Fund closing Bank balance



Subsequent income/expenditure



SKS (Co-op feasibility)

( 4200.00)


General Fund closing Balance



Less Commitments


Aberfoyle Life Plan 4150.00

Christmas Fund 20.94

SSE Resilience Fund Grant 1521.93


Available Funds 6332.23




  • Aberfoyle LifePlan
    Monies in

    SC Community Pride Grant £1500.00


    Strathard Community Council £1500,00


    National Park £1750.00 committed


    Strathard Community Trust £1500.00


    Stirling Council £1750.00


    Monies out


    CCN £ 800.00


    CCN £1300.00


    Available funds in Bank account £4150.00


    Monies committed but not received £1750.00


  • Christmas Fund


    Funds in Bank account £ 20.94


  • SSE Resilience Fund Grant


    Funds in Bank account £1521.93




    At the start of the last financial year, 1 April 2020, we operated 2 bank accounts - Christmas Fund
    and Blue Book. Historically, we had used both these accounts for general activities so the names of
    the accounts did not reflect all the activity carried out within the account.

    During the last financial year we closed the Blue Book account and transferred all monies into the
    Christmas account which we are now using as our general, and only, account.


    A number of years ago the Community Council took a decision not to reprint the Blue Book. We did
    this in consultation with Port of Menteith and Gartmore CCs and after checking that there was no
    one in the local community prepared to take on the reprint. We agreed at the time that should
    anyone come forward to take on this project then the CC would provide what support it could.


    We have not applied for, either in our own name or on behalf of any other local group, funding from
    the Co-op or any other donor for the purpose of reprinting the Blue Book. Similarly, we do not hold
    any funds, again neither in our own name or on behalf of any other local group, for the purpose of
    reprinting the Blue Book.


    Appendix 3


    Strathard Community Council

    Weekly Planning Lists for March & April 2021


    Planning Applications:


  • Ref No 2021/0107/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 31 March 2021: Proposal
    Erection of wooden gazebo Location Faerie Tree Main Street Aberfoyle: Application Type
    Detailed Planning Permission Expected Decision Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2
    (northern (central) area) Community Council Area Strathard CC

  • Ref No 2021/0082/HAE Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 19 March 2021:Proposal Erection of
    two door garage Location Creag Ard House Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr David Wilson
    Creag-Ard House Loch Ard Road Aberfoyle FK8 3TQ: Application Type Householder Planning


  • Ref No 2021/0067/LBC Officer Craig Jardine Date Valid 26 February 2021: Proposal
    Installation of anti-climb fencing mesh to bridge trough; installation of additional spikes to
    access gate and erection of signage Location Northern 4 Span Aqueduct Lochard Cottages
    Road Kinlochard Applicant Scottish Water: Application Type Listed Building Consent
    Advertisement Type Listed Building


  • Ref No 2021/0075/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 4 March 2021: Proposal Construction
    of 2190 metres of ATV forestry track Location Land At Gleann Riabhach West Achray Forest:
    Applicant Mr Andy Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Office: Application Type
    Prior Notification


  • Ref No 2021/0037/DET Officer Craig Jardine Date Valid 10 February 2021: Proposal
    Demolition of dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwellinghouse Location
    Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr & Mrs James & Luisa Bradshaw Perio Mill

    Fotheringhay Oundle Cambridgeshire PE8 5HU: Application Type Detailed Planning
    Permission Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification


  • Ref No 2021/0050/LBC Officer Craig Jardine Date Valid 3 March 2021: Proposal
    Replacement slate roof (retrospective) and internal alterations (amendment to consent ref:
    2019/0262/LBC) Location Aberfoyle Primary School Lochard Road Aberfoyle Applicant Mr
    Max Banks Stirling Council Teith House Kerse Road Stirling FK7 7QA Agent Logan Doak Atkins
    200 Broomielaw Glasgow G1 4RU Application Type Listed Building Consent Expected
    Decision Level DEL National Park Ward NP Ward 2 (northern (central) area) Community
    Council Area Strathard CC National Grid co-ordinates 251541 E 701239 N Advertisement
    Type Listed Building


  • Ref No 2021/0120/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 1 April 2021: Proposal Construct a new
    340m forest road Location Land South East Of Meall Dubh Loch Ard Applicant Mr Andy
    Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Office: Application Type Prior Notification

  • Ref No 2021/0141/DET Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 23 April 2021: Proposal Erection of
    telecoms mast, installation of associated equipment and upgrade of existing ATV track
    Location Forestry land south of Achray Toll, off Dukes Pass, Stirling Applicant Secretary Of
    State For The Home Department: Application Type Detailed Planning Permission
    Advertisement Type Neighbour Notification


    Withdrawals: None

  • Ref No 2018/0113/DET Officer Alison Williamson Date Valid 23 April 2018: Proposal
    Erection of extension to provide additional function room, bar, kitchen and roof terrace
    (amendment to planning permission ref. 2016/0234/DET) Location Altskeith Country House
    Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr and Mrs Alison McCrone Altskeith Country House Kinlochard
    Stirlingshire FK8 3TL Application Type Detailed Planning Permission: Date Decision Issued 31
    March 2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2021/0062/DET Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 23 February 2021: Proposal
    Installation of 5 no. air source heat pumps (retrospective) Location Rob Roy Motel
    Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr Viktor Dobozi Rob Roy Hotel Aberfoyle: Application Type
    Detailed Planning Permission Date Decision Issued 30 March 2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2020/0250/DET Officer Vivien Emery Date Valid 2 November 2020 Proposal
    Extension to existing car park Location The Pier Tearoom Stronachlachar Aberfoyle Stirling
    Applicant The Steamship Sir Walter Scott Ltd Main Office Trossachs Pier Callander Stirling
    FK17 8HZ: Application Type Detailed Planning Permission: Date Decision Issued 24 March
    2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2021/0075/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 4 March 2021: Proposal Construction
    of 2190 metres of ATV forestry track Location Land At Gleann Riabhach West Achray Forest
    Applicant Mr Andy Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Office Aberfoyle:

    Application Type Prior Notification: Date Decision Issued 23 March 2021 Decision Prior
    approval not required


  • Ref No 2020/0291/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 7 December: Proposal Erection
    of 3 no. lighting columns Location Guyana Main Street Aberfoyle: Application Type Detailed
    Planning Permission: Date Decision Issued 16 March 2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2020/0308/ADV Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 30 December 2020: Proposal
    Proposed display of 18 no. advertisements comprising 11 no. wall-mounted signs (2 no.
    illuminated), 1 no. flag-pole sign (illuminated) and 6 no. post-mounted signs. Location
    Guyana Main Street Aberfoyle: Date Decision Issued 2 March 2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2021/0037/DET Officer Craig Jardine Date Valid 10 February 2021: Proposal
    Demolition of dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwellinghouse Location
    Gartnerichnich Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr & Mrs James & Luisa Bradshaw Perio Mill
    Fotheringhay Oundle Cambridgeshire PE8: Date Decision Issued 21 April 2021 Decision


  • Ref No 2021/0120/NOT Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 1 April 2021: Proposal Construct a
    new 340m forest road Location Land South East Of Meall Dubh Loch Ard Applicant Mr Andy
    Malcolm Forestry and Land Scotland Aberfoyle Office: Date Decision Issued 20 April 2021
    Decision Prior approval not required


  • Ref No 2020/0299/DET Officer Caroline Strugnell Date Valid 13 January 2021: Proposal Path
    restoration and associated works Location Path In Malling Forest/Menteith Hills Rob Roy
    Way North East Of Aberfoyle Applicant Mr Guy Keating Loch Lomond & The Trossachs
    National Park Carrochan Carrochan Road Balloch G83 8EG: Community Council Area
    Strathard CC: Date Decision Issued 29 April 2021 Decision Approve


  • Ref No 2021/0082/HAE Officer Lorna Gray Date Valid 19 March 2021: Proposal Erection of
    two door garage Location Creag Ard House Aberfoyle Stirling Applicant Mr David Wilson
    Creag-Ard House Loch Ard Road Aberfoyle FK8 3TQ: AdvertisementType Householder
    Planning Permission:Date Decision Issued 26 April 2021 Decision Approve


Enforcement Matters:



Overdue Applications:

  • Application Number 2019/0183/DET Development Proposed : Formation of
    telecommunications compound to include erection of telecoms mast, installation of
    associated equipment and construction of hardstanding and access track Location: Land At
    Tom Nan Saighdearan Aberfoyle . Date Application Valid: 5 August 2019 Date of expiry of
    period for representations: 6 September 2019

  • Application Number 2019/0305/DET. Development Proposed: Change of use and extension
    of 1 no. existing building to dwellinghouse and erection of 5 no. terraced dwellinghouses and
    1no. detached dwellinghouse Location: Stronachlachar Cottage Stronachlachar Aberfoyle
    Stirling FK8 3TY Date Application Valid: 28 November 2019 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 3 January 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0111/DET Development Proposed : Formation of footpath and
    installation of viewing structure Location: Land North Of Stronachlachar Pier Stronachlachar
    Applicant: Mr Denis O'Kane Date Application Valid: 22 May 2020 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 10 Jul 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0149/HAE Development Proposed : Demolition of existing porch
    and single storey extension and erection of replacement porch and single storey side
    extension Location: The Glassert Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3TJ Date Application
    Valid: 17 July 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations: 14 August 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0202/DET Development Proposed : Erection of dwellinghouse
    Location: Land Between Creag Mhor Cottage And Creag Mhor House Lochard Road Aberfoyle
    Stirling FK8 3TD Applicant: Mr And Mrs Russell McKeand : Date Application Valid: 8
    September 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations: 16 October 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0231/DET Development Proposed : Partial change of use of
    ancillary building to use class 1 (retail) Location: Hill Cottage Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3SY

    Applicant: Mrs Cindy McLoughlin Agent’s Name: 12 October 2020 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 13 November 2020


  • Application Number 2020/0304/DET Development Proposed : Erection of dwelling house
    Location: Balanton Yard Montrose Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UL Applicant: Ms L Briggs
    Agent’s Name: Nicholas Goward Agent’s Company Name: studioEAST Chartered Architects
    Agent’s Address: King James VI Business Centre Friarton Road Perth PH2 8DY Date
    Application Valid: 4 January 2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 12 February


  • Application Number 2020/0214/DET Development Proposed : Erection of replacement
    garage with flatted dwelling (holiday accommodation) Location: Hazelbank Manse Road

    Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3XF Applicant: Mr Kenny McNeil Agent’s Name: Mr John White Agent’s
    Company Name: John H White Architects Agent’s Address: Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station

    G63 0SE Date Application Valid: 22 October 2020 Date of expiry of period for representations:
    8 March 2021


  • Application Number 2020/0337/DET Development Proposed : Subdivision of guesthouse to
    form 4no. flatted dwellings (for use as holiday lets) Location: Craigmore Guest House Lochard
    Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3SZ Applicant: Mr Andrew Malcolm Agent’s Name: Mr John White
    Agent’s Company Name: John H White Architects Agent’s Address: Ballat Crossroads Balfron
    Station G63 0SE Date Application Valid: 2 February 2021 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 12 March 2021


  • Application Number 2021/0050/LBC Development Proposed : Replacement slate roof
    (retrospective) and internal alterations (amendment to consent ref: 2019/0262/LBC)
    Location: Aberfoyle Primary School Lochard Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3SZ Applicant: Mr
    Max Banks Agent’s Name: Logan Doak Agent’s Company Name: Atkins Agent’s Address: 200
    Broomielaw Glasgow G1 4RU Date Application Valid: 3 March 2021 Date of expiry of period
    for representations: 2 April 2021


  • Application Number 2021/0051/DET Development Proposed : Installation of 15 no. solar
    panels to roof of deer larder building Location: Deer Larder Forestry And Land Scotland

    Aberfoyle FK7 3UX Applicant: Mr Bruce Stephens Agent’s Name: Catherine Newton Agent’s
    Company Name: Bell Ingram Agent’s Address: Durn Isla Road Perth PH2 7HF Date Application
    Valid: 17 February 2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 19 March 2021


  • Application Number 2021/0107/DET Development Proposed : Erection of wooden gazebo
    Location: Faerie Tree Main Street Aberfoyle FK8 3UG Applicant: Mr Dave Wells Agent’s

    Name: Agent’s Company Name: Agent’s Address: Date Application Valid: 31 March 2021 Date
    of expiry of period for representations: 29 April 2021


  • Application Number 2020/0267/DET Development Proposed : Change of use of garden
    ground to caravan site (1 timber pod) Location: Crannaig House Trossachs Road Aberfoyle
    Stirling FK8 3SR Applicant: Mrs Heather Surtees Agent’s Name: Agent’s Company Name:
    Agent’s Address: Date Application Valid: 12 November 2020 Date of expiry of period for
    representations: 18 March 2021


  • Application Number 2020/0304/DET Development Proposed : Erection of dwelling house
    Location: Balanton Yard Montrose Road Aberfoyle Stirling FK8 3UL Applicant: Ms L Briggs

    Agent’s Name: Nicholas Goward Agent’s Company Name: Nicholas Goward Agent’s Address:

    King James VI Business Centre Friarton Road Perth PH2 8DY Date Application Valid: 4 January
    2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 12 February 2021


  • Application Number 2021/0067/LBC Development Proposed : Installation of anti-climb
    fencing mesh to bridge trough; installation of additional spikes to access gate and erection of
    signage Location: Northern 4 Span Aqueduct Lochard Cottages Road Kinlochard Stirling

    Applicant: Scottish Water Agent’s Name: Agent’s Company Name: Agent’s Address: Date
    Application Valid: 26 February 2021 Date of expiry of period for representations: 9 April 2021


    Appendix 4

    Strathard Community Council 5 May 2021 – SCT update from 28 April meeting


  • Inversnaid/Stronachlachar broadband project


    Final monies received from Stirling Council and passed to Broadway (internet provider).
    No report back on connectivity but aware that it hasn’t reached Inversnaid yet.

    Request for update being obtained


  • Braeval broadband project#


    Funding received from stirling Councila dn proje t expected to go live end April. Internet
    provider – Briscona.


    Next stage of project might be to extend facilities to the Duchray area.


  • Trust legacy funds


    The Trust has a small amount of legacy funding available and will have a discussion on
    potential projects at their next meeting.


  • Aberfoyle LifePlan


    A number of Trust Directors had attended meetings of the Aberfoyle LifePlan


  • Report from Strathard Community Council (SCC)


    No SCC meeting had been held since the last Trust meeting so no report.


  • Scotland Loves Local


    A grant from Scotland Loves Local had been received and a local map/leaflet was being
    finalised and will be distributed when ready.

    A balance of £500 remains and the Trust had permission to use this for a charitable donation
    or for community usage.


  • Governance Review


Following training given to the Trust Directors it was agreed to carry out a review of
governance processes including expenses, conflicts of interest and IT