Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors:Caroline Hamilton, Angela Clarke
Also: five residents, Cllr Scott Farmer (Stirling West), Kate Hudson (Stirling Council - Head of People, Community
& Wellbeing), Lyndsay Macnair (Stirling Council - Thriving Communities Engagement Manager)
Jim Bruton Community Councillor), Julia Temisevä (Community Councillor)
Mike welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along tonight.
Mike welcomed Angela officially as a full community councillor having now attended three meetings following co-option. Also, as we have no secretary to oversee this element for us, we continue to look for a secretary and are happy to discuss this with anyone that may be interested; please let us know.
- ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTE (21AUG2024) AND MATTERS ARISING These were proposed by Mike McCormick and seconded by James Wigglesworth.
Police Update: unfortunately, we do not have a report through. Police reporting is being looked at going forward to ensure updates are issued to all accordingly. Please continue to report any information /concerns to Police Scotland Community Officers via email: StirlingWestCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk by calling 101 or reporting through Crime Stoppers.
Elected Member Update: Scott advised that there are no outstanding issues that he is aware of. Currently helping residents around anti-social behaviour. Sub-Groups: nothing to report out with details below.
Chair: we continue to look to have a more active year this year. Hopefully we will have some interest on the potential of the secretary role.
Secretary: in the absence of a secretary details are e below under appropriate headings
Treasurer: James updated on the spend to date. A little expenditure with the usual minute taker payment and hall payment for our meetings. Nothing back as yet from the grant for minute taker, this is usually towards end September. Along with the previous purchase and installation of the defibrillators.
Planning/Development: To view and comment on all planning within the council area, details can be found under Stirling Council Planning on the Stirling Council website. Searches can also be completed using the map facility through the links noted.
Community Discussion: a full discussion took place around the remit of the community council and previous correspondence with the council around issues raised throughout following various meetings.
Also, thanks to the Kate and Lyndsay for coming along tonight. Who also confirmed details for co-opted councillors being fully established following three meetings attended after the co-option. Concern was raised around continuity, previous agreements/discussions, progress on projects along with the area appearing to be split into areas rather than one main area. The perception that the community council are unable to do anything due to the ‘brick walls’ that are faced not only by residents but also the community council. The lack of upkeep with overgrown grass/hedging, which is can also cause visual and safety issues. Anti-social behaviour, housing and road issues.
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Following a full and lengthy discussion around all issues/concerns raised. Feedback has been taken back around them, including the rules & regulations on joining community council, the progress of various projects and contacts within the various departments to help enable better communication and progression etc. Kate and Lyndsay will be looking to come back to further meeting(s) as they are also looking at how to move things forward, around community and progression within.
Mike thanked Kate and Lindsay for coming along tonight, look forward to working with them going forward. Thistle Park: Reports were submitted through the Report It function previously however this seems to be taking a while to deal with. Some issues have been going on for several years with no real resolve. Again, feedback has been taken back on the park, facilities etc for land services.
Local Buses: there is a meeting next week please let me know if anything to raise. Main concern continues to be the timings and condition. There is a phone app, however no everyone has access to this. Bus stops themselves are owned by the public transport team.
Report It Function: to confirm that this should be used in the first instance to obtain a reference number for all local concerns. Full details are held through the Report It - which is on the Stirling Council Website
Underpasses: concern previously raised was addressed again. This needs to be a preventative less expensive job rather than a costly job when it has been left for a while. Potentially look at closing the one that is continually being vandalised at the church, for maintenance, as there is access across the road anyway with existing lights, thus saving money meantime.
Forth Valley Orienteers: will be using the Borestone Park on 2nd October. Full details are on Facebook Community Project – St.Ninians Library: details are also on Facebook for this.
Trotting Track: When Scottish Government were made aware of the application, they then notified Stirling Council and reserved the right to call the application within twenty-eight days. The application has been called in. This means that all the evidence, and objections, will be looked at and a recommendation will be made to the ministers. Ministers will then look at all the evidence and come to a decision as to whether the application goes forward or is rejected. This is a substantial development that has been proposed for the area. The Friends of Bannockburn group has been formed and have a petition, this does not cost anything to lodge any objection you may have regarding the location of this. They would like to raise more awareness. Sunnyside Area - Upkeep: resident came along as unable to use drying green due to overgrown weeds/grass. Also concern over the anti-social behaviour and broken windows/glass. Who/what can sort this out when people live in shared flats half private/half council tenants, previously this was covered regularly however has not been in recent years. This has been raised previously by residents. This has also been taken back to look at.
Wordie Road - Fencing: details have come back that it is the factor responsibility, not the responsibility of the council as it is a George Wimpey development. Suggestion to contact them directly. A note has also been taken of this to try to establish the factor and getting this fence fixed.
Mayfield Area - Path Area & Ongoing Works: details have been submitted previously concern is still there with the fire raising and coverage in the area with CCTV, which is blocked by the overgrowth of trees etc. Parking - all: issues with pavement parking and also parking of lorries/trucks on corners and in inappropriate areas. Suggestion has been made to contact them directly and follow up accordingly.
Zebra Crossing - Home Bargains: is there a push button on both sides of the road for this crossing. This will be checked.
Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club.
Mike closed the meeting, thanked everyone for coming along tonight and hope to see you next month.
Meeting closed at 21:08
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