January 2024 Minutes

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Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors: Ann Gilmour, Jim Bruton
Also: seven local residents, Jeannie Gray (Communities Team-Stirling Council)
Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair), Caroline Hamilton (Community Councillor)
Mike welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2024 and thanked everyone for coming along.
There being no matters arising, minutes proposed by Mike McCormick, seconded by James Wigglesworth.
Police Update: unfortunately, the police were unable to make it tonight.
Elected Member Update: unfortunately, no one was able to make the meeting this month.
Chair/Vice Chair: following on from the Christmas break, with this being the first meeting there’s nothing to report out with the topics for tonight.
Planning/Development: Ann went through the planning. To view and comment on planning within the council area see Stirling Council Planning on the Stirling Council website
Golf Range and Trotting Track planning references are noted below.
Graystale Road area (Redevelopment): an application for new residential housing consisting of accessible single storey, two storey houses, cottage flats with associated parking and greenspace - forty-seven units. 23/00718/FUL
Treasurer: James updated on the monthly spending since last meeting. We have retained the zoom facility and renewed the subscription for a further year, this along with the annual data protection have been paid. Along with the hall/admin costs that occur monthly. Discussion on how we obtain funding and previous funding/spending that has happened over the years
Secretary: Mike confirmed that moving into the new year we are looking for a secretary, to pick up the communications and emails. Meantime Kirsty and Elaine have been covering, Elaine is happy to continue this on an interim basis. However, work commitments with both means we are looking for someone to pick up this role. We are also looking for anyone interested in being a community councillor or a volunteer to help with all community council work planned for this year. Leaflets will be produced for this. Please contact us for more information if you, or someone you know, would be interested.
Community Council Dates: dates are confirmed and will remain on the third Wednesday of the month, excluding July and December. The community council will catch-up prior to the actual resident’s meeting/forum which will now be at 19:30 Times will be updated on all social media and noticeboards.
Thistle Park (Friends of St.Ninians Parks): Ann went over the re-development plans for thistle park, including a path with lighting, potential for some seating. Plans and photos were handed around to all present. Looking at replacing/repairing items already there. Installation of seating and a potential community orchard, as seen in other parks around Stirling. A full discussion took place on this and a meeting will take place tomorrow with Jeannie regarding funding. This will hopefully be the start of getting all community parks in our area back, increasing the usage for all abilities. A sub-group will also be created to push this forward. For more information or if you wish to be involved in this sub-group please contact us.
This community group/sub-group would allow much more opportunities for available funding/applications.
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Community Consultation: Jeannie confirmed they are on track with the community council for the consultation to all residents within our community area around February 2024. The questionnaire will be distributed through various venues. This is your local voice please complete it. Let us know what you feel. Let’s get the community back. Jeannie is also available to help with sub-groups, local initiatives and funding available.
Community Council Logo: the new logo is now being used on all literature.
Chartershall (Golf Range): local resident updated on the planning and concerns around this development regarding disappointment with companies noting no objection or a change to the objection. A full discussion took place around this, along with the green belt, historical site. Serious concern over the traffic situation and local field flooding. Following this discussion direction was drawn to the Planning site information. A meeting is due to be held in the Council Chambers on 24Jan2024. For all details see 23/00254/FUL
Chartershall (New Trotting Track): local resident updated on local feelings regarding the application having been re-submitted. A full discussion around the communication that was previously sent regarding this. The local residents have communicated with each and have not heard of this new application. The local community around this and the old track do not wish this to be established due to noise issues, access etc. As Kirsty is not here this evening we will ask Kirsty to follow this up with yourselves and take things forward. For all details on this application see 23/00612/FUL
Local Resident: a letter was handed in for a local resident in regard to him having access issues to his property following discharge from hospital and not receiving appropriate aids. Mike will pick this up and speak to him.
The Toll: following communications received prior to Christmas. Jim will take this on and communicate with all residents/owners within the toll, with a view to getting this area tidied up along with looking at festive lights etc going forward. Following a discussion could we look at also getting as much history on this shopping precinct as possible as well. This would allow an article and promotion.
Local resident concerned that there is nothing really out there around community council meetings. We are on Facebook and the local noticeboards. It was agreed that other avenues will be looked at for notifying local residents who and where we are. Maybe something similar to the COP information that was distributed throughout the area historically.
Jeannie mentioned a local history group that was held in the Mayfield Centre, she will find out if this is still there and let us know.
Concern in general was raised over the litter, fly tipping etc in and around the long line area. We are lucky to not have to walk far to be in the countryside.
Wednesday 21st February 2024 at 19:30 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.
Mike thanked everyone for coming along and closed the meeting.
Meeting closed at 20:04