February 2024 Minutes

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Minute of Meeting

Held on: WEDNESDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2024 AT 19:00



Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)

Community Councillors: Ann Gilmour

Also: eight local residents, Cllr Scott Farmer (Stirling West)


Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair), Jim Bruton (Community Councillor), Caroline Hamilton (Community Councillor)


1.    Welcome

Mike welcomed everyone, good to see some new faces, and explained the new agenda format.

2.    Declaration of Interest

None noted.


There being no matters arising, minutes proposed by Ann Gilmour, seconded by James Wigglesworth.

4.    Reports/Updates

Police Update: no update received. However, they are having an open day at Kings Park with a view to going to other areas.

Elected Member Update: Scott updated on the budget and housing meeting. There is a proposal to re- integrate the community forums (forum 5), with workshops. Budget meeting is on 28th February, received additional budget for a potential council tax freeze which will be considered. Housing budget has been approved with a rise of 6% on council rent.

Sub-Groups (Thistle Park): looking at a potential path and lighting going forward. However, the biggest thing is to get more help to do this and as such we are looking for more volunteers.

No further update as yet on the park funding.

Chair/Vice Chair: no update out with the items on the agenda

Secretary: we continue to look for more members and this includes a permanent secretary however meantime this role is being covered by Kirsty and Elaine.

Treasurer: James updated on the monthly spending since last meeting. We will donate again for this year to Forth Valley First Responders for the maintenance and upkeep of the two defibrillators already installed. Always looking for suggestion for a potential third location, please let us know if you know of a suitable location. The insurance details for local assets have also been reported to the council for inclusion.

Planning/Development: Ann went through the planning. Just one item being the erection of agricultural building at Land 280M North West Of Cauldbarns Farm, Sauchieburn, Stirling (See 24/00106/NAG)

To view and comment on planning within the council area see Stirling Council Planning on the Stirling Council website

-Golf Range: this has been rejected; an appeal could be raised going forward. (see original 23/00612/FUL)

-Trotting Track: determination/recommendation of this is due at end of March. (see 23/00254/FUL)

-Graystale Road Area: redevelopment of vacant land to provide new residential housing consisting of accessible single storey, two storey houses and cottage flats (44 units) with associated parking and greenspace (see 23/00718/FUL) Please let us know if you have any comments on this.

5.    Community Council Business

Associate Member: Mike explained the role of an associate member; in that they cover specific projects, topics or issues, the role does not have any voting rights. Elaine has agreed to cover the secretary role until April, as an associate member, when this will be reviewed. There were no objections to this.

Co-opt Members: Mike explained that a co-opted member would serve for at least six months or attend a minimum of three Community Council meetings, whichever is soonest, at which time, if you wish to do so,


it will be put to the next available meeting of the Community Council to appoint you as a full member of the Community Council. You would then serve until the next round of elections, subject to the terms. The co- option process and nomination forms are available tonight. Applications will be sent to the council for approval – full details can be obtained from the community engagement team at the council or speak to us at the end of the meeting.

The Toll: Jim advised that there is work in progress regarding potential festive lights. There was also an incident in the early hours of the morning and if anyone has seen anything to let the police know.

There is a petition held within Black Newsagent for the Commonwealth War Graves to help tidy them up. Local planning issue has been resolved and built - Mayfield Street.

Local Resident (access issues): Mike advised that he has spoken to him following discharge from hospital and has signposted for help.

  1. AOCB

St.Ninians Library: Alex from the library updated on the facilities and links that they have locally. Would be good to work with all schools more closely in the area, along with other groups. Happy to help with local history around the area, as can look through the archives. Also to let everyone know that the library is there for any meeting space, projects etc, just call to establish availability. They do have two late night openings as well.

Cllr Gerry McLaughlin will be at the library on 28th February. He does hold regular surgeries at the library for all to go along to.

McGills Buses: Jonathan advised that there will be a meeting tomorrow (22Feb2024), at the old Viewforth at 16:00. He will take the general concern to them regarding cost, maintenance and regularity of the schedule for the 57, along with the route that it now covers. We would like to thank Jonathan for going along and keeping us up to date.

Funding: Ann advised that the British Heart Foundation are giving a limited number of free defibrillators to community groups in the UK. She will look over and complete the application form on behalf of the community to apply; will advise the outcome. Discussion took place on the locations of defibrillators in the area and potential new locations.

7.    Residents Forum / Questions from the Floor

Bins (The Toll): There was also attention drawn to the state of the bins at the back of the toll from local resident. Broken glass and overflowing clothes banks. What is the collection/clearing schedule for this? There is also broken glass around this area, which is an access to the car park as well. We will advise and ask the question to the Council and local Cllr Jen Preston.

Zoom Link: can we give consideration to highlighting the link prior to the meeting for all to attend if they wish. This will be considered for the next meeting.

YT Club: is this still open, being used. We have been advised that it is at present closed. However, we will ask the question and update when advised.

Barnsdale Road (Speed Bumps): a concern was logged last year with the speed bumps on the comer being missing and cars crossing to the other side to avoid the one in place. As no one has received a further update on this we will send an email to ask for an update.

Funding: do we fund local projects. Discussion took place on funding local projects through the community council. Whist we do apply for funding from various funds we have not been approached by a local charity/school/PTA to make any donations. If you let us know we can look at it for you.

Local Xmas Tree / Lights: good to have a local tree with a local event to light this up going forward. Fencing at Motorway: concern has been raised over the fencing that runs along the motorway side on Wordie Road which has fallen. The council have already been advised however no response has been received. This is leaving the ground open and a safety issue as you can directly access the motorway. This road also has a lot of inappropriate traffic. Scott advised this is part of the national network and you should get in touch with your MSP as well. Resident advised the factor in area is Hacking and Paterson, Glasgow. World Book Day: 7th March 2024

Talk and Guided Walk: Revealing St Ninians from Robert the Bruce to Bonnie Prince Charlie is the talk and guided walk of the area on Thursday 7th March, including the normally locked cemetery by Dr Murray



Cook, Stirling Council’s Archaeologist. 9:30 to 11:30, including tea and coffee, places must be booked - call to book your place on 01786 472 069.

8.    Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.

9.    Close

Mike thanked everyone for coming along, good to hear what is going on locally. Please consider the associate and co-opt options; if you have any questions just ask.


Meeting closed at 20:18