April 2024 Minutes

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Minute of Meeting





Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)

Community Councillors: Caroline Hamilton (Community Councillor), Ann Gilmour (Community Councillor), Jim Bruton (Community Councillor)

Also: four residents, Hamish Taylor (Observer-Prospective MP)


Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair)



Mike thanked everyone for coming along tonight.

1.    Declaration of Interest

None noted.


We will now approve the minutes from February as the meeting in March unfortunately didn’t have a full quorum present. (As we require at least three community councillors to be present at all meetings. This means that the minute from March will now become a note only for reference with all business, as appropriate, from both February and March meeting being carried over to tonight. With the March minute not requiring any approval).

There being no further matters arising, minutes of 21st February 2024 are proposed by James Wigglesworth, seconded by Mike McCormick.

3.    Reports/Updates

Police Update: Mike read through the provided Police Report. Residents commented that the use of telephone number 101 guidance was not felt useful; as call handlers are geographically remote/unfamiliar with local issues and frequently sound patronising.

Elected Member Update: no update received. Disappointing not to have anyone here again tonight or have received an apology.

Sub-Groups: will be dealt with later under Community Council Business section.

Chair/Vice Chair: Mike advised that he has no other updates out with the business noted below. Secretary (including correspondence): All details are noted below in community council business. Treasurer: James updated on the monthly spend since last meeting with the usual minimal costs incurred. Following on from March we are looking at purchasing another one possibly two defibrillators with a view to housing one here, outside of the Civil Defence, the other venue being confirmed. Everyone agreed.

Planning/Development: Ann went through the planning and confirmed that the Gogar Place application regarding fence erection had been closed. To view and comment on all planning within the council area details can be found under Stirling Council Planning on the Stirling Council website.

4.    Community Council Business

Thistle Park (survey): the survey has been distributed, thanks to everyone who has helped with this, it can also be found on our Facebook page

Ann confirmed that she had been in contact with Donalda regarding the Primary school’s involvement in badge earning by children and participation in activities supporting the park regeneration. Intention is to tie in with suitable days for re-painting, path clearing etc. Julia was seeing Donalda next day and would again flag the issue: hope is pre end of summer term timetable.

General Survey: Mike confirmed that the general survey closed on 5th April, thanks to everyone that took time to complete, a good response has been received. We are working our way through all of the comments and will collate these and update everyone at the May meeting. The common areas have been around anti- social behaviour elements, speeding, litter, bus services to mention a few.


Housing (Facebook message): we have received a message regarding damp within housing in the Toll area. We did ask if the resident(s) could come along this evening for more information to be obtained. However, as no-one is here we can email the council and advise the resident to complete the appropriate form to obtain reference number form them.

Funding: Ann updated on the defibrillator funding previously applied for. SNCC have been unsuccessful in the application for a further defibrillator, but we can re-apply in September. Further to earlier defib discussions; agreeing that two defibs should be bought as soon as. Once purchased they should be stored at the proposed locations (Civil Defence Club and Borestone Primary School) until approval achieved by each site for their erection. Their physical presence will likely provide a useful prompt and be onsite when installation has been agreed.

Newpark Road (school traffic issue): on the back of the potential after care at the school restarting. Concern was raised in March around the existing problem with traffic, within this and surrounding streets. As the further increase in traffic will bring more parking and access issues for local residents. We have received a reply from the team leader in the roads department saying – ‘that a traffic calming scheme was implemented in 2020/2021 which saw the installation of a number of road humps and new school children crossing” warning triangle road markings at a number of locations in the streets surrounding the primary school. Pedestrian crossing points were highlighted with the installation of dropped kerbs and the use of red coloured surfacing to highlight these crossing points. Discussions also took place at that time about introducing a restricted access zone around the school to prohibit vehicles from entering the area at school start and finish times. This was not progressed at that time due to concerns expressed over displaced parking and the impact on residents. The logistics of implementing such a scheme due to the requirement to issue permits to residents affected by such a proposal was also a consideration. A further investigation on the issues raised will be conducted by the Senior Road Safety Engineer when she takes up appointment next month (May 2024). A fuller response will be provided once her investigation is completed’.

Residents confirmed the situation was ‘awful’ and suggested it become a one-way system. Further investment is scheduled by May 2024.

Comment was also made that the problem is not just within this street but the surrounding area as a result of the measures taken/to be taken.

Glasgow Road (access/egress with Barnsdale Road): concern raised in March around the access/egress being clear for traffic from Barnsdale Road/Glasgow Road. Including no space being left on the main road when queuing, cars u-turning and crossing with no concern to oncoming traffic.

We have received a reply from the team leader in the roads department saying - “I note the concerns in relation to the Barnsdale Road/Glasgow Road junction. There are no current plans to make any alterations to this junction.

However, I note your comments about queuing traffic on Glasgow Road preventing vehicles from entering and exiting Barnsdale Road. One of my officers will investigate further to assess whether yellow box

hatching should be added to Glasgow Road to keep the junction clear. If it is considered appropriate, this will be added to the team’s work plan to be implemented as budget permits”.

Mayfield Street: following works that were taking place, these works have now been completed and the welfare unit has since been removed. Residents confirmed it is quieter once more and the Cabin has indeed been removed, due to Environmental Health access requirements.

Co-opted Member(s): The co-option process is underway for community councillors with us and nomination forms are available tonight. Applications to be sent to the council for approval by 8th May – full details can also be obtained from the community engagement team at the council or speak to us at the end of the meeting. The link for the application form can be found here - co-option nomination form and the process can be found here - co-option process

This will be formalised with anyone that has applied being voted on at the meeting on 15th May, prior to our meeting and AGM in June. Basic requirements to be a Community Councillor with St.Ninians CC - over 16 years of age; and on the electoral register for the area you wish to represent; and living in the Community Council area you wish to represent.

Thanks to three residents’ tonight who are considering this, also one for the associate member option and Elaine for continuing as associate member until the AGM covering the secretary role.

  1. AOCB

Stirling Castle: we have been advised, by the operations team at 21CC Group Ltd, that there will be five- minute private fireworks display at Stirling Castle on Saturday 20th April between 22:00hrs - 23:00hrs.


After School Care (Borestone Primary): Thanks to Katie and Donalda for the update in March. Katie had been in contact with several people along with Carolyn, at the Play Services, who has been excellent at communicating updates/progress. Kids World have issued a survey to gather information from all those that would be interested; they will potentially be using the huts previously occupied by Alsorts. Further updates will follow when things progress. Along with Facebook updates if/when available.

Morley Crescent (parking): resident raised concern in March as the parking situation is getting worse, she is happy to obtain updated feedback from residents to help progress this forward again. As there is continued concern regarding access for emergency vehicles, with a fire engines recently having to drive over the grass to get to the fire, as well as parking issues.

Report It Function: Ann flagged the Stirling Council ‘Report It’ function on their web site and encouraged all to use it. Aa all issues should be reported by all members of the public via the Report it function which is on the Stirling Council Website This covers bins, issues with parks, fraud, council tax, pest control, dead animals, pot holes, drains, abandoned vehicles, grit bins, road defects and ASB

6.    Residents Forum / Questions from the Floor

Wardie Road/Motorway Boundary Fence: resident stated that this was still down and no progress or feedback had been received.

Litter/Dog Fouling (Wardie Road): discussion took place around this issue. Ann flagged the possible use of upended converted lemonade bottles as poo bag holders. Dog owners are guilty of poo picking but leaving bags lying. More dog bins are needed. Council reps have also been seen in parks, spraying unpicked poo, a bright colour however unsure why they are doing this.

Local Buses: resident commented on the fares for local buses and wished they could be capped, as Lothian do. A full discussion took place and confirmed that for a family of three it was actually cheaper to travel to town centre by taxi, than by bus; simply not affordable to use buses. Mike confirmed McGills would be attending a future meeting - date to be confirmed by all.

Mayfield Park: resident asked if there could be a litter picking focus at Mayfield Park, as litter is dreadful. Mike advised it would be added to plans.

Hamish mentioned that councillor had been seen at other community council meetings. To help aid change achievement, he suggested photos of any issues/problems that were being raised and possibly risk assess issues and formally document. Often the fix is not costly and where it is well documented, should an issue escalate, our document will carry weight - be specific ref issue, assess risk, impact, solution noted.

He likes our Facebook page, could highlight our pictures there too if wanted e.g. a selection as a focus at a time and shows what SNCC are doing. Mike thanked him for his attendance and enthusiasm.

7.    Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.

8.    Close

Mike thanked everyone for coming along, good to hear what is going on locally. Thanks to those considering the co-opt option and look forward to seeing everyone next month.






Meeting closed at 20:20