September 2023 Minutes

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Office Bearers: Mike McCormick (Chair), Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors: Jim Bruton
Also: Twelve local residents, Jen Preston (Councillor-Stirling West)
Ann Gilmour (Community Councillor), Caroline Hamilton (Community Councillor), Laura Muir (Community
Councillor), Jeannie Gray (Development Team-Stirling Council)
Mike welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along tonight. Great to see more new faces round the room. Reminded everyone that zoom facility is also available if unable to make it along in person.
There being no matters arising, minutes proposed by James Wigglesworth & seconded by Kirsty Ryder.
Police Update: A report was sent in covering the local area for the last month. A total number of reports being thirty-nine within the area with sixteen detected cases. No concern of trends within the area. Local residents to continue to report any issues/concerns they have either through calling 101 (or 999 where appropriate), by using the contact us form or contacting crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. All will be in confidence. Some further concerns were raised on this subject happening around the area and these will be reported to the police/relevant authorities.
Elected Member Update: Jen updated on the budget consultation going on at the moment and would ask that everyone where possible to take part in this Council consultation. It was raised by resident that these meetings were being held within office hours with a few online and if this is going to have a meaningful effect these sorts of meetings need to be held in person and out of office hours. With the focus being on convenience of residents/attendees rather than that of officers and others within the council. Jen had raised this and has taken note.
Secretary: Mike noted we, as a community council, are seeking a secretary. This would be for a couple of hours a week dealing with the emails and liaising with the council on issues raised. Kirsty confirmed that this position is required as we are a very active community council and it is also required by the council to have this role in place. The role of secretary has been streamlined for going forward. Please contact us for more information if you, or someone you know, would be interested in helping.
Treasurer: James confirmed we are in good place financially at the moment. We successfully received the funding for the community council admin/minute taking grant, a little lighter than previously awarded due to funds held. We have discussed spending this locally with a couple of further defibs or something else suitable for the area/community going forward. If you have any suggestions please let us know. Mike mentioned obtaining new defibrillators for the area. James confirmed that he received confirmation that the ones we have in place have already been used positively. We do pay a donation of £100 annually per defib for replacement of items following usage. Locations and venues need to be identified with further discussion to take place. It was agreed that Mike and Elaine will take this forward.
Planning/Development: Kirsty confirmed that there is only one planning application in the locale at the moment at Nelson Place for a single-story extension to dwelling.
McGills Buses (Bus Route(s)): Jonathan updated everyone following the combined meeting couple of weeks ago with the local action group. A representative from McGills was there, they confirmed that they
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are short of staff and looking for drivers. Increases due to increased costs/lack of passengers. Vehicles are being replaced. If anyone wishes anything raised at these meetings let us know. Thanks again to Jonathan for going along to these meetings on our behalf and keeping us updated.
Thistle Park (Foot Path): Mike updated a little on this in absence of Ann, advised that a survey will be taking place, with the surface hopefully being similar to the one at Bruceview park. However, Ann will update on this at the next meeting.
Morley Crescent (Parking): concern was raised again regarding the parking situation and access of emergency vehicles. A further full discussion took place round the table on this, updating on current situation and previous discussions regarding the letters that went out from Paragon Housing.
We have previously looked for representation from Morley Crescent to come along to this meeting to work together. Kirsty confirmed we have a letter which will be hand delivered through all doors in Morley Crescent over the next couple of weeks. We are seeking representation from residents within Morley Crescent to help push this forward, obtain funding and project manage this going forward.
Barnsdale/Craigend (Road Junctions): Kirsty updated following concerns raised at last meeting, regarding cars cutting corners and using the pavement as an extension of the road. Confirmation has now been received that this will be re-painted in the first instance, as bollards would reduce the width of the footpath. This will hopefully help to highlight the road area much better and will be monitored going forward.
Branding/Logo: James/Kirsty have been looking at options. James has produced a few options for this and will email these to all community councillors for input, with further discussion at the next meeting.
St.Ninians Roundabout (Toll): Kirsty confirmed that following previous request to clear the area of the posts that had been left, it looks like this has now been completed.
Local Orienteering Event: Kirsty advised that there will be an orienteering event being held at Bruceview Park on October 1st. This will increase traffic volume in the area. No concern was raised over this event.
Community Council Awareness: A draft general information leaflet/flyer was produced to increase awareness. It was agreed to get this out on Facebook and locally over the next few weeks.
Community Council Boundary: To be re-posted on Facebook, could be combined with awareness details. It is currently within the albums on the Facebook page at present.
Fun/Gala Day: was mentioned following on from previous meeting; a full discussion will have to take place on this separately.
Newpark Road: several residents raised concern around various issues in this area, as it is a very busy school route. A full discussion took place. Around the lack of parking, access/egress issues for residents in the immediate and surrounding streets leading to the school. The factor doesn’t seem to be maintaining the little green space left. It was felt this would be more suited to resident parking (similar to McGrigor Road) and allowing safer movement on the road.
Concern continues on the speeding, lack of a safe crossing leading into the street/area, with large vehicles obstructing views on corners, parked on pavements and also obstructing driveways. The lack of speed bump replacement/traffic calming within the area and children not having a safe space to cross. These are serious concerns/issues as it is around a school for the safety of all.
We shouldn’t have to have a statistic to get something done with this. Is it possible that local PTA could work together to look at a zebra crossing, calming measure etc in all of the streets leading to the school. We need to make this safer for the children and others using this area. With the aspiration to get Stirling a greener city this is not possible as it is at present.
Kirsty confirmed that this is an ongoing issue that has been raised previously and asked Jen to put this forward again in a letter to all authorities. It was also noted a new person has now been recruited covering this role within the roads department. A meeting will be arranged to discuss issues with them in the first instance.
Anti-Social Behaviour: this was discussed at length. With a number of similar issues being raised by residents throughout the area covering all aspects of anti-social behaviour. Also dog related incidents. It is not only impacting the living conditions but also the metal health for all residents experiencing this.
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It is continually concerning to hear the issues raised with all residents feeling they have nowhere to turn now. We have raised this previously and will contact the Chief Inspector and Council this week requesting them to attend the next meeting in October.
Jen mentioned that this has been raised with all local departments involved, however full reports need to be obtained by authorities to allow others to progress concerns. Jen will continue to raise this as well.
Chartershall (Harness Racing): was raised by residents with concern over the misrepresentation and mis quotes mentioned through the local area/press. With the percentage of local residents actually objecting. A full discussion took place around the green belt and historical element of this proposed land along local resident vicinity. Concern of the races and incidents that take place during races, traffic and raised noise levels. They have since withdrawn this planning application.
It was agreed going forward that, as with other areas, if all residents get together and prepare all local thoughts this would help to push forward any objections, concerns. It also helps us to have representation at each meeting from all areas, which in turn brings ongoing local knowledge.
Murray Place Bus Stance: concern was raised regarding the bus stance that residences should feel comfortable to use when using the bus service to return home. This stance is proving to be an anti-social gathering place in town and not being used for purpose. You have to wait further along on either side and watch for the bus. This is intimidating for users. It is also not a good first impression for tourists either. Is this the impression that we are wanting to give out it is a blight on our city. We need to try and get a resolution to this and will submit as a concern to the council.
Local PTA: Donalda is part of the PTA and would like to link in with local initiatives to try and bring the community together more. To aim towards bringing things back to the good bustling community it used to be.
Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.
Mike thanked everyone for coming along, looking forward to seeing all again at next meeting.
Meeting closed at 20:50.
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