August 2023 Minutes

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Office Bearers – Mike McCormick (Chair), Kirsty Ryder (Vice Chair), James Wigglesworth (Treasurer)
Community Councillors - Ann Gilmour, Caroline Hamilton, Laura Muir
Also – Seven local residents, Jeannie Gray (Development Team-Stirling Council), Scott Farmer (Councillor-Stirling
West), PC Spike (Police Scotland), PC Hunter (Police Scotland)

None received

Mike welcomed and thanked everyone for coming along tonight.

Update of the clamping pods noted in planning will have to be looked at as updated information received, there being no further matters arising, minutes were proposed by Kirsty Ryder & seconded by Ann Gilmour.

Community Council Update: Kirsty updated and advised that Richard has unfortunately resigned from his role as secretary. All other office bearers remain the same. We would like to acknowledge and thank Richard for all of the hard work, blood, sweat & tears, that he has put in over the years; he did a power of work and will be sorely missed. Moving forward we do need to look at getting a new secretary. We are continuing to look at streamlining the secretary role. Kirsty picked up a significant amount of this over the last couple of months. The role is not as onerous as may be thought with everyone picking items up.
If anyone is interested in stepping into the role of secretary we would like to hear from you. If you come along to the community council please let us know via email. We are an active community council having achieved a lot over the years we would like to hear from you, to be part of this going forward.
Treasurer: James updated all on monthly accounts held to date. We are in a good place financially at the moment. Further annual grant/funding has been requested and is awaited, it will be reflected when received. As the secretary was a second signature for banking, Kirsty agreed to be the second signatory meantime.
Planning/Development: Ann updated on all printed applications in place with none relating to our area. Details previously noted in the minute of June above to be looked at, as this may now have been withdrawn.
Correspondence/Diary Dates: Kirsty confirmed that nothing major in over the summer months. Emails hat have been received have been cascaded to individuals for Facebook and planning.

Police Update: PC Spike went through the crime report for the last month. A total number of reports being twenty-two with fourteen detected; a total of two hundred and seventy-five calls were received in the area. However, these calls are everything from reports to information and advice requests. Theres no concern of trends within the area. We have linked in with the local schools regarding pick up/drop off times around traffic volume. Youth disorder is a problem throughout this area and indeed throughout Scotland and are aware of this. A full discussion took place regarding various issues. Including - Concern raised at the Craigend/Barnsdale road junctions with cars cutting corner and using the pavement as an extension of the road. This is going to cause a serious accident. It is worse at busier times and when the schools are in. Installation of bollards or something visible would be ideal to deter this. This will be raised with the roads section and also the council. -Tar trucks the ongoing noise/speed between 05:30 to 06:30 every morning going over the speed bumps. - Anti-social behaviour throughout the area.
If you wish to speak to police you can do this by speaking to them at these meetings (in confidence), emailing, calling 101 (or 999 where appropriate), by using the contact us form or contacting crime stoppers on 0800 555 111, which is anonymous.

Kirsty mentioned and explained that as a community council there is a remit that we have. While this does limit us to a degree, we do need to know what is going on to enable us to pass these details onto the appropriate departments along with police, if this is something that we cannot directly resolve.
We are grateful to be included in local information and do still need to hear from you regarding any issues locally, as a collective we have a greater voice. Meantime we will pass on information from this evening to the relevant parties.
Food Hub: Jeannie updated on food hub provision that was in the Cultenhove area, which then became an emergency food hub. Various reason saw the closure of this facility, along with the lack of volunteers to run it. Development team are looking for premises to get this back for the area. Meantime a couple of days in the YT Club have been secured, this will be a couple of mornings with dates and times to be confirmed. Initially looking at getting this up and running as a drop in for a cuppa and chat to begin with. Can then look at the requirements required in the area for going forward. Jeannie will update on this when details are available.

Agenda Review: review and discussion of all current items took place. Items removed from future agenda will of course be addressed should someone raise future concerns.
Tar trucks: will remain on the agenda however Barnsdale Road will be removed. Kirsty will flag this over to roads department to take forward as we are unable to take this any further.
Housing: issues around housing are ongoing within the area. Following discussion it was agreed that we would ask someone from housing to update at least quarterly. Addressing items when raised/come to light.
McGills Buses (Bus Route(s)): Jonathan confirmed that there were changes recently. No change to the No:57 however the No:51 has now changed and is now No:56. This now comes into the bus station as a No:51, changes to No:56, covering the same area.
Concern still remains on the regularity of the No:57 which is not ideal for those who rely on this service and are unable to walk. Jonathan will take this to the next meeting in September and will update us.
Thistle Park (Foot Path): Ann updated following a meeting on 12th July, a further larger consultation will go ahead. Data collection also took place to gather local usage of path. If this path was upgraded it would be used more. Concerns of the surface being slippery in bad weather. Seating and more gym equipment would be welcomed. The path design has to be agreed along with costings. Funding will be completed once costs have been confirmed. Timescales are still awaited for the housing element of the park.
Scott commented that there’s no immediate plans for housing, discussions would take place if this changed. Some land does come under a different department as housing do have an interest and the exact area will be confirming by Scott.
Morley Crescent (Parking): the letters have gone out from Paragon Housing and they imply that we would be dealing with any issues and works that arose from this. Following a discussion, and as the communication has gone out. It was suggested that we draft a letter and hand deliver through all doors in Morley Crescent. To state that we are happy to take this forward as a community council however we do need representation from Morley Crescent, as a funding application will have to be written and responses will need to be addressed. We haven’t had anyone come along to the meetings regarding this, only messages received over Facebook/email regarding parking concerns. Kirsty agreed to get a draft letter, once sense checked and agreed it will be delivered through doors. This will be updated at next meeting and meantime will be removed as an item in agenda.
Craigend/Barnsdale (Road Junctions): concern raised as mentioned earlier regarding cars cutting corners and using the pavement as an extension of the road. This is going to cause a serious accident. It is worse at busier times and when the schools are in. Communications being gathered and Kirsty will collate and send to the appropriate departments.
Branding: it is felt that a re-brand would help us move forward and also make us more attractive to all ages. We need to evolve and move forward positively. There may be potential funding available for development of website/printed material and potential re-branding. It was agreed that Kirsty and James would take the re-brand discussion forward and update at the next meeting.

Defibrillators: signs for these will be re-visited and ordered once all branding and wording has been confirmed. Kirsty will work with James on this. Again, removed until an update available.
Mayfield Park: the concerns that were raised previously are continuing to be looked at. Removed from the agenda meantime.
Traffic Issues: we will continue to look at the traffic issues raised around the area in relation to speeding/noise, liaising with the appropriate departments going forward. Meantime this will be removed from the agenda.
Alsorts (After School Care): Alsorts has closed and will be removed from the agenda. Jeannie confirmed that a potential alternative is being looked at from a third party. Once more information is available on this an update will follow.
Noticeboard (Bruceview): Jeannie confirmed that she is dealing with this and once appropriate contact has been made with the owners of the site she will update.
Subway: work has been ongoing along with walkabouts from the council. Roads department will be contacted and noted as a final request. Various items were to be replaced from gardening. Also following the barrier replacement work the wooden posts have still been left lying in a couple of bundles. Kirsty will contact stating final request and also request an uplift of these items. Following this and any appropriate update this item will be removed.
Freedom of Information Request: Laura has agreed to pick this item up and will update all as and when details have been received from them. Meantime will be removed from the agenda.
CC Achievements: this is an ongoing project and will be removed from the agenda unless something has been completed. It will also be updated on Facebook when appropriate.
CC Awareness: we need to start closing things off and bringing in new opportunities. Once the new branding is launched this should help. Also look at getting short videos/pictures and positive things in and around our area posted on Facebook. Jeannie also mentioned the resources that are available. Ann has also been chatting locally whilst handing out literature and spreading the word, a lot of ice has been broken with local businesses by Ann and Elaine.
Facebook: we are now more visible linking with even more companies/organisations. Regular features and photos have also increased the engagement, which is continually increasing at the moment along with followers/likes. Please forward any details for local community along with nice photos of the area to get pride back into our community. Elaine will continue with Facebook awareness.

6. AOB
Forum Five: an update will follow when full information is available.
Fun/Gala Day: full discussion took place around this looking at possibly 2025. A separate committee would need to be set up for this as there is a lot of work involved, including obtaining appropriate funding/licencing etc. Could potentially be combined with the fair that comes along to Thistle Park. Jeannie is here to support groups/causes and a community consultation will be completed over the coming months for the community. Further discussions to take place. Lets get the pride back into the area.
St.Ninians, Stirling: is a Facebook page run by locals covering the local area, please feel free to tag and update with information as well.

Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 19:00 in Civil Defence Club, where this minute will be ratified.

Mike thanked everyone for coming along, good to see new faces and hear what’s going on in the area. Closing the meeting at 20:49.