Wednesday 20th September 2021
To be conducted via Zoom Conferencing
Community Councillors – David Wilson, Richard Elliott, Eric Black, Mike McCormack
Laura Muir, Kirsty Ryder, James Wigglesworth,
Others Present Julie McCann (Minutes), Cllr Scott Farmer, Cllr Bryan
Residents Jonathon Orr,
Apologies Caroline Hamilton, Morag Fulton.
Approval of minutes of previous meeting
Minutes were approved by LM and RE
Election of New Office Bearers (Chairperson, Treasurer and Vice Chair)
DW has formerly stepped down as chairperson and nominated MMcC to take over this role.
This was seconded by RE and MMcC accepted the nomination.EB stood down as treasurer and Community Councillor. DW commented that he and CC
appreciated all of EB’s hard work over the past 10 years.JW is willing to take on the role of Treasurer. Nominated by RE and Seconded by MMcC.
Kirsty Ryder was adopted as a full member by vote by those members present.Vice Chairperson – Kirsty Ryder was proposed as Vice Chair by MMcC and nominated by
DW and seconded by RE.New role holders:
Chair – Mike McCormack.
Vice Chair – Kirsty Ryder.Treasurer – James Wigglesworth.
Matters Arising from previous meeting:
Update from RE, CC received contact form Kirsty from the Education Department and this
will be in place sometime after September 2021. -
The defibrillator will be put in the toll imminently, RE is currently liaising with the
electrician. Karen from the hairdressers would like a camera put in place to record the unit
due to the type of people that hang around the toll area. This is in case the unit is
vandaliised.RE mentioned the permissions that may be required when obtaining a CCTV Camera.
RE has sent another email to CC enquiries and will chase up on 9th Sept if no update.SF commented that cameras are usually allocated based on intelligence. The Communities
Team will be contacted to check the practicalities of the CCTV installation and operation.BF mentioned that there is a bidding process for the cameras and the end date for the
other cameras which are no longer being used that can be reallocated is 31st August.Police, Fire and Stirling Council meet to discuss which areas are priority for the CCTV
cameras.DW will email RE the contact for CCTV from Trossachs Search and Rescue.
JW asked who would watch the CCTV as it would be costly to have an agency do it. MMcC
added that Karen would watch it as it is her shop. KR mentioned possible issues with GDPR.EB showed the CC the defibrillator. The pads are a single use item which cost about £100
each and have a shelf life. It was suggested that a spare pack can be purchased which can
be used when the defibrillator is being serviced after use. £106.80 is the cheapest the pads
are including VAT. The shelf life is about 3 to 4 years.The data log on the unit records everything including the resuscitation of the patient.
JW commented that Riverside had a fundraiser to raise funds for the pads due to their
expense. The unit is a genuine lifesaving tool.MMcC mentioned that the Rotary Club who may possibly sponsor it, they had previously
funded for local kids to attend Calendar Park to see the Fireworks.RE also mentioned that local shops may make a donation towards the pads.
First Bus, 57 Route latest information
RE/NB wrote to them again and they responded on 6th Sept and they are happy to revisit
the route at some point in the future. There is a current driver crisis which is also making is
difficult to maintain the current network. There are issues manning buses in the Central
Area as a whole. MMcC commented that there is a lack of bus drivers in the industry, -
Flooding to Thistle Park
MMcC mentioned that there were no issues at the moment.
RE commented that at the Civil Defence, Scottish Water were picking up the remainder of
the debris and sewage. EB had sent photos to SEPA of the sewage in the park where kids
had been playing.RE mentioned that Scottish Water people had been out with litter pickers and black bags.
EB stated that the single drainage system is the issue. SEPA has put pressure on Scottish
Water to deal with the issue, unsure if any penalties were given to Scottish Water..
Cornhill Crescent, Glasgow Road, (Stirling Council/Police
& Participation Request)
The surge in anti-social behaviour was mentioned. A meeting was recently held with
people from the community and residents. Issues such as fire raising near Mayfield Centre
(wheelie bins), which there are no police reports. The Fire Service had attended but they
did not report the incident to the police.BF commented the volume of emails that he has had from local residents (approximately
26) in the area about different issues that is causing them concern. This includes parking
and drug dealing.About 32 people attended the virtual meeting, as face to face meetings were not allowed at
this time. Police, CC members, public and businesses were in attendance. Police accepted
the problems, and mentioned that 999 can be dialled to report that were in the process of
happening.Enforcement Officers can deal with issues such as parking on double yellow lines and bus
stop parking.The best that the police can do about problematic kids is to take them off the street and
take them home. BF will discuss this with the Chief Inspector and BF would also like to have
more frequent similar meetings to identify issues in the local area.SF commented that there is a general increase in youth disorder. They are venting out at
the stresses and anxieties after lockdown. Child Protection Cases have also risen
significantly. Over the past few months there has been a spike in 101 calls.As part of Covid Recovery, there is a focus on Mental Health and wellbeing. KR asked what
support was available for post covid victims.Poor lighting in and around the toll area was discussed.
MMcC mentioned that the hedges in the local area are in a really bad state and invited SF
and BF to do a walk around with him so that he can point out the bad areas in the CC area.BF Commented that Braehead CC are saying that they have similar issues as the Mayfield
area.The lack of police attendance at CC meetings was mentioned. No police have attended a CC
meeting since 2019. SF suggested that MMcC contact the Area Commander about the lack
of police presence at CC meetings.DW mentioned the issues at the chip shop Paulinos on the Glasgow Road due to parking.
Taking the nib away from this area would make it a safer place for cars to pass parked cars
outside the chip shop on the Glasgow Road. -
Traffic Management, Buntine Crescent, Howlands Road, Barnsdale
Road.(Speeding & Traffic Noise)Tar Trucks are parked everywhere in the community. NB, Bruce Reekie, and Carolyn Fraser
will be asked to attend a CC meeting about the traffic issues in St Ninians. -
Works arising from Town Centre Regeneration Grant
MMcC commented that work has started on the parking spaces at Thistle Park.
At Gateside and Howlands Road, the drains have been fixed and roads have been
resurfaced. -
Borestone Primary School
No update.
Planning Items
No update. Field at Cambusbarron under the motorway was mentioned for new houses.
MMcC has concerns about there not being enough police in the area due to the increase of
residents with all the new housing developments planned in the local area. -
Police Report
Nothing relevant due to lack of information provided by the police due to GDPR.
Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines
SF mentioned that COVID rates are going up so face to face CC meetings are on hold.
JW and EB will meet for a handover of paperwork and the treasurer’s role.RE mentioned the lighting on the footpath at the Hillview area and the overgrowth.
MF had previously mentioned issues with the cambers of the pavements in the area and RE
will contact CC inquiries and ask them to look at mobility in the area. -
Date of Next Meeting
Wed 20th October at 7pm to be held virtually by Zoom conferencing, unless Face to Face
meetings will be decided and allowed, decisions will be made at the full meeting of Stirling
Council to be held on October 7th 2021.
Face to face meetings will then take place at the Stirling Civil Defence Club, St Ninians,
commencing at 7pm.
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