Nov 2021 Minutes

The Minutes For

Wednesday 17th November 2021, Face to Face Meeting And
Also via Zoom Conferencing


  1. Present/Apologies


    Community Councillors – Mike McCormack Kirsty Ryder, David Wilson, Richard Elliott,

    Eric Black, Laura Muir, James Wigglesworth, Caroline
    Hamilton, Morag Fulton


    Others Present Julie McCann, Gary McIntyre, Jeannie Gray (Community

    Officer), Carolyn Fraser, Claire Rowland (Paragon), Natalie
    Johnston (Borestone Primary School), CI Liam Harman.


    Residents Evelyn Reynolds, Jonathan Orr,


    Apologies Cllr Scott Farmer, Alistair Orr,


  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting


    Minutes were approved by RE and KR


  3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:


  1. Noticeboard/ YT Club


    RE mentioned that there had been an email update. The Noticeboard is being stored at the
    YT Club and is waiting to be installed. The person in charge of the installation is currently
    off work, sick and the work has been reallocated to another department.


    GMcI added that they use the new noticeboard at the Kirk Wynd and inside the hall is
    another. The noticeboard belongs to the CC, The Church and the Police can also use the
    noticeboard for displaying information.


  2. Defibrillator


    There are currently two defibrillators within the local CC. Basic First Aid and CPR Training
    courses were discussed. RE added about collating a list of people who are interested in the
    training. St Andrew’s Ambulance can provide First Aid Training. Karen from the
    Hairdressers and her staff would like to participate in the training.


    RE commented that there had been a recent emergency call with an individual suffering
    from a suspected heart attack. The defibrillator was taken to the individual but was not
    required as the emergency services were present before the local defibrillator was
    required. The unit was checked even though it was not used.


    The cost of the First Aid Training is between £300 to £400 per person, funding options were


  3. Traffic Management – Barnsdale Road, Buntine Crescent


    KR commented on the noise, speeding and dangerous driving within the area including a
    car which mounted the pavement and drove down the pavement. Speeding at Barnsdale
    Road and Buntine Crescent was also discussed. Speed bumps are not being used properly
    and do not work for their intended purpose.


    Tar Trucks in the area are causing a lot of noise, and parts of machine plant, on the trailers,
    that are not properly secured, are falling off and causing a hazard to other road users and
    pedestrians alike.


    MF added that cars cannot drive down the road without going over speed bumps.


    In Buntine Crescent, there are issues on the 200yds stretch between Cultenhove Road and
    Craigend Road.


    CF mentioned the recent Traffic Survey and explained that there were no cars that were
    found to be driving significantly over 20mph, the majority of cars were being driven at a
    reasonable speed.


    At Barnsdale Road, the traffic volume was 1000, with 5% driving below 20mph, the average
    speed of these cars being 17.6mph. 0.1% were exceeding 30mph. The overall average was


    The traffic calming measures at Barnsdale Road does not have an effect on reducing


    Speed cushions are considered to be a safer method for children.


    The Pedestrian/Cycle Project for Borestone Primary School was discussed and the safer
    routes to School Project. This will also look in surrounding streets in the future.


    RE mentioned a print out of the Buntine Crescent Survey. He explained that the street is
    narrow and cars park to one side. 1,671 vehicles in a week were recorded using this road.
    There were now only 3 houses left in Buntine Crescent without driveways and 7 houses had
    to get driveways installed which was very costly for them to have the kerbs dropped for
    safer parking off road, because of speeding and volume of traffic using this small stretch of


    In Barnsdale Road there were 1150 vehicles per day compared to Buntine Crescent at 239
    per day.


    MMcC asked what time the survey was conducted as himself and KR had been monitoring
    the local traffic a few times between 4.30am and 5am.


    The surveys were conducted over a week and over a 24/7 period, it was discussed that the
    survey point in Barnsdale Road was not positioned at the correct area or in the desired


    MMcC suggested meeting outside during the week. CF added that surveys will be
    considered but cost is £250. A meeting was proposed at MMcC, KR, MF would attend and
    Liam (Police) would be invited. The noise issues with tar trucks, are at 5.30am at Barnsdale
    Road and 6.00am at Buntine Crescent, the noise of these vehicles, can be heard by
    residents as far away as McGrigor Road and Newpark Road.


    KC mentioned that the Environmental Survey that was carried out, has not been followed
    up and no action forthcoming from the results. However, when the survey was conducted
    it was not representative that day of the usual noise.


  4. Cornhill Crescent/Glencairn Street


    Freedom of Information letter with regards to Cornhill Crescent was discussed. A letter has
    been sent to Stirling Council but no update as yet.


    The Police state that they are in regular contact with housing associations in the area’s


  5. Borestone Crescent – Waste Bins


    Letters will be sent out to residents of Borestone Crescent to take bins in off the street after
    the bin lorries have collected the refuse from them. The recycling bins may be
    contaminated and are left on the street. This causes issues for wheelchair users or people
    with prams being able to walk safely on the pavements. Photos will be taken of problem
    areas by MF and MMcC


  6. Morley Crescent – Parking Issues


    Parking issues within the street were discussed. Cars are parking on the grass and also
    emergency vehicle spaces. A quantity of houses in the street are owned by Paragon. There
    was no funding for SC to change parking in 2017/2018. CR from Paragon is happy to meet
    for a walkabout on Morley Crescent to take photos of the problem areas. RE will arrange
    the face to face walkaround meeting.


  7. CCTV, The toll Shopping Precinct


    CCTV at the corner of the Toll is being obscured by a tree. A new camera is to be
    introduced at the Toll, supported by the Police. Progress and Installation to be advised to
    the CC by Police Inspector Liam Harman.


  8. The Toll Underpass Cleaning


    There are issues here with blocked drains and general uncleanliness which were discussed.
    RE to write to Stirling Council asking them to address the issue’s.


  9. Borestone Primary School


    Natalie Johnston is acting as Depute Head at the moment and is not sure when the vacancy
    is being advertised and filled.


    For the Queen’s Jubilee a tree was gifted to the school and a ceremony was held with
    children and visitors.


    Community Gardens similar to those at St Ninian’s Primary was discussed. BPS is currently
    applying for funding for the Garden which will allow outdoor learning with children
    teaching them to grow food. In time the Garden will be opened up to the local community
    so they can use the excess produce. Two local residents have shown interest in looking
    after the garden.


    The school extension has been postponed because of the delay in completed housing at the
    Ogilvie Site, due mostly to the effects of Covid-19 and the completion of dwellings has been
    delayed slightly. They have adequate room for pupils at the present time.


    MF mentioned that previously it had been explained that the school needed another room
    as they were running out of space and that they needed to use the communal space as
    another classroom.


    NJ added that as the housebuilding has stopped, the school roll has not increased as
    projected so there is no urgency for the extra classrooms at the moment.


    DW asked about the development and enquired if the building extension to the school had
    been paid for. NJ is not privy to this information and has no knowledge of the finances
    acquired for this development.


    NJ mentioned that a few children have joined the school since August and there are still
    spaces in classes just now.


    The extension cannot go ahead until the materials for it are available. Ogilvie had to pay for
    planning and there is concern that the money may be used elsewhere by Stirling Council.


    DW added that the school were always informing the CC that they were running out of


  10. Planning Items


    No Update


  11. Police Report


    Community Inspector Liam Harman was present and wants to give the CC more information
    about the issues within the local area. He mentioned recent issues with speeding in
    Barnsdale Road/Buntine Crescent and of a recent murder attempt, caused by driving a
    vehicle at somebody in Buntine Crescent, causing damage to a lamp post and fencing.


    Local streets were discussed along with the crimes that have been committed in those
    areas which include domestic issues, vandalism and theft. MMcC mentioned that there had
    been recent issues within Cornhill Crescent. There is a lack of visible police presence on the


    One of the main current issues is drug abuse and a lot of work has been carried out with
    local homeless accommodation, the drugs/alcohol unit and the Violence Reduction Unit.


    DW mentioned recent issues within the Mayfield Area, Cllr Bryan Flanagan had recently
    hosted a Zoom meeting with local residents to discuss local crime issues.


    CI Harman added that there are resources available and they have recently been looking at
    anti-social behaviour within the Kings Park Area and Borestone/St Ninian’s is the next area
    of focus.


    Local youth crime was mentioned with 55 reported incidents in 2 months. A recent break
    in at the Church was mentioned and GMcI had taken photographs of the broken items and
    vandalism of the church.


    A large quantity of drugs were recently recovered by local police and they had a street
    value of thousands of pounds.


    There are police out on foot patrol in local areas targeting certain nominals.


    Within the Toll area there has been issues with youth disorder and anti-social behaviour
    and other crimes such as assaults, vandalism, fire-raising and careless cycling.


    Handheld radar was used at Torbrex Road/Borestone Place but no one was charged for
    speeding there.


  12. Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines


    RE mentioned that Hogmanay Fireworks at Wallace Monument.
    There is an increase in greener transport links due to public transport.


  13. AOB


    RE mentioned the area outside of the Chinese Takeaway on Glasgow Road is a hazard and
    causing cars to double park. It was suggested that the nib be taken away to prevent double


    Photos will be taken of the adverse cambers to pavements, to show the areas of concern.


    Gary McIntyre from the St Ninians Old Parish Church commented that the Church is looking
    to enhance the old cemetery, tower and ruins. A lot of stones and parts of the boundary
    wall are unsafe. They are also looking at installing boards with the history of the area,
    which dates back to the Jacobites. This could involve the local schools from an educational
    point of view. A Partnership group is being set up by the Church and they are holding a
    meeting on Thurs 20th January 2022 at 7.30pm in the Church and local councillors are
    invited. MMcC gave GMcI information on possible assistance from the Carse of Stirling.

    MMcC asked if this issue of church business be included in January’s Meeting Agenda.


    JW asked about purchasing an annual Zoom subscription in order to facilitate the CC
    meetings, members agreed and JW to find costings for next meeting.


    ER mentioned that the bollard had been taken away from the front of the shop at Barnsdale
    Road but nothing had replaced it.


    XIV Date of Next Meeting


    Wed 19th January 2022 at 7pm to be at the Civil Defence Club, St Ninians, also via Zoom


  14. Close