Wednesday 19th May 2021
To be conducted via Zoom Conferencing
Community Councillors – David Wilson, Richard Elliott, Eric Black, Mike McCormick, James
Others Present Julie McCann, Sharon McGrouther (Community Link Officer), Fiona
Keating (Principal of Early Years at Borestone Primary School)Residents Alistair Orr, Kirsty Ryder, Jorge Iguzquiza
Apologies Caroline Hamilton, Jonathan Orr, Morag Fulton, Laura Muir,
Approval of minutes of previous meeting
Minutes were approved by MMcC and RE
Matters Arising from previous meeting:
Election of new Co-opted Member
KR has helped to support the CC recently and helped to form a sub group which met up off the table to
discuss the issues arising from the traffic at Barnsdale Road and surrounding areas.RE commented that KR would be a great asset to the CC.
SMcG mentioned advertising co-optees. DW added that CC would need to check if KR is willing to join CC
as a co-optee.CC would welcome the co-option.
SMcG added about putting the co-option on the agenda and to advertise the position with a closing date.
The form that needs to be completed is online and a community councillor can sign it off. To be eligible the
individual has to live in the area and be on the electoral roll. There can only be a limited amount of co-
optees in the CC at any one time. The Handbook with further information on Co-option is available online.RE will take this forward. SMcG mentioned the Scheme of Establishment and will forward on the relevant
documents and the link to the website to RE.AO asked if Co-optee’s enjoy the same voting rights as other members of the CC and agrees that KR would
be a fantastic addition to the CC. SMcG commented that the only think that a Co-optee cannot do is vote
another co-optee into the CC but can do everything else. -
DW has contacted Trossachs Search and Rescue Team but no reply. PC was going to chase this up but no
update. RE has not had any contact either. The CC want to place a defibrillator at the Toll, YT Club and
also near Borestone Primary School / Civil Defence ClubSMcG will pass the details of Greg Marshall on to DW so that DW can contact him.
First Bus, 57 Route latest information
DW mentioned that there has been no update from NB. AO commented that there is an increased usage of
buses due to more things opening as lockdown eases. First Bus are happy to look at the route, the Bearside
Road section is always an issue. May be an option to move it to Howlands Road or Gateside Road instead. -
Notice Board, Bruceview Park/Cultenhove Road
No update at present. EB was contacted by Brian Small, as soon as the Noticeboard is received he would
like to size up the job. PC was discussing with the Youth Team about the installation. SMCG will chase this
up. -
Cornhill Crescent, Glasgow Road, (Stirling Council/Police
& Participation Request).
There are ongoing issues with drug dealing and anti-social behaviour. There are new community police in
the area. DW provided SMcG with information on the background for the participation request. One
resident was recently evicted in the area due to issues. DW will ask for a meeting with the police and if this
does not happen then the participation request will be submitted. It was asked why problem tenants are
re-housed in the area. -
Traffic Management, Buntine Crescent, Howlands Road, Barnsdale
Road.(Speeding & Traffic Noise)
RE mentioned a Sub group that met in between both the April and May meetings. RE informed CC that
police had done speed checks at school hours on Borestone Place and that the traffic was within thereasonable margin. The police will continue to do random checks. KR commented that traffic is congested
at school time and so they are unable to speed.KR and MMcC had been doing walkarounds of the area between 5am and 7.15 and recorded registration
plates of the vehicles that were speeding. The registrations have not been shared with anyone yet.KR, MMcC and EB also mentioned meeting on 5th May at 7pm about the issue.
When the speed bumps were installed on Barnsdale Road the road was altered.SC have yet to respond on the issue. A discussion was had about how to move this issue forwards and the
Noise Abatement Society was mentioned.CC were looking at ways to get the other residents involved in the issue and discussed drafting a letter to
share with the community in the surrounding streets i.e Barnsdale Road, Morley Crescent, Buntine
Crescent etc and will ask the residents sign the letter and forward onto Stirling Council.EB received a response from Fraser Thompson (Atmos) and he mentioned that legislation is drafted in such
a way that it is easy to measure and compare noise levels in premises but not vehicles. He is prepared to
come and set up a noise meter which will cost £600 and then analyse/report/compare the data and the
recommended levels. There is no guarantee that after the report that the issue would be able to be
progressed any further. It will cost an additional £1200 for the report and the analysis.KR mentioned Bruce Reekie from Stirling Council and that Environmental Health have been requested by
Roads Department to set up a noise meter in KR’s Garden.MMcC mentioned that he could hear the noise in McGrigor Road and that there are tar trucks everywhere,
they don’t fasten the rollers down on the vehicles and they bounce when they go over speed bumps.The more residents that complain about the issue the better, many local residents have already voiced
their concerns on the issue on our Facebook page.RE commented that on most days, vehicles were going up and down Buntine Crescent between 5.15am
and 7.30am waking him and his wife up, he is keeping a register of how many vehicles and the timings.AO added about people being out in the area with hi vis jackets on, taking photos of the issue and possible
inviting Central FM along. This would be a more direct approach with clipboards and surveys.MMcC mentioned the date of the next meeting of the sub group and SMcG would check about the
regulations about meeting face to face due to COVID. EB added that they could meet outdoors, and DW
suggested having a set of questions to ask residents. These questions could be shared on Facebook and in
Borestone Primary School.KR added that mental health is really big right now in terms of issues affecting everyone and lack of sleep
can affect mental health. KR added that she sets her alarm at 5.15am to get out of the house.MMcC suggested meeting on Monday 24th May at 7.30pm at Barnsdale Road
Works arising from Town Centre Regeneration Grant
RE commented that the works at the toll are not completed. This was £14000 of the Grant Money and
should be completed by now. DW asked SMcG if there was more money available from other projects –
SMcG will check this and chase up.A potential project was mentioned - additional parking at McGrigor Road and Thistle Park. RE mentioned
that there are two schemes for parking from Stirling Council which gives access to shops in the local area –
14 spaces or 24 spaces. 14 spaces would mean minimal disruption whereas 24 spaces would mean the
removal of lampposts and trees.It was discussed that if there would be any monies remaining, they could be used for Morley Crescent’s
parking issues. RE mentioned lack of response when emailing CC enquiries. -
Borestone Primary School
Headteacher Linda was unable to make the meeting but the Nursery Garden within the school has been
used a lot at night by children.RE mentioned that the Council have a Children Services Plan which covers special needs within the
mainstream schools and additional support needs (ASN). There are three proposals (1) integrate all
children together in the same school same as Bannockburn Primary etc, (2) build one big special school for
those with special needs, (3) Or status quo.EB mentioned that on Friday 14th May there was a police presence at Borestone Place near the school. AO
added that there was an incident in the area that was not connected to the school. -
Planning Items
No planning applications.
Police Report
Nothing to report
Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines
RE mentioned that Stirling Council have a Climate Nature Emergency consultation and individuals can
comment on the draft plan up until 4th May.Jennifer Fraser from the Wee Library which was set up last May is looking to working with local community
organisations.Street Naming of the new MFI Site - MMcC suggesting was Kennedy Court and he mentioned that this was
in tribute to a local doctor who used to work in the area. Kennedy Court will be the name of one of the
streets once the site is completed.Local Place Plan on 20th June 2021 – development of use of land.
SC Media release – special uplift on 17th May of faulty items and household items.
MMcC mentioned that there is a flat in Cultenhove Road where rubbish and a couch has been left down a
lane. The former resident of the flat has now moved on so there is no one to pay for the uplift of the
remaining rubbish. SMcG recommended contacting Homeless Housing at Stirling Council.CC’s employability insurance documents for this year have been processed and sent through.
RE commented that there is no sign at Gateside Road, he had written to CC Enquiries and they replied that
new signs will be put up soon.DW will look at the Audit Account Commission report.
It was mentioned as part of the previous discussion around special schools that this may cause a stigma for
child who attend a school that it just for special needs. -
RE mentioned the Hillview Pathway at the back of the centre. There is now lighting at the path and new
handrails were installed but the undergrowth still needs to be sorted.Forth Housing driveways were mentioned. Forth had installed driveways free of charge but privately
owned houses had to pay for their driveways. Marshalls has now completed the work but the roads are
not completed at Howlands and Gateside Road.AO added that the fencing at Gateside Road is yet to be removed.
EB asked about the AGM which is scheduled to take place in June, this will now take place after the
summer.Civil Defence will be the new meeting area for the CC monthly meetings when COVID restrictions allow
meetings face to face. -
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 16th June at 7pm to be held virtually by Zoom conferencing