March 2021 Minutes

Wednesday 17th March 2021

To be conducted via Zoom Conferencing


  1. Present/Apologies


    Community Councillors – David Wilson, Richard Elliott, Eric Black, Mike McCormick, Caroline

    Hamilton, James Wigglesworth, Morag Fulton


    Others Present Julie McCann, Pam Campbell,


    Residents Jonathan Orr, Alistair Orr, Kirsty McKay, Jorge Iguzquiza


    Apologies Laura Muir, PC Ross Barclay


  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting


    Minutes were approved by RE and EB


    Amendment to last month minutes: NB would speak to the transport office of SC with KM. KM has
    emailed RE and copied in DL about the issues.


  3. Matters Arising from previous meeting:


    Jorge proposal


    This needs support from the local community. There is general support from St Ninians Community
    Council. It will allow local residents to be able to speak at Stirling Council meetings.


    AO mentioned that he supported Jorge’s view. The old Stirling Council used to allow deputations and
    there would be more weight to the case if the CC also supported it. RE and CH also support it. Individual
    and CC support is important. EB asked if there was anyway that St Ninian’s Community Council could have
    more weight in the vote. DW mentioned that it would allow members of the public to make submissions to
    the Council.


    MF asked how people would talk at the meetings. Would there be limits? What if 50 people wanted to
    speak at meeting – how would they prioritise them. JI commented that there would be a filter from the
    council. The point/question would be related to something that is on the meeting agenda. The question
    would be raised with the council in advance and then the council would approve the subject in advance of
    the meeting.


    AO added that it was not unusual for a group of residents or a group of pupils to make a deputation in
    front of councillors. Trade unions are often involved in making deputations to the council.


    RE commented that Stirling Council are the only council in Scotland that did not allow deputations at the
    present. DW proposed that the CC support JI petition and would like to find a way to ensure that Stirling
    Council are aware that CC support the petition as an organisation.


    PC added that most Councils that offer this at meetings have a process to manage the questions.


    1. Re-instatement of highways & pavements after Earlsburn Avenue Site

      completion Update


      RE commented that there is no update. People have moved into the last two houses and Marshalls have
      cleaned up their depot area. No date at present for the roads to be fixed. PC mentioned that there was an
      onsite meeting that had been arranged but it has been delayed due to COVID.


    2. Defibrillator


      RE and MMcC spoke about walking around the toll. The only real surface is between the 2 hairdressers
      however neither were open at the time due to COVID. Karen Frame owns the barbers. MMcC added that
      the hairdressers are due to open on 5th April and he and RE will approach Karen about the defibrillator
      then. Another alternative would be the owner of the newsagent if the barbers do not want to facilitate the
      electricity supply for the defibrillator.


    3. First Bus, 57 Route latest information


      DW mentioned that straight after the last meeting, Cllr Neil Bennie wrote to First Bus. JO added that the
      bus stop has now been removed at the end of Wordie Road/Gateside Road at the corner at the bottom of
      the path. PC commented that the community were under the impression that after the road conditions
      were rectified that the service would resume. DW added that First Bus pulled the service due to ongoing
      building work and parking issues, once these were resolved the bus service would re-established. EB and
      NB have both written to First Bus with no reply. The stop has been moved without any consultation. PC
      will check why CC were not informed why the stop was removed and, why it was removed. AO mentioned
      about the bus shelter being moved before consultation.


    4. Hillview Footpath Repairs/Upgrade


      RE commented that the lighting has now been installed, but overgrowth at one side of the path had been
      removed, but not the other. PC added that SC will finish the rest but have only managed to do part of the
      area so far.


    5. Notice Board, Bruceview Park/Cultenhove Road


      RE discussed the proposed position of the new noticeboard at YT Youth Club garden area. EB emailed the
      costings to PC who has forwarded it to relevant colleagues at Stirling Council.


    6. Cornhill Crescent, Hedges and Gardens/SC and Police Activity


      DW mentioned that there are concerns about drug dealing and anti-social behaviour. DW wrote to Gillian
      Marshall and received a reply from the community Inspector who disagreed with him and said that there is
      not enough intelligence in the area so nothing can be done. There are people in the local area who have
      reported many incidents or pieces of intelligence and nothing has been done. It was also discussed that
      people are scared to report any crime for fear of any repercussions on them.


      PC mentioned contacting the community police to find out about similar support that was previously given
      in the MacDonald Drive area, and if it could be given to Cornhill Crescent. A participation request involving
      Police and Stirling Council and East Loch Lomond was mentioned. PC will send the forms to DW and check
      if East Loch Lomond would be willing to share their knowledge regarding their participation request with St
      Ninians Community Council.


    7. Speeding Trucks at Barnsdale Road and surrounding areas in St Ninians


    KM mentioned that she has not heard anything from NB since the last meeting. KM added that there are a
    number of marked vehicles driving up and down the road between 6 and 7am in the morning, KM will look
    for registration details. DW commented that NB has not replied to his email either. KM added that the
    area is an accident waiting to happen.


    RE commented that the infrastructure in the area is not suitable for the amount of new houses being built
    as there is not an adequate sewage system in place to accommodate these new housing areas, or
    adequate road access, the existing facilities will be unable to cope with these excesses. These issues should
    have been addressed at the planning stage by Stirling Council.


    MMcC asked that due to the new houses being built in St Ninians, Raploch and Bannockburn areas, will
    that mean that another fire appliance will be assigned to Stirling Fire Station. Will there also be an
    increase in Ambulances or Police Officers.


    MMcC is willing to help KM with taking registration plates of the vehicles who are speeding up and down
    Barnsdale Road early in the morning and will arrange this after the meeting. DW added that the area
    concerned has been in a 20mph zone for some time now.


  4. Police Report


    DW would like to clarify the position with Police using Zoom meetings due to the lack of police presence in
    recent meetings during the COVID pandemic.


    As the information provided by the Police incorporates other areas of St Ninians and is not informative
    enough it will no longer be discussed at the meetings unless anyone has any matter to raise. This will allow
    the CC to discuss more valuable/relevant issues within the meeting.


    The police report will be made available on the CC page and will be issued separately to members and
    attendees of the meeting for them to peruse at their own leisure.


  5. Works arising from Town Centre Regeneration Grant


    This involved the area from the Shell Garage to the underpass. Areas have been identified that can be
    improved and costings have been sought. MMcC mentioned a deep clean to clear the overgrown
    vegetation and pavements. DW commented that Burghmuir area has been tidied up.


    PC will check if underpass can be deep cleaned. Housing can release greenspace for laybys, SC would need
    to maintain. RE mentioned the urgent requirement for additional parking areas on McGrigor Road.


  6. Borestone Primary School


    DW received a phone call from the headteacher and she is keen to engage with the CC. The extension to
    the school has been delayed as there is not enough extra children to warrant the need for the extension at
    this junctor. There is enough space in the currently school for the amount of children who are enrolled. RE
    mentioned that Fiona Keating is the current nursery class teacher. Building of an extension to the school is
    pencilled in for August 2021.


  7. Planning Items


    CH had written to the planning department. There are concerns regarding 24 Glasgow Road around


    Parking at the end of the Civil Defence Club was discussed and who the spaced belong to.


    MMcC mentioned that there is a resident who stays in the flats who has permission for the units are the
    parking area. Where the containers are situated and the parking area is for the adjacent flats. The section
    closest to the flats is for the residents of these flats to park and the area closest to the houses are for the
    house residents.


    MMcC added that a parking survey would be useful to do at a reasonable time when it is busier and people
    are home from work about early evening/teatime.


  8. Correspondence, Diary Dates and Deadlines


    RE mentioned the release of the SC budget for 2021/2022. There are free online training courses from SC.
    Insurance for CC members using vehicles for CC business although most of the CC business is local.


    Engage Stirling Platform and their Emergency Plan was mentioned. The 10 Ogilvie homes allocated to
    Stirling Council, have now had new residents collect their keys. Stirling Council have newly appointed a
    MAKAR poetry person.


  9. AOB


    MMcC mentioned parking at Thistle Park and would speak to Holy Spirit Church about their thoughts on
    the parking issues on McGrigor Road.


    PC discussed the hedges around the community. There are no specific streets. The community fund in
    partnership with COP was discussed. The option to ask Stirling Community Enterprise to cut back the
    hedges. There is an unrestricted funding of £5000 available.


  10. Date of Next Meeting


    Wednesday 21st April at 7pm to be held virtually by Zoom conferencing


  11. Close