Riverside Community Council Public Meeting Minutes
Riverside Primary School
Date:6th November 2024
Members Present |
In Attendance Apologies |
Joan Murphy |
Di Alderdice Bob Dale |
Fiona Dyet |
Andrew Fraser Carol Robertson |
Ashleigh Phillip |
Cllr Gibson Jude Treliving Chara Paracco Lorna Smith Fiona Berrow Parvin Morrissey |
Michaela Jackson – SC |
Flora Chirnside - SC |
14 residents |
Minutes |
Actions |
1. Welcome Joan welcomed everyone to Riverside Primary school.
Joan shared the positive news that the 10 millionth person has registered for park run.
2. Declarations of Interest
No Declaration of Interest was recorded. |
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
Minutes for August adopted. Fiona Dyet proposed; Joan Murphy seconded. |
4. Matters Arising from previous minutes not to be addressed within the meeting
Phone Box on Millar Place: JM has had ongoing discussions with BT about the removal of the phone box at the junction of Millar Place and Abbey Road. BT have confirmed that it will be removed but have not yet provided a time scale. We are going to see if we can replace it with a book lending shed.
Pop-Up Police Person Patrol: We are still investigating borrowing or buying a pop-up police officer, and the police will help us monitor the situation. |
- JM and FD to follow up |
5. Reports
a. Chair Community Councillor addition – Nitish has expressed interest in joining the community council, and he will be co-opted at the next meeting. |
Traffic - Andrew had previously circulated, to RCC members, basic data and a plot of all road traffic collisions recorded as having occurred within that part of the Riverside area north and east of the Riverside Quay mini-roundabout, during the 24 year period to the end of 2022. There were seven of these, all categorised as “slight”.
Christmas parcels – Joan asked if we should do the Christmas parcels again and everyone agreed. Joan will contact the Christmas parcel WhatsApp group.
b. Secretary:
Police Report: There were no reports this month, other than a report about noisy students.
Memorial Tree – No objections as long as it doesn’t overshadow the fruiting trees.
A resident raised the issue of the caravan parked on Riverside Drive, and was directed to query it with the council.
Pedestrian crossing – The plans for the new pedestrian crossing on Dean Crescent have been shared. Fiona D will compile comments about the plan for the pedestrian crossing and submit to Nicky at SC.
c. Treasurer No income was received. We are still waiting for the admin grant to be paid into our account (and we now have a negative balance in this ‘pot’). FB has emailed Stephen Bly to enquire when we should be receiving this funding.
Expenditure: We paid £27.46 for the website domain name (£12.46) plus a chargeback fee (£15.00) as the original payment was cancelled.
Bank of Scotland have changed our account to a community account, but this will cost us £4.25 a month, and Fiona B suggested changing our bank account. A resident suggested Co-Op bank. Fiona will investigate some options.
d. Other:
Michaela and Flora from Stirling Council presented the plans for the new active travel corridor through Riverside. - There were mixed feelings regarding making Forth Crescent a contraflow for bikes (concerns about space for passing). |
FD to collate
FB will follow up |
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There were mixed feelings regarding the introduction of some shared paths. |
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There were some concerns about cyclists using the pavement on the Shore road Bridge. |
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The issue of the Riverside Gateway project was raised, and Stirling Council would not be proceeding with anything at this point. Fiona B said she is willing to keep moving forward with it, as we were told the infrastructure will be done by the council as part of the active travel improvements, and so the rest would be planting etc, which can be done with partner organisations like Riverside Naturally. |
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How the project is funded was raised, and answered (Part of the Forthside Masterplan, funded through the Levelling up fund), and the timeline was queried (expected to be complete by August next year) |
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Questions were raised about local access only to Forth Crescent and if this would be enforced. |
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Concerns were raised regarding the loss of parking in front of the shops. Michaela noted that the 4 of the 6 shops were not concerned about the loss of parking. |
Concerns were raised about whether or not this was necessary at all and there were opinions on both sides. |
6. Sub |
-Groups |
a. Pla
nning: No news. |
b. Act
ive Travel: Nothing to report |
c. En |
vironment: |
Fo nex
rth-ERA project: The last litter picking had three volunteers. The t one is: |
d. Ro are par |
ads and Parking: No- parking signs have been placed at the turning a at Riverside Quay. Residents are still concerned about Shore Road king. |
e. O bee unr |
HW: Snowberry was removed at the last meeting. The funding has n spent and went over by £1.97 which can be taken from estricted funds. |
f. Ac
cessibility: Nothing new.
7. AOB Craft event this Sunday from 2-5pm at the bowling club. Waverley Park – The new equipment has been ordered by SC. Planning – Danny Gibson – Edward Avenue - planning in principle had been granted.
Next meeting: Wednesday, 27th November 2024. Venue: RPS. |