August 2024 Minutes

Riverside Community Council Public Meeting Minutes

Riverside Primary School

Date: 28th August 2024







Members Present



In Attendance 



Joan Murphy 



       Di Alderdice      

            Lorna Smith


Fiona Dyet        



Andrew Fraser

            Jude Treliving 


Parvin Morrissey



       Cllr Gibson        

            Pat Morrissey 


Fiona Berrow 



Chara Parraco 

           Carol Robertson


Ashleigh Philips



8 other residents







            Bob Dale






            Judi Legg












1. Welcome

Joan Murphy welcomed everyone to Riverside Primary School (RPS) for the first meeting after the summer break.


Good news of the month: Amsterdam City Council pledged a large sum of money to build public toilets for women and disabled people as v few are available. (Stirling Council has a list on its website of public toilets in Stirling).



2. Declarations of Interest

No Declaration of Interest was recorded.



3. Approval of Previous Minutes

Minutes for June adopted. Fiona Dyet proposed; Ashleigh Philips seconded.



4. Matters Arising from previous minutes not to be addressed within the meeting

Payphone: Joan contacted BT regarding the opportunity to purchase the payphone on Millar Place for £1 but was told it can only be used for a defibrillator.  Sharon Marklow subsequently contacted BT and was told the same. However, the box is going to be removed and SC has no objections to RCC using the vacant space created. Presumably we can errect our own shed!


      Pot holes on Lovers Walk all now fixed 




5. Reports


a. Chair

Waverley Park. On 2nd Aug AP and JM met with James Aikman, projects officer for ‘Environment and Place’ regarding renovating the park and making it safe. Most of the equipment is over 14 years old. There is Scot Gov money available for repair/replacement of equipment. 10K has been earmarked for Waverley Park from this year’s budget. Replacement of the missing



JA to get costs and send an

initial plan before next

CC meeting. 



hammock  and removal of the broken snake are priorities. Grants for accessible equipment will be applied for separately. The stile near the swings will be replaced with a gate to make it accessible. Depressions near goals at the ends of the football pitch are a trip hazard and need to be filled in. 


b. Secretary: 


Crossing at junction of Shore Rd and Goosecroft Rd: Green person ‘beeps’ not long enough for pedestrians to get across. Pedestrian aspect very confusing and people cross at the wrong bit and time. The 20 mph speed sensor and the bus stop by the Engine Shed are obscured by overgrown vegetation. 


Clock roundabout Wooden blocks to contain the soil have rotted. Fiona has contacted Stephen Bly.


River gauges on River Forth. Real time info about tidal change now available at  

             Username: Riverside Password: Riverside1!


Pop up policeman. – Police have no objections if we wish to purchase one. Research shows that drivers do slow down when they are used. 



Police Report: 20 minor calls, no crimes: 


c. Treasurer

Income: No income was received this month.


Expenditure: The annual fees were paid to the Information

Commissioner’s Office (£35 by Direct Debit), for our website (£129.60 by P.M.) and for our website domain name (£12.46 by P.M.).


Balance as of 27.08.2024 £1,106.17


We currently have a negative balance for our administration fund, but we have not yet received our administration grant for the 2024-25 financial year. We should receive this in the next couple of months.

Agreed to investigate applying for a charge card for the Community Council so that we can pay for purchases directly. Our business account should be eligible for a charge card free of charge for the

AP to investigate accessible equipment and grants




FD to pursue 










FD to check link




Add to next month’s




















FB to pursue and check



first 12 months (then an annual charge of £32) that is paid by Direct Debit each month. 0.5% back on expenditure, so we could probably recoup the fee.  More information



out the best option.






Planning: Application 24/00415/PPP has been made for some 3 storey flats at Heathfield, Edward Rd, FK8 1UP . This will involve demolition of some derelict garages and an existing building. One resident contacted RCC regarding this, and was sent further info by JM which was helpful. No other queries. 









Active Travel: Reminder than both Recyke-a-bike and Forth Environment Link offer free loans of various ebikes. More information can be found at https://www.recyke-a- and


New Active Transport sections to link up existing routes have been identified. Skoda Garage to the Peak, Alloa Rd to Cambuskenneth, Springbank Rd to MOD site. Ashleigh will post info on Riverside Whatsapp group when available. 

















Issue of secure storage for people who don’t have space to store bikes at home was raised. 


OHW. Himalayan Balsam picking has taken place. A constructive discussion was had with Sharon Marklow and the impact of the Forthside development on the woods is not as drastic as first thought. Cllr Nunn suggested a meeting with everyone involved on



Litter Pick: following the successful litter pick this spring with McDonalds employees, people are invited to another pick tomorrow, Thurs 29th August at 2pm at their Drip Rd Store. The group will walk up to Murray Pl, back to Riverside, finishing at Drip Rd.  

Roads and Parking


Leak in Forth St at Jct with Wallace Gate still not resolved. AF and Cllr Gibson has been in touch with Public affairs team at Scot Water regarding this.


AP and Creagh

(resident) to























Parking of cars in inappropriate places still an issue. (e.g. Grass at top of Forth Cres): People encouraged to contact community safety team at SC. Residents have been seen going the wrong way down Forth Cres. Change direction of one-way on Forth Cres? Cowane St is soon to become residents-only parking. This may result in more parking in Riverside. 



Cllr Gibson to send JM the address of the

community safety team


7. OAB


Forthside Master Plan: August meeting postponed to Mon 16th Sept: 2pm, Teith House. The plan for the Forthside Development

can be found here:


Riverside Naturally are holding their annual Orchard Day on Sat 28th Sept from 11-2pm at the Orchard. If anyone has spare apples they could donate for juicing, please contact Emily McLaughlin

Apple thefts from orchards are a Scotland wide problem. If trees are on open land, it is not a crime to take fruit. If anyone sees large scale removal of apples, they can contact the police with registration of any van, description of what happened etc. 


Work is to start this autumn to demolish the raised ‘Bee Bed’ in front of the Community Orchard as this has become unsafe due to extensive rot of the wooden sleepers. Resources are not available to build another raised bed, so the sides will be lowered and a larger bed filled with pollinator plants will be constructed at ground level by RN volunteers. 


RN has received another score of ‘Outstanding’ from ‘It's Your Neighbourhood’ officials (part of the ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’ charity).


Riverside Wildlife group. Gillian Armstrong has opened a Whatsapp group to record and celebrate wild life if Riverside. Contact Gillian if interested. 


Charity concert by local singing group ‘Out Front Room’. Sept 22nd 3pm at the Lawn Bowling club. 


Food Train is looking for more customers.  Contact JM or 01786 450536


Rethink Dementia’ Scot Gov new Anti stigma Campaign ‘Rethink

Dementia’ will launch on 4th Sept Botanic Gdns Edin, and run for 5


weeks to raise awareness. Riversiders, Danny and Joan Murphy, are involved and were recently filmed in Riverside. 


Fireworks were set off late at night 2/3 weeks ago from the derelict building at Cambuskenneth bridge. Has been reported to Police by Cllr Gibson.


Next meeting: Wednesday, 25th Sept 2024. Venue: RPS.