April 2024 Minutes

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Riverside Community Council Public Meeting Minutes Riverside Primary School

Date: 24th April 2024


Members Present

In Attendance


Joan Murphy

Di Alderdice

Bob Dale

Fiona Dyet

Andrew Fraser

Chara Parraco

Jude Treliving

Cllr Thomson

Lorna Smith

Parvin Morrissey

Hamish Taylor


Fiona Berrow

5 residents


Ashleigh Philips



Carol Robertson






1.  Welcome


Joan Murphy welcomed everyone to Riverside Primary School (RPS).


2.  Declarations of Interest


No Declaration of Interest was recorded.


3.  Approval of Previous Minutes

Minutes for March adopted. Carol Robertson proposed; Parvin Morrissey seconded.


4. Matters Arising from previous minutes not to be addressed within the meeting



5.  Reports


a.  Chair

Stirling Studios: Stirling Council have announced the creation of a film studio to be developed on the site of the former MoD land at Forthside. Likely to be among the biggest campuses in Scotland, it could lead to significant economic activity and job creation. It will use several existing buildings from the site, with the remainder of the land and unusable buildings being developed within the Forthside Master plan.


RPS: Young bookworms at Cowie and Riverside Primary School have helped their schools become the first in Scotland to achieve a second Gold Reading Award.


Empty Homes Advice Service: Residents can report empty homes (unoccupied for 6 months or more) to Stirling Council. More information can be found on the Stirling Council website, or residents can contact Alyson Allison at allisonal@stirling.gov.uk.












- Joan Murphy to contact Alyson re Bellwood hall



b.     Secretary:

Police Report: 27 incidents which warranted a call card. 8 undetected cases, 0 detected. Incidents include minor damage to property, theft, road traffic matters, drug misuse and attempted fraud.


Stirling 900: As part of the celebrations, residents are invited to a Community Launch Event on Friday 26th April, from 13:30-14:30 or 14:30-15:30 at the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum. More information about events for Stirling 900 can be found at https://www.yourstirling.com/whats-on/stirling-900/


Polmaise: From Wednesday 15th May, residents will need to book an appointment to dispose of their waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centres in Stirling. Booking is available up to 14 days in advance and can be found at www.stirling.gov.uk/waste/book or by calling 01786 404040. Residents will be required to provide their name, address, vehicle registration and will be required to show their booking reference number and proof of address.

Copper Beech: In April’s RCC meeting a resident had asked for help with a neighbouring tree on a Stirling Council-owned house. Pruning is now to be done before a new tenant moves in.


Dean Crescent: Following recent resurfacing, the lines have been repainted on the roads. Fiona Dyet has emailed Stephen Bly about adding 20mph signage onto the roads as well.


Defibrillators: Through the money raised from the Christmas windows, all necessary replacement pads have been bought and will be installed soon.


c.     Treasurer


No income was received this month.



We purchased bulbs etc for the community planters (£574.00 using the Seed Grant money) and various equipment for the Old Harbour Woods project: a throw line and buoyancy aid (£75.19), mugs (£69.65) and saws, saw blades and a gazebo (£153.42).

Fiona Berrow to apply for the new Admin Grant.



6.     Sub-Groups

a.     Planning: There are no planning applications at the minute which concern Riverside. Stirling Council have sent some draft Planning Guidance to which Andrew Fraser and Parvin Morrissey have reviewed and offered a response and which is attached at the end of these minutes.




b. Active Travel: Reminder than both Recyke-a-bike and Forth Environment Link offer free loans of various ebikes. More information can be found at https://www.recyke-a-bike.co.uk/hire-a-bike and https://felscotland.org/bike-library/


Community Advisory Group: Ashleigh Philips has been involved in various CAGs regarding the development of new active travel routes and is encouraged by Stirling Council developing the plan in consultation with local residents. Several members of the RCC are involved in the CAG regarding the development of a plan for a cycle route from Ladysneuk Road to Goosecroft Road and will report back when there is a proposed plan.

Q: How does Stirling Council make sure that non-cyclists have their voices heard in these discussions?

A: Cllr Thomson answered that this is one of the reasons that community councils are so important. He believes that there is a general positive attitude towards active travel routes, but the good will has been eroded due to delayed delivery on current projects.


Q: Was there a discussion about the plans being in line with Stirling Council’s ‘Cycling by Design’?

A: No there wasn’t.


c.  Environment:

Planters: The money from the seed grant has been spent and the bulbs in the ‘bulb lasagne’ have been planted.


Litter Pick: Di Alderdice thanked those who attended recent litter picks. There were 21 people over 3 events, collecting 20 bags of rubbish which Stirling Council took away. There was a consensus that a regular litter pick would be welcomed, perhaps every quarter.


Waverley Park: Ashleigh Philips received a message from a resident regarding the state of the play equipment at the park. Several items are in very poor condition and one has exposed nails. The question was raised about repairs or replacement pieces, and also installing accessible entry.


d. Old Harbour Woods (OHW): The woods are at the end of programme for the year and Di Alderdice is waiting to hear back about a new plan as there will be no ranger service going forward.




-Ash Philip to speak to BoA CC

- Fiona Dyet to email Stephen Bly

7.  Local Groups:

Riverside Bowling Club: A Try Bowls Event on 27th April from noon.


Treelink: All of Treelink’s Events can be found here: https://www.treelinkstirling.org/events, including their Spring Gathering and AGM on 27th April (09:45-12.15) at Stirling Guide Hall.


8.  OAB




Forthside: The plan for the Forthside Development can be found here: https://engage.stirling.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/forthsidemasterplan

Stirling Reminiscence Box: Available from Stirling Library, these boxes celebrate the social and architectural history of Stirling and contain photographs, postcards, adverts and building plans. They can be used as a way to engage with people living with dementia, giving opportunities to reconnect and stimulate conversation. More information can be found at www.scht.org.uk

Tolbooth Community Choir: There is a new, inclusive choir starting at the Tolbooth for anyone who wants to get involved. More information can be found at https://stirlingevents.org/creative- learning/tolbooth-voices/

or by contacting Jo Miller at jomiller62@gmail.com


Food Train: Joan Murphy talked about her involvement with the Food Train who have recently lost 45% of their budget from Stirling Council budget cuts. Over 200 customers receive weekly groceries through the Food Train and without the service many of these people would likely have to go into care. Joan Murphy emphasised that the Food Train will continue ‘one way or another’ and are looking for more customers.

More information can be found at: https://thefoodtrain.co.uk/contact/


Local Place Plans: Hamish Taylor asked whether the RCC was developing an LPP, which it is currently is not.


Next meeting: Wednesday, 29th May 2024. Venue: RPS. This meeting will also include the AGM.